Rebecca Minot Prescott Sherman's Revolutionary Flags
Rebecca Minot Prescott Sherman's Revolutionary Flags

Rebecca Minot Prescott Sherman's Revolutionary Flags

Rebecca Minot Prescott designed the Connecticut State Flag. 

Prescott was the second spouse of Roger Sherman, the Founder who signed the most Major Documents.

Rebecca played her own important part in the American Founding, though a large part of her story comes from an oral tradition passed down by her niece, Katherine Prescott Bennett who repeats the traditional Betsy Ross tale so her accounts should be taken with a grain of salt. 

Elizabeth Hartwell

Before we go into the life of Rebecca Minot Prescott, it is important to acknowledge Elizabeth Hartwell.

Hartwell was the first wife of Roger Sherman but passed away during childbirth in 1760, more than a decade before the American Revolution.

However, several of her children went on to play small roles in the creation of Connecticut and would be raised by Rebecca Prescott.

Rebecca Minot Prescott

When Rebecca Minot Prescott met Roger Sherman, she was a 20-year-old beauty and he was a 42-year-old widower.

Either way, the two fell quickly in love and were soon thereafter married.

In addition to the seven children of her own that survived to adulthood, Rebecca raised five of those born to Elizabeth Hartwell.

All this while Roger took long trips away to Philadelphia where he signed basically everything.

Sewing with Betsy

Rebecca does seem to have travelled to Philadelphia at least once.

While she was there, as the story goes, she became acquainted with one Betsy Ross.

When Betsy sewed her famous ‘first’ flag, Rebecca is said to have stitched together three of the stars.

More Flags

Returning to Connecticut, Rebecca’s skills with the needle seem to have become well known and she was asked to create the first State Flag of Connecticut (it probably didn’t hurt that her husband had become quite important in that State’s world of politics).

It appears that she was not in charge of the design, but rather commissioned to sew the first one.

Rebecca then went on to finish raising her children, leading to descendants that included State Governors and Supreme Court Justices, US Representatives and Senators, an Attorney General and a Vice President.

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Unfortunately, as with many Founding Mothers, the best way to learn about Rebecca Sherman is through her husband.

The best way to learn about the Sherman Family is through ‘The Creation of the American Republic.’

Pick up a copy through the Amazon affiliate link below…

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