Wealthy Homeowners Are Building Million-Dollar Closets The Size Of Studio Apartments - Total News


Wealthy Homeowners Are Building Million-Dollar Closets The Size Of Studio Apartments

An article published Tuesday in The Wall Street Journal detailed how financially illiterate wealthy people are spending extreme amounts of money on their home closets. And it’ll make you want to throw up.

Someone called Kimmie Turiansky, 49, spent $120,000 on a 470-square-foot closet inside her Bedminster, New Jersey, home because “it didn’t feel like this was my house until this was done,” she told The Wall Street Journal (WSJ). Apparently, Turiansky is reportedly not alone in her bizarre need to show off her wealth, as closets in luxury homes are becoming “bigger and more expensive.”

Homeowners apparently want to display their “curated fashion collections” like the Kings of Olde did their armor, to the point where closets are becoming spaces for entertainment, The WSJ reported. And the price tag for these literal storage spaces? Reportedly upwards of $60,000 to sometimes more than $500,000 dollars.

And apparently one closet designer Matthew Quinn claimed a client of his spent more than $1 million for a two-story closet that had both an elevator and a spray-tan booth, according to The WSJ. (RELATED: Mega Rich Super Star Lizzo — Who Dressed As A Hefty Bag For The VMA’s — Whines About Being Oppressed)

So vacuous are those purchasing these pointless upgrades, that many people throw “closet reveal” parties to show off to their friends. It is a real shame that so many people place style and wealth over the substance of their character. But then again, these people lack the self-awareness to realize how they come across to most of the rest of the world … so they’re a lot of fun to laugh at!
