40 Facts about the movie Gentleman's Agreement - Facts.net
Jean Adrian

Written by Jean Adrian

Modified & Updated: 02 Jun 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Tvinsider.com

If you’re a fan of classic movies, you’ve probably heard of “Gentleman’s Agreement.” This iconic film, released in 1947, tackles the sensitive subject of anti-Semitism in post-World War II America. Directed by Elia Kazan and starring Gregory Peck, this thought-provoking drama delves deep into the issues of prejudice, discrimination, and social acceptance.

Throughout the years, “Gentleman’s Agreement” has become not just a cinematic masterpiece but also an important cultural artifact. Its impact on society and its powerful portrayal of a divisive social issue have solidified its place as an undeniable gem in the history of film. In this article, we’ll dive into 40 fascinating facts about “Gentleman’s Agreement” that will shed light on its production, reception, and enduring legacy.

Key Takeaways:

  • “Gentleman’s Agreement” is a powerful movie that won three Academy Awards and tackled the important topic of anti-Semitism in post-World War II America. It continues to inspire important discussions about prejudice and discrimination.
  • The film’s thought-provoking narrative and exceptional performances challenge viewers to confront their own biases and work towards a more inclusive and compassionate society. It remains a vital piece of cinematic history with enduring relevance.
Table of Contents

Academy Award-Winning Movie

Gentleman’s Agreement is a 1947 American drama film that was directed by Elia Kazan. It won three Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Supporting Actress for Celeste Holm.

Inspired by a Novel

The film is based on the 1947 novel of the same name, written by Laura Z. Hobson. It tackles the sensitive topic of anti-Semitism in post-World War II America.

Gregory Peck’s Stellar Performance

Gregory Peck portrays the lead character, Philip Schuyler Green, an investigative journalist who poses as a Jewish man to expose anti-Semitism. His exceptional performance earned him an Academy Award nomination.

Elia Kazan’s Directorial Brilliance

Elia Kazan’s masterful direction brings to life the powerful storyline and thought-provoking themes of the film. His ability to handle sensitive subjects with depth and sensitivity is evident throughout.

Nominated for Multiple Awards

Aside from its three wins, Gentleman’s Agreement received several other nominations, including Best Supporting Actor for John Garfield and Best Film Editing.

Powerful Exploration of Anti-Semitism

The film delves deep into the issue of anti-Semitism, exploring the prejudice, discrimination, and social barriers faced by Jewish individuals in American society.

Impactful Social Commentary

Gentleman’s Agreement is considered a groundbreaking film for its time, offering a scathing critique of prejudice and discrimination while challenging societal norms.

Filmed in Black and White

The movie was shot in black and white, which enhances the starkness and seriousness of the subject matter.

Realistic Portrayal of 1940s New York

The film showcases an authentic depiction of 1940s New York City, with its iconic landmarks and vibrant atmosphere.

Groundbreaking for its Era

Gentleman’s Agreement pushed the boundaries of what was acceptable in cinema at the time, addressing a subject that was considered controversial and taboo.

Addressing Prejudice with Compassion

The film tackles the challenging topic of prejudice with empathy and understanding, highlighting the importance of compassion and open-mindedness.

Portrayal of Subtle Intolerance

Gentleman’s Agreement exposes the subtler forms of anti-Semitism, such as exclusion, casual stereotypes, and insidious remarks.

A Thought-Provoking Narrative

The movie’s thought-provoking storyline forces viewers to confront their own biases and examine the societal structures that perpetuate prejudice.

Exploring Identity and Authenticity

Through Philip’s experience of posing as a Jewish man, the film raises questions about identity, authenticity, and the complexities of navigating multiple cultural identities.

Cultural and Historical Significance

Gentleman’s Agreement holds immense cultural and historical significance, shedding light on a dark chapter in American history and the fight against discrimination.

Addressing Contemporary Issues

Despite being released over seven decades ago, the film’s themes of prejudice and discrimination still resonate in today’s society, making it relevant and timely.

Opening Dialogue about Discrimination

Gentleman’s Agreement sparked crucial conversations about discrimination and set a precedent for subsequent films that explored similar social issues.

Stellar Supporting Cast

In addition to Gregory Peck, the film features an exceptional supporting cast, including Dorothy McGuire, Anne Revere, and June Havoc.

Unflinching Honesty

The movie doesn’t shy away from showing the painful realities of discrimination, challenging viewers to confront their own biases and preconceived notions.

Highlighting Complicity

Gentleman’s Agreement emphasizes the role of complicity in perpetuating discrimination by showcasing characters who remain silent or turn a blind eye to prejudice.

Successful at the Box Office

The film was a commercial success, resonating with audiences and drawing attention to the importance of addressing societal issues.

Influential Cultural Movement

Gentleman’s Agreement became a part of a broader cultural movement that aimed to foster greater tolerance and acceptance in society.

Controversy and Critical Reception

The film garnered both praise and controversy upon its release, with some commending its unflinching portrayal of anti-Semitism while others found it divisive.

Brought Awareness to Anti-Semitism

Gentleman’s Agreement played a significant role in raising awareness about the issue of anti-Semitism and promoting dialogue around religious discrimination.

Important Historical Document

The film serves as an important historical document, capturing the mindset and attitudes prevailing during the post-war period in America.

Remembering the Holocaust

Gentleman’s Agreement serves as a reminder of the atrocities of the Holocaust and the ongoing fight against prejudice and discrimination.

Critical Examination of Privilege

The movie delves into the concept of privilege and the responsibility of those in positions of power to challenge discrimination and inequality.

Resonates with Diverse Audiences

Gentleman’s Agreement has resonated with diverse audiences, fostering empathy, understanding, and a commitment to combating discrimination.

Educational Value

The film continues to be used as an educational tool to explore the history of anti-Semitism, tolerance, and the importance of standing up against prejudice.

A Reminder of Progress Made

While Gentleman’s Agreement exposes the ugliness of discrimination, it also serves as a reminder of the progress that has been made in combating prejudice.

Oscar-Winning Screenplay

The movie boasts an exceptional screenplay by Moss Hart, which brilliantly captures the nuances and complexities of the story.

Unforgettable Performances

The performances in Gentleman’s Agreement, from Gregory Peck to the supporting cast, are captivating and leave a lasting impact on viewers.

Challenging Stereotypes

The film subverts stereotypes by showcasing the diversity within the Jewish community and breaking down preconceived notions.

Effective Use of Symbolism

Gentleman’s Agreement employs powerful symbolism throughout the film, further enhancing its impact and underlying messages.

Cultural Legacy

The movie’s cultural legacy is evident in its continued relevance, with subsequent generations still engaging with its themes and messages.

Showcasing Courage and Integrity

The characters in Gentleman’s Agreement exemplify courage and integrity in standing up against prejudice, inspiring viewers to do the same.

Critics’ Acclaim

The film was widely praised by critics for its honest portrayal of anti-Semitism and its contribution to initiating important discussions.

Inspiring Social Change

Gentleman’s Agreement made a significant impact beyond the confines of cinema, prompting individuals and communities to address systemic discrimination.

Elevating the Conversation

The film elevated the conversation around discrimination, making it impossible to ignore the importance of promoting tolerance and understanding.

Enduring Relevance

Gentleman’s Agreement continues to be relevant today, reminding us of the ongoing necessity to combat discrimination and embrace diversity.

In conclusion, Gentleman’s Agreement is a timeless classic that explores the theme of anti-Semitism with depth, sensitivity, and raw honesty. With its thought-provoking narrative, powerful performances, and societal impact, the film remains a vital piece of cinematic history. Through its exploration of prejudice and discrimination, it challenges viewers to confront their own biases and actively work towards a more inclusive and compassionate society. Gentleman’s Agreement not only entertained audiences upon its release but also educated and stimulated important discussions about social justice, making it a true masterpiece in the realm of American cinema.


Gentleman’s Agreement is a timeless movie that brilliantly addresses the issue of anti-Semitism in post-World War II America. With its exceptional storyline, outstanding performances, and thought-provoking themes, this film continues to resonate with audiences today. The movie’s exploration of discrimination, prejudice, and the importance of standing up for what is right is still as relevant as ever.

Through its honest and thoughtfully crafted narrative, Gentleman’s Agreement encourages viewers to examine their own biases and challenge the social norms that perpetuate discrimination. It serves as a reminder that change can only come when individuals have the courage to confront and address the issues that divide us.

Whether you are a classic movie enthusiast or someone seeking a powerful and impactful film, Gentleman’s Agreement should undoubtedly be on your watchlist. Its timeless messages and exceptional storytelling make it a cinematic gem that continues to inspire and provoke meaningful conversations about prejudice and tolerance.


Q: When was Gentleman’s Agreement released?

A: Gentleman’s Agreement was released in 1947.

Q: Who directed Gentleman’s Agreement?

A: The movie was directed by Elia Kazan.

Q: Did Gentleman’s Agreement receive any awards?

A: Yes, Gentleman’s Agreement won three Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Supporting Actress.

Q: What is the storyline of Gentleman’s Agreement?

A: Gentleman’s Agreement follows the story of a journalist who poses as a Jew to uncover the extent of anti-Semitism in American society.

Q: Who starred in Gentleman’s Agreement?

A: The movie starred Gregory Peck, Dorothy McGuire, and John Garfield in the lead roles.

Q: Is Gentleman’s Agreement based on a true story?

A: No, Gentleman’s Agreement is a fictional story, but it was inspired by the real-life experiences of the author, Laura Z. Hobson.

Q: What is the significance of the title “Gentleman’s Agreement”?

A: The title refers to an unwritten agreement among the upper-class society to discriminate against Jews without explicitly acknowledging it.

Q: How does Gentleman’s Agreement address the issue of anti-Semitism?

A: The film highlights the subtle and systemic prejudices faced by Jews in post-war America, challenging viewers to confront their own biases and work towards a more inclusive society.

Q: What is the lasting impact of Gentleman’s Agreement?

A: Gentleman’s Agreement played a significant role in raising public awareness about anti-Semitism and contributed to the growing dialogue on tolerance and acceptance.

Q: Can Gentleman’s Agreement be considered a must-watch movie?

A: Absolutely! Gentleman’s Agreement is a must-watch for anyone interested in thought-provoking and socially relevant films that stand the test of time.

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