‎‘(500) Days of Summer’ review by ThewCa • Letterboxd
(500) Days of Summer

(500) Days of Summer ★★★★

Short version: Tom is 100% right, Summer is Evil.

Long version: Summer takes advantage of Tom's feelings at every stage of their "relationship". She recognises from the start and is even told directly that Tom is looking for a partner and believes in true love, despite this, she leads him on and does everything he would want out of a relationship with her. After each of these activities just when Tom's love for her is solidifying, she tells him that she doesn't want to date him, effectively making their interaction meaningless.
While Summer also tells Tom what she's looking for from the beginning, she plays with his feelings by acting warm and affectionate one minute and then cooling him off as just a friend the next, this friendly relationship is in question as well, Tom giving her the mix that he made for her was not an inherently romantic gesture but she chose not to listen to what he had made for her showing she doesn't value Tom even as a friend.
Tom intends to have a relationship with Summer and acts accordingly whereas Summer doesn't want a romantic relationship but acts in a way that suggests to Tom that she's interested in him. Even towards the end of the film, she reveals that she's gotten married to another man, subconsciously telling Tom that she did believe in destiny and true love all along but chose not to have those feelings towards him which would imply to Tom that it was him as a person she wasn't interested in rather than love as a concept as she had been repeating throughout their "relationship".

It's still a very good film and I could speak about in much more depth :)

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