Creating an Aqualox

! This page is currently under construction and is subject to change. !

Safirans don't have trait rarities, like most original species, but they do have characteristics that occur across each species. This page breaks down what your aqualox design must have to be approved.

[Images to be Added]

Figure 1: Aqualox Silhouette

A fullbody view of an aqualox. Various traits are labeled numerically.
Figure 1

1: Water Manes
  • Manes can be any style, from luscious locks to a literal lion's mane, although the "natural", flowing style has been growing in popularity.
  • The base of an aqualox's "roots"/base does not extend past the neck/chest, with the exception of a few cases where 'loxes have manes running down their dorsal ridge.
2: Aquatic Tails
  • Aqualoxes can have any type of tail under the sea: quite literally! If you find it on a fish, an aqualox can have it.
  • Whales, squid tentacles, otter, sea-slug,  dugong, or prawn tails can be found, as well, although aren't as common.
3: Short Legs / 4: Long Bodies
  • Aqualoxes have short legs and long bodies. You can think of dachshunds or munchkin cats for this body type, but ferrets and otters also make fantastic references for this build.
  • Please notice that the maximum body length for a lox is five heads long, while the shortest is three-and-a-half heads.

Notice: Tails are not factored into an aqualox's length; only the area between the chest and the back-flank is considered to be the lox's body.

The shortest length for an aqualox
The average length of an aqualox
The longest length for an aqualox
  • Weight and muscle mass, aqualoxes can vary greatly. Some can be thin as twigs, while others may be a rotund friend. The possibilities are endless!

Figure 2: Aqualox Faces

A portrait view of an aqualox. Various traits are labeled alphabetically.
Figure 2

A: Long Ears

The minimum ear length.
Figure 3

  • Aqualoxes have ears that can only be described as excessively long.
  • Typically, they're around the length of a lox's entire head (see Figure 3), and usually grow to be longer, rather than shorter!
  • Aqualox ears are also locked into a side- or backward-facing position; they are unable to face forwards.
B: Soul Gems/Stones
  • Every aqualox has a Soul Gem (or Soul Stone, depending on its luster).
  • They do NOT have to be located on the face. Soul Gems can present themselves (in any shape or colour) anywhere on a lox's body.
  • A 'lox can have any amount of "Soul Gems", although only one is an aqualox's true Soul Gem. The others are merely jewelry used to flaunt wealth or hide which gem is the real one.

Notice: At least one Soul Gem (regardless of whether or not it's the real one) must be visible on an aqualox's Masterlist image.

C: Whiskers
  • All aqualoxes have whiskers, although some may have more or less, and placement varies widely.
  • The thickness of a lox's whiskers also differ from one another. Some 'loxes may have petite, cat-like whiskers, while others may have sausage-thick ones. Some whiskers may taper, while others remain the same thickness all the way through.
D: Large Eyes
  • Aqualoxes eyes make up a majority of their face and typically have irises just as big as the rest of the eye.
  • The eyes' appearance can be anything, from a regular eye, to a coloured sclera, to a shaped pupil.
E: nose and mouths
  • The face of an aqualox is very condensed, to the point of being almost-gecko-like.
  • They also have small, rabbit-noses.
  • Their dental structures vary based on their birthplace, where some are strictly carnivorous, others piscivorous, while the remainder are omnivorous.
    • Very few, if any, herbivorous structures have presented themselves, although this hasn't stopped any 'loxes from adopting a vegetarian lifestyle.

Aqualox Design Checklist

An optional checklist if you're submitting an aqualox design, new or old, to the Masterlist! This is the exact checklist mods use for design approval, so if the submitted image is missing one or more of these traits, edits will be requested. This is only for Masterlist images; prompt art does not need to follow this checklist.

Notice: this checklist is only a resource, and does not need to be included in any way alongside your Masterlist submission.

(Suggested) Body no shorter than three and a half (3.5) heads long
(Suggested) Body no longer than five (5) heads long
Any aquatic tail
Ears greater than or equal to the head's length
Large eyes
Rabbit nose
Lower-Placed Mouth
Water mane (with a base/"roots" that don't go beyond the head/chest, unless running along the spine)
Has at one (1) or more soul gem(s) visible


Can I add fins to my aqualox?

Yes! Go crazy with fins!

Can I add additional appendages?

Potentially! Things seen in aquatic life, such as angler lights of football fish or turtle plastrons, are completely fine. Traits such as wings, centaur extensions, or horse hooves would not be accepted.

Can I add scales to my aqualox? Or fluffy fur? Or both?

Yes! It's very common for aqualoxes to have scales mixed in with their fur, if not covering their entire body. Long fur is just as commonly seen, and your lox may even have some plumage if you so wish!

What patterns can my aqualox have?

Aqualox pelts can be any colour and present themselves as any type of pattern, so long as they adhere to Safira Island's Submission Guidelines.