Something of Myself by Rudyard Kipling | Goodreads
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Something of Myself

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"Something of Myself", Rudyard Kipling's memoir of his writing life, was composed in the year before he died and published posthumously. Its spare, polished phrases and masterly anecdotes offer a unique insight into the mind of this divided man who upheld the Victorian imperialist values of duty, patriotism and obedience, and yet sympathized with outlaws and children. Kipling describes with unforgettable vividness his bitter childhood years in the 'House of Desolation', his apprenticeship to the craft of writing through the hard grind of journalism in British India, his beloved parents and his pride in his own work. Reissued with a new introduction by Jan Montefiore, author of the brilliant recent study "Rudyard Kipling", this memoir is indispensable reading not only for Kipling admirers, but for anyone who cares about the art and craft of writing.

122 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1937

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About the author

Rudyard Kipling

6,488 books3,248 followers
Joseph Rudyard Kipling was a journalist, short-story writer, poet, and novelist.

Kipling's works of fiction include The Jungle Book (1894), Kim (1901), and many short stories, including The Man Who Would Be King (1888). His poems include Mandalay (1890), Gunga Din (1890), The Gods of the Copybook Headings (1919), The White Man's Burden (1899), and If— (1910). He is regarded as a major innovator in the art of the short story; his children's books are classics of children's literature; and one critic described his work as exhibiting "a versatile and luminous narrative gift".

Kipling was one of the most popular writers in the United Kingdom, in both prose and verse, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Henry James said: "Kipling strikes me personally as the most complete man of genius (as distinct from fine intelligence) that I have ever known." In 1907, at the age of 41, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, making him the first English-language writer to receive the prize, and its youngest recipient to date. He was also sounded out for the British Poet Laureateship and on several occasions for a knighthood, both of which he declined.

Awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1907 "in consideration of the power of observation, originality of imagination, virility of ideas and remarkable talent for narration which characterize the creations of this world-famous author."

Kipling kept writing until the early 1930s, but at a slower pace and with much less success than before. On the night of 12 January 1936, Kipling suffered a haemorrhage in his small intestine. He underwent surgery, but died less than a week later on 18 January 1936 at the age of 70 of a perforated duodenal ulcer. Kipling's death had in fact previously been incorrectly announced in a magazine, to which he wrote, "I've just read that I am dead. Don't forget to delete me from your list of subscribers."

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Profile Image for Smiley .
776 reviews18 followers
March 15, 2019
3.75 stars

I didn't think I'd have any chance to read this memoir by Rudyard Kipling till I came across this one in the DASA BookCafe in Bangkok in early August 2012. I had read some of its few excerpts somewhere and longed to read it years ago. When I was young, I first read a Thai translated version (เมาคลี ลูกหมาป่า) and wondered who wrote this wonderful story. It's a pity its author was vaguely revealed to me then. Till many years later, in my early 20s I finally found some of his books, especially "The Jungle Books" in some college/university libraries and the hero's name Mowgli popped up in my mind. Therefore, I understood why there are two Thai names, that is, the one mentioned above and another rarely heard one โมวกลี. It's obviously a matter of Thai pronunciation from two translators, and I wonder which one has been more popular so far. For some reason, เมาคลี has been more popular and seemingly widely-used; however, Mowgli generally read as two syllables, that is, /mow.gli/ = /โมว.กลี/ is closer in its pronunciation than เมาคลี /mau.kli/.

This 8-chapter memoir is not lengthy (some 138 pages) so we can reasonably finish reading it if we've known and admired him. First of all, he was the first English writer who received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1907. Second, he wrote the inspiring poem 'If ---' [] and innumerable others. Third, he was the first who famously stated that "East was East and West was West and never the twain shall meet." (p. 163). This has been a bit controversial since then, that is, some agree while some don't.

From his autobiography, I think, we can understand more and sympathize with him on his adversity while staying with a foster family in England, learning to cope with bullying by a few reckless boys and doing his best as a fledgling writer in the world of fierce, cold-blooded literary competition. Reading him may not interest some readers in the 21st century, however, we can learn from what he whole-heartedly wrote for the world to see, read and reflect. I read some of his short stories, I mean those understandable ones. Without fear or guilt, I've simply skipped those I don't have free time to tackle. At least, from his short story "In the House of Suddhoo" I found this sentence uniquely amazing and brilliant, "She was also beautiful, but that was her own affair." (Collected Stories, Everyman's Library, 1994. p. 6) since I have never read anyone who wrote like this before.

Therefore, this book as the version in his own words should by all means be read by Kipling's newcomers, enthusiasts or general readers so that they can see more light in terms of his ups and downs in which, interestingly, they might arguably affect his life and literary motives; one of the reasons is that when we read any of his works, we couldn't help wondering what he had in mind while writing that work.
Profile Image for Richard R.
54 reviews134 followers
December 12, 2022
Earlier this year, I went on holiday to Sussex and Kent. There were two places in particular that I visited: Bateman's, the former home of Rudyard Kipling and Sissinghurst, the former home of Vita Sackville West. The latter had a giftshop filled with books by Virginia Woolf, Vita Sackville West and her descendants. The former had no books by Kipling. This is not especially surprising: the start of the former Nobel laureate has fallen considerably over the years. Much of this inevitably stems from his views on imperialism but, in truth, it would most likely have happened in any case. Woolf was a genius. Kipling was not.

Kipling's autobiography does put much of this into perspective. Kipling frequently inveighs against weak liberal administration of the Empire, decrying attempts to allow Indian judges to adjudicate over white women (i.e. the sort of material that found it's way into A Passage to India) while dismissing metropolitan views that that the British in India spent their time oppressing the native. The Manchester Guardian's criticism of his work comes in for particular scorn for its denunciation of his 'iniquities."

Kipling also describes his experiences in South Africa during the Boer War, including his various conversations with Cecil Rhodes and writing poems supporting the introduction of conscription into England. In fairness, there is some nuance here: upon the conclusion of the war, Kipling writes that "we put them (the Afrikaner) in a position to uphold and expand their primitive lust for racial domination."

Something similar applies to his travels in America. Kipling is perfectly capable of musing that Lincoln had been unwise to cause the deaths of so many hardened Americans as to need further European immigration, elsewhere decrying the instinct of Irish immigrants for "secrecy and plunder." But equally, his response to a visit to the Smithsonian is to note "I never got over the wonder of a people who, having extirpated the aboriginals of their continent more completely than any modern race had done, honestly believed they were a godly little New England community, setting examples to brutal mankind."

The book is equally notable for what it doesn't contain. The account of his time in India doesn't really have any great engagement with the native population: it is largely an account of the British in India. It also omits entirely the death of his son in the First World War.
Profile Image for Leigh.
36 reviews8 followers
September 16, 2013
I first read this short (122 pages) auto-biography in an anthology of Kipling's shorter works. For years I thought it must have been an excerpt, and hoped I would run across the full-length work. But no. I suspect it may have been cut short by his death, or perhaps edited by his surviving family, who were very protective.

Nonetheless, it's a fascinating read. Among other enjoyable bits, I find his advice on editing to be excellent, and perfectly relevant to modern writers (though as someone else who quoted it notes, beware if you write on an electronic device -- India ink won't help your screen clarity one bit.)

"This leads me to the Higher Editing. Take of well-ground Indian Ink as much as suffices and a camel-hair brush proportionate to the inter-spaces of your lines. In an auspicious hour, read your final draft and consider faithfully every paragraph, sentence and word, blacking out where requisite. Let it lie by to drain as long as possible. At the end of that time, re-read and you should find that it will bear a second shortening. Finally, read it aloud alone and at leisure. Maybe a shade more brushwork will then indicate or impose itself. If not, praise Allah and let it go, and ‘when thou hast done, repent not.’ The shorter the tale, the longer the brushwork and, normally, the shorter the lie-by, and vice versa. The longer the tale, the less brush but the longer lie-by. I have had tales by me for three or five years which shortened themselves almost yearly. The magic lies in the Brush and the Ink. For the Pen, when it is writing, can only scratch; and bottled ink is not to compare with the ground Chinese stick. Experto crede."

—Rudyard Kipling, Something of Myself
Profile Image for Deborah Cater.
Author 6 books7 followers
October 25, 2013
It's a shame that those who have little of interest to tell us release the third volume of their biographies by the age of 30, whilst others with a fascinating history leave it until the final countdown before starting their first volume. Such is the case with Kipling who did not leave enough time to complete his auto-biography before being called onto a greater place.

Where that greater place would be is difficult to say. From the first paragraph Kipling invokes Allah,and later states that as Islam was his first taste of religion he found it the sweeter taste. And so begins the slim volume, contradicting the racist colonialist impression that many post-colonialists force upon him and any of their readers.

Kipling was a product of his time, and a staunch colonialist but that does not mean that his works represent any race that is non-white, European as second class. Kipling had a genuine love for India, though his views of Hindus were negatively influenced by the Islamic outlook of his early life, and this is reflected in his works.

Kipling lightly touches on each of his works showing how his experiences shaped them, leaving some legwork for the reader. He met Hardy, Theodore Roosevelt, Cecil Rhodes and many other lumninaries of the time and the insight into their worlds is enlightening.

This is a witty, light-touch biography that is tantalising in its incompleteness.
Profile Image for Peter Dunn.
473 reviews23 followers
August 28, 2017
It’s exactly what it says in the title, not quite an autobiography but some slices of Kipling’s life. Not always perfectly remembered but always interesting, insightful and very Kipling – and a little something of the life of Kipling by Kipling is something to treasure.
Profile Image for Josh.
89 reviews72 followers
April 7, 2008
Kipling had a popularity with other writers (Joyce put his talent next to Tolstoy's; William and Henry James loved him) that seems mysterious until you actually read him. His sentences are dense and tactile - whole pages drip with details made resonant and powerful through economy, architecture, and one of the most eclectic vocabularies I've ever read. "Something of Myself" is his very self-protective memoir, interesting especially for the parts about India and writing. The last chapter, called "Working Tools," is fascinating the way it's fascinating to listen to a mason talk about a wall he's making. A sort of proto craft confession, like the "Art of..." interviews in the Paris Review. Ink types, hours of work, revision, favorite paper: all this is discussed as pedantically (and therefore, convincingly) as possible. But the most compelling part, for me at least, is when Kipling speaks about his "Daemon." The idea of writer as vessel for a dictating power is usually a recipe for laziness, but Kipling's precise and unromantic tone makes it sound like just another tool (if maybe the most important).
Profile Image for Doug Young.
49 reviews
September 14, 2022
Best description of a tandem ever. Set amongst a myriad of enlightening, interesting and honest prose. Fascinating.
Profile Image for Liz Wager.
232 reviews8 followers
January 11, 2014
Short but (of course) beautifully written memoir with some brilliant insights on writing
Profile Image for Simon.
177 reviews3 followers
April 22, 2018
I really enjoyed this book , RK looking back and vaguely remembering bits of his life in little randomly selected coloured cameos .

The early days in India , the vile and hateful boarding house in England ( where he learned to insulate himself, immersing himself in his imaginings whence his writing ), back to India and OMG just walking into an awesome job as a journalist on a newspaper in Lahore , oh and really getting on with his parents whom he hadn’t seen since he was 6 cos they had sent him to board in England !!! Seems amazing but true.

Then starting to write stories for his newspaper, then seamlessly becoming world famous and taking off round the world and living in New England , England , South Africa , Australia ... marrying , having Henry James at his wedding ( one of only 3 guests ! ) Also many of his family sort of automatically became or were at the forefront of either the arts , literature or politics .... quite a charmed life except for the great tragedy ( he lost his only son John in 15 in the war ) which does not get a mention.

Throughout all of this , RK remains completely modest and intimate as an author . The voice is of one who is telling his story - in a slightly quirky manner , with occasional unusual sentence and word choices - across the table with a smile or chuckle. I liked the man and of course you read it wistfully as he is now very long dead and what he is telling you is personal and from the heart .

So a sad book but a real insight into this literary figure who at the turn of the last century was a dominant figure in literature- poesy and short story writing .

Ps: Incidentally I have recently written a critical review on his novel “ Kim “ . Interesting to note what his mother said after he had finished its writing :

“ RK said to his mother as to the plot for Kim “ what was good enough for Cervantes was good enough for him . To whom the mother “ don’t you stand in your wool boots hiding behind Cervantes with me ! You know you couldn’t make a plot to save your soul “
Profile Image for Stanley Goldyn.
Author 2 books27 followers
August 17, 2021
The genesis of my interest in reading an autobiography of this famous author lay in the style, word choice, sentence structure, and so on, used by Rudyard Kipling (RK) (1865 - 1936) in his works.

A huge staunch fan of Arthur Conan Doyle (ACD) (1859 - 1930), I wished to compare their writing styles, as both were well-travelled, visited the same haunts (among them India, South Africa, England, Australia, New Zealand), shared the same epoch in history, and survived into their septuagenarian years.

My inference suggests that ACD wrote using a more direct 'scientific' style - as perhaps, through the eyes of his fictitious Dr Watson - being a medical doctor himself, whereas RK's prose contained a romantic fluency, which carried a certain attractiveness, but which could suffer, on occasion, from a lack of clarity.

Both became famous in their lifetimes and deservedly gained honours and literary recognition. RK's memoirs here form a collection of incidents from his rich life - experiencing places, people and grievances, etc., but lack the emotional attachment that true memoirs contain and share. This, in my opinion detracted from an otherwise interesting read.

Four stars, however, as I gleaned much from within his biographical pages.
56 reviews
August 1, 2022
An incredibly shallow autobiography.

Major characters in his life are expunged. His parents and his wife are never named. There's no real depth to it, and you have to wonder what purpose it served (the subtitle is "To My Friends, Known and Unknown, but his friends would've known that this was a glossed-over, Teflon book).

Much of the autobiography is filled with what appears to be undefined family slang and awkward turns of phrase that left this reader more befuddled than anything. But the worst crime is that Kipling appears incapable of being honest with or about himself so that other authorities need to be consulted to determine what was actually happening.

Personally, the only truly interesting part was where he was swindled when buying 20 acres in North Vancouver in the late 1800s. Kipling could've ended up a Vancouverite, and a major land owner here, but instead found he'd invested in air (but annually paid the taxes on it).
Profile Image for Chrisanne.
2,563 reviews62 followers
August 6, 2019
Kipling meanders a bit here and definitely wasn't going for a "tell-all" sort of autobiography. At the same time, though, I enjoyed his enjoyment of the world around him. He really seemed to love India, Aukland, etc., and has an amused, yet slightly detached, view of his life and times.
Profile Image for Jwt Jan50.
708 reviews5 followers
July 30, 2020
Kipling fan. Need to create a separate shelf. Not sure I would suggest as your first Kipling book. Good on 19th century British prep schools, day to day life for the aspiring journalist and a bit of life in India.
Profile Image for Christopher Walker.
Author 23 books27 followers
February 3, 2023
An occasionally fascinating insight into the life and work of one of England's most celebrated authors; the part about his childhood was particularly interesting, though his little asides and knowing nods often left me wondering what he was talking about.
Profile Image for Mhbright.
113 reviews2 followers
March 11, 2017
Appropriately titled autobiography, a sketch rather than a detailed portrait, but full of interest.
Profile Image for Deborah.
45 reviews
June 12, 2017
I enjoyed this look into his life, more of a sketch than a deep autobiography. An interesting look into another time, another place.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
180 reviews1 follower
January 2, 2018
Had to read the autobiography after reading the Jungle Books.
41 reviews
February 20, 2019
Interesting details of people and places, but really a snapshot. Will support a good biography of Kipling - to be read!
3 reviews
May 28, 2022
Worth a read, but not a re-read. He shares some unique perspective of his life and time. The witty rhetoric is the best part.
Profile Image for King Rupert.
89 reviews8 followers
January 28, 2023
This book is readable and very honest. It gives a good insight into Mr Kipling and his world with his privileged standpoint and the horrors and injustices of that time. Worth reading I think.
Profile Image for Bryan.
20 reviews8 followers
January 4, 2013
I'm a little upset at R.K. for starting work on his autobiography with the churchard gate in sight. It remained unfinished at his death, and it was left to his wife and others to edit the thing for publication.

Another matter I will have to take up with him, should we meet somewhere in the great beyond, is that the book is essentially about his professional life, and, beyond his youth, conveys few details of the man, himself.

Copious Kiplingisms are strewn throughout the book, which makes it an entertaining read in its own right, and his description of his writing process is instructive (until he starts recounting his pens, inkpots and other sundries).

If you're looking for a book about Rudyard Kipling, the man, there are other biographies, which, I'm sure give more insight, but this is an important book, nonetheless, which any fan of his writing should read.
Profile Image for Bjorn Vang.
24 reviews1 follower
August 10, 2016
Despite RK being one of my all-time favorite authors and poets, until a few weeks ago, I never knew he wrote an autobiography! What a thrill to get real background information from the horse's mouth, and to learn that he had a much more varied life than I knew. Full of little pearls of wisdom, background on some of the more famous stories and poems, not to mention some relatively unknown ones. Short but sweet.
Profile Image for Esther Marie.
263 reviews15 followers
August 27, 2010
Kipling's style was a bit too dry for me. Perhaps his modesty dictated the format, but I found it difficult to easily recognize important milestones in his life; much of the narrative was episodic and unfocused. I believe this has a lot to do with the fact that this work wasn't completed at the time of his death. In any event, I would not recommend this book.
Profile Image for Sandeep.
244 reviews49 followers
December 31, 2021
Found it a bit complicated, too many details cramped into each of the chapters, locations people, dates, hard to remember everything.

I wish it was a bit simpler, may be I'm a n00b :)

PS - Kipling always reminds me, how ordinary or bad is my English and/or reading skills, this offering from Kipling does nothing different! But no hard feelings!
Profile Image for Jeanette.
325 reviews78 followers
Want to read
February 25, 2017
I'll admit it. Watching My Boy Jack on Masterpiece Theater tonight has piqued my interest in Kipling.
69 reviews
January 23, 2015
An interesting insight into the mind of this author - more for what he left out of the book than what he put in it.
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