NPG D11010; Sir Alexander George Woodford - Portrait - National Portrait Gallery

Sir Alexander George Woodford

© National Portrait Gallery, London

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Sir Alexander George Woodford

printed by M & N Hanhart
lithograph, mid 19th century
9 in. x 6 1/2 in. (229 mm x 165 mm) paper size
Purchased with help from the Friends of the National Libraries and the Pilgrim Trust, 1966
Reference Collection
NPG D11010

Sitterback to top

Artistback to top

  • M & N Hanhart (active 1839-1882), Lithographic printers. Artist or producer associated with 333 portraits.

Subject/Themeback to top

Events of 1830back to top

Current affairs

George IV dies at Windsor on 26 June; William IV succeeds to the throne.
Duke of Wellington resigns as Prime Minister to be succeeded by Earl Grey.
'Captain Swing' disturbances among agricultural districts in southern England. Taking their name from a mythical leader, hundreds of labourers break the threshing machines that threaten their winter employment.

Art and science

Liverpool and Manchester Railway opens; MP William Huskisson is run down by a train and killed at the inaugural ceremony.
William Cobbett publishes Rural Rides; a nostalgic tribute to the English countryside which expresses dismay at the sweeping changes taking place.


July Revolution in France overthrows the Bourbon dynasty. Charles X goes into exile in England and Louis Philippe, Duc d'Orleans is proclaimed King by the Chamber of Deputies who fear European opposition to the declaration of a second Republic.

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