Build, explore, and battle mobs

Do all the things you know and love—but from a fresh perspective. With a VR headset on, coming face-to-face with monstrous mobs takes on new meaning; creeping into dark caves inspires even greater trepidation thanks to 3D audio; and the light of a gorgeous sunrise seems to envelop you more completely.


Plunge Into This New Minecraft Dimension On Oculus Rift And Windows Mixed Reality

Minecraft for Oculus

Minecraft support for Oculus is a free update for Minecraft on Windows, bringing you all the features you know and love, including Creative and Survival modes, multiplayer and more!

Oculus Rift headset

Minecraft for Windows Mixed Reality

Minecraft support for Windows Mixed Reality comes free with Minecraft on Windows, bringing you all the features you know and love—including cross-platform play and multiplayer.

HP Reverb G2 headset


We've worked super hard to bring Minecraft to VR and made lots of tweaks—some subtle, some surprising—that make the game smoother to play in this unique medium. Here are some features you should know about!


Just relax! Full immersion VR can be intense, so we came up with a way to ease the strain. With a tap of your finger, you can step out of the world and play the game on a screen in a simulated lounge. It’s a great way to give yourself a bit of a break—without stopping play!


We've put a new spin on spinning! Moving round fast can feel disorienting in VR: your body’s not doing what your eyes see. Our solution lets you turn in snappy increments rather than a single arc. It’s surprising at first but quickly feels normal and is easier on the brain.


We've made tiny, clever tweaks to the way you jump, walk and run to make VR feel as smooth as possible. You can use your head to steer where your character goes and the cursor now sticks to blocks as you dig at them—so you can take in the sights while you mine!

You can toggle these features (and many more) in the options, or revert entirely to regular Minecraft controls—but we think these tweaked controls provide the best way to play the game in VR. As with all new technology, read up on the hardware’s safety information before deciding whether it's for you and remember to take regular breaks!

VR accessories

Looking for more information on how to customise your VR experience? You can find a detailed breakdown of all the VR options by reading our Minecraft in VR Guide.