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2 亿人的生活经验,都在小红书


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Xiaohongshu, also known as RED, is a Chinese social e-commerce platform founded in 2013 by Charlwin Mao and Miranda Qu. Initially, the platform started as a shopping guide app targeted towards Chinese consumers traveling overseas. Xiaohongshu quickly gained popularity and transformed into a comprehensive platform that provides user-generated content, social networking, and e-commerce services.

The headquarters of Xiaohongshu is located in Shanghai, China. The company has expanded its operations globally and currently has offices in various major cities, including Beijing, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, and San Francisco. The main products and services offered by Xiaohongshu are focused on lifestyle, beauty, fashion, and travel.

Users can discover and share their product experiences, tips, and recommendations through photos, videos, and reviews. Additionally, Xiaohongshu provides a seamless e-commerce experience, allowing users to directly purchase products from the app. On a global scale, Xiaohongshu has formed partnerships and collaborations with international brands to expand its product offerings.

Noteworthy subsidiary companies of Xiaohongshu include RED Beauty and Little Red Book Data Technology. RED Beauty offers a curated selection of beauty products, while Little Red Book Data Technology specializes in big data analysis. Xiaohongshu holds a strong market position in the Chinese social e-commerce industry.

As of now, the company has over 300 million registered users with the majority being young urban females. Xiaohongshu's success can be attributed to its user-friendly interface, reliable product information, and the trust it has established among consumers. In recent years, Xiaohongshu has been recognized as one of the world's most innovative companies by Forbes and Fast Company.

The company has also secured significant investments from prominent investors, including Alibaba and Tencent. Currently, Xiaohongshu continues to grow and expand its user base. The platform is constantly adapting its strategy to meet the evolving needs of its users and the dynamic e-commerce market.

With its strong market presence and continuous innovation, Xiaohongshu remains a leading player in the global social e-commerce industry


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Privately Held

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