45 Facts about the movie The Big Country - Facts.net
Rosy Alba

Written by Rosy Alba

Modified & Updated: 28 May 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Amazon.com

Released in 1958, “The Big Country” is a classic Western film that has captivated audiences for decades. Directed by William Wyler, the movie boasts an impressive cast, including Gregory Peck, Jean Simmons, Charlton Heston, and Burl Ives. Set against the backdrop of the vast American frontier, the film tells the story of a retired sea captain named James McKay who travels to the West to marry his fiancé. McKay finds himself embroiled in a bitter feud between two powerful ranching families, the Terrills and the Hannases. With stunning cinematography, compelling storytelling, and memorable performances, “The Big Country” has become a beloved piece of cinematic history. In this article, we delve into 45 fascinating facts about the making of this iconic and influential movie.

Key Takeaways:

  • “The Big Country” is a timeless classic in the western genre, featuring epic landscapes, intense performances, and a gripping storyline that explores themes of honor and integrity.
  • The film’s success and influence have solidified its place in cinematic history, inspiring future filmmakers and captivating audiences with its timeless appeal.
Table of Contents

The Big Country ranked as one of the top western movies of all time

With its epic storyline and breathtaking cinematography, The Big Country has become a timeless classic in the western genre.

The movie was directed by William Wyler

Renowned director William Wyler took the helm for The Big Country, showcasing his talent for capturing grand landscapes and intense performances.

It was released in 1958

The Big Country made its debut in 1958, mesmerizing audiences with its compelling narrative and stellar cast.

The film stars Gregory Peck

Gregory Peck plays the lead role of James McKay, a man who finds himself caught in a violent feud between two rival families.

The story revolves around a fight over water rights

The Big Country portrays the struggle for control over water rights in the unforgiving American West, highlighting themes of morality and honor.

The movie features an impressive ensemble cast

Apart from Gregory Peck, The Big Country boasts a star-studded cast including Charlton Heston, Jean Simmons, and Burl Ives.

The film won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor

Burl Ives gave a standout performance as Rufus Hannassey, winning the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor.

The theme song “The Big Country” became iconic

The stirring theme song composed by Jerome Moross has become synonymous with the film, evoking a sense of grandeur and adventure.

The movie was primarily shot on location in California and Texas

The filmmakers captured the awe-inspiring landscapes of California’s Mojave Desert and Texas’ breathtaking countryside to establish the film’s authenticity.

The horse-riding scenes were meticulously choreographed

The Big Country showcases thrilling horse-riding sequences expertly choreographed by Hollywood’s top equestrian trainers.

The film highlights the contrast between the Old West and modern society

Through its characters and storyline, The Big Country explores the clash between traditional values and progress in the changing West.

The movie was a critical and commercial success

The Big Country received positive reviews from critics and was a box office hit, further solidifying its status as a classic western film.

The film’s runtime is approximately 2 hours and 46 minutes

With its expansive narrative, The Big Country offers a captivating cinematic experience that spans nearly three hours.

The Big Country marked the directorial debut of William Wyler in the western genre

Despite being known for his work in drama and romance, Wyler proved his versatility by masterfully directing this iconic western film.

The movie was based on a novel by Donald Hamilton

Donald Hamilton’s novel, “Ambush at Blanco Canyon,” served as the source material for The Big Country, providing the foundation for its gripping storyline.

The film explores themes of honor and integrity

The Big Country delves into the importance of standing up for one’s principles and facing adversity with unwavering integrity.

The Big Country showcases breathtaking cinematography

The film’s wide-angle shots and sweeping landscapes capture the vastness and beauty of the American West.

The screenplay was written by James R. Webb

James R. Webb crafted a compelling screenplay that brought the characters and their struggles to life, contributing to the film’s success.

The movie was shot in Technicolor

Technicolor technology was utilized to enhance the vibrant visuals of The Big Country, showcasing the rich colors of the Wild West.

The Big Country was nominated for several Academy Awards

In addition to Burl Ives’ win, The Big Country received nominations for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Supporting Actress, and Best Original Score.

The film’s title reflects the vastness and untamed nature of the American frontier

The Big Country perfectly encapsulates the ruggedness and grandeur of the Western landscape explored in the film.

The movie features intense and gripping gunfight scenes

The Big Country delivers thrilling and suspenseful gunfights that keep audiences on the edge of their seats.

The film addresses social issues such as class and prejudice

Underneath its action-packed exterior, The Big Country touches upon social themes, shedding light on the divide between social classes and the detrimental effects of prejudice.

The Big Country was a groundbreaking film for its time

With its innovative storytelling and stunning visuals, The Big Country pushed the boundaries of what could be achieved in the western genre.

The movie showcases the hardships endured by pioneers

The Big Country portrays the challenges faced by early settlers in the Wild West, illustrating their resilience and determination.

The film’s score was composed by Jerome Moross

Jerome Moross crafted a dynamic and memorable score that perfectly complements the film’s sweeping landscapes and dramatic moments.

The Big Country received widespread acclaim for its performances

The cast’s exceptional acting abilities were highly praised by critics and audiences alike, solidifying the film’s place in cinematic history.

The movie features memorable quotes that have become iconic

The Big Country’s screenplay is filled with powerful and memorable quotes that have resonated with audiences over the years.

The film’s release contributed to the popularity of the western genre

The success of The Big Country helped fuel the demand for western films, leading to a surge of similar movies in the following years.

The movie utilized authentic costumes and props

The production team paid meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that the costumes and props accurately reflected the time period and setting.

The film’s climax is a thrilling showdown between the rival families

The Big Country builds up to a climactic confrontation that is both suspenseful and satisfying, providing a fitting conclusion to the story.

The movie explores the complexities of human relationships

Through its characters’ interactions, The Big Country delves into the intricacies of love, friendship, and loyalty in a hostile environment.

The Big Country remains a beloved favorite among fans of the western genre

The film’s enduring popularity is a testament to its timeless appeal and its ability to captivate audiences across generations.

The movie’s success led to a restoration and re-release in later years

The Big Country’s impact prompted a restoration of the film’s original print, allowing new audiences to experience it in all its glory.

The film’s screenplay underwent revisions to enhance its dramatic impact

James R. Webb’s original screenplay was refined through multiple drafts to maximize the emotional depth and resonance of the story.

The Big Country is hailed for its realistic portrayal of the Wild West

The attention to detail, from the costumes to the sets, immerses viewers in the authentic atmosphere of the era.

The movie’s soundtrack has become a favorite among film score enthusiasts

Jerome Moross’ masterful composition has gained a cult following, with its soaring melodies evoking the vastness of the American frontier.

The Big Country features stunning panoramic shots of the landscape

The cinematography captures the sheer beauty and magnitude of the Western terrain, adding to the film’s visual splendor.

The movie’s realistic depiction of horse riding was groundbreaking

The Big Country set a new standard for horse riding sequences in western films, meticulously choreographing the action for added realism.

The film’s narrative is filled with unexpected twists and turns

The Big Country keeps audiences engaged with its unpredictable plot developments and surprising character motivations.

The movie emphasizes the importance of moral courage

Throughout the film, characters are faced with difficult choices that test their moral fiber, highlighting the significance of integrity and bravery.

The Big Country celebrates the spirit of adventure and exploration

The film captures the allure of the untamed West and the desire for discovery that drove pioneers to venture into unknown territories.

The movie’s cinematography has been praised for its composition and framing

The Big Country’s visual style elevates its storytelling, utilizing framing techniques to enhance the emotional impact of key scenes.

The film’s exploration of themes such as honor and loyalty resonates with audiences

The Big Country’s universal themes of honor and loyalty transcend time and place, making it relatable to viewers of all backgrounds.

The Big Country’s legacy continues to inspire future filmmakers

The film’s influence can be seen in the works of subsequent directors who have been inspired by its epic scale and storytelling prowess.


In conclusion, “The Big Country” is an iconic Western film that has captivated audiences for decades. With its timeless themes, spectacular cinematography, and memorable performances, this movie continues to be a beloved classic in the genre. From the sprawling landscapes to the intense gunfights, “The Big Country” presents a compelling narrative that explores the complexities of honor, courage, and love in the Wild West. Whether you’re a fan of Westerns or not, this film is definitely worth a watch for its stellar cast, gripping storyline, and breathtaking visuals. So grab some popcorn, settle in, and let “The Big Country” transport you to a bygone era of cowboys and outlaws.


Q: Who directed “The Big Country”?

A: “The Big Country” was directed by William Wyler.

Q: When was the movie released?

A: “The Big Country” was released on October 1, 1958.

Q: Who starred in “The Big Country”?

A: The movie stars Gregory Peck, Jean Simmons, Carroll Baker, Charlton Heston, and Burl Ives, among others.

Q: What is the plot of the movie?

A: The film follows a retired sea captain who arrives in the untamed West and finds himself caught in a bitter feud between two influential families.

Q: Did “The Big Country” receive any awards?

A: Yes, the movie was nominated for seven Academy Awards, including Best Picture, and won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for Burl Ives.

Q: Is “The Big Country” based on a novel?

A: No, the movie is not based on a novel. It was an original screenplay written by James R. Webb.

Q: What is the runtime of the film?

A: “The Big Country” has a runtime of approximately 2 hours and 46 minutes.

Q: Does “The Big Country” have any notable filming locations?

A: Yes, the movie was primarily filmed in various locations across California, including the picturesque landscapes of the Santa Inez Valley.

Q: Is “The Big Country” suitable for all ages?

A: The movie is rated G, making it suitable for audiences of all ages.

Q: Can you recommend similar Western films?

A: If you enjoyed “The Big Country,” you might also like “Shane,” “High Noon,” or “The Magnificent Seven.

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