Hollywood Wives (Hollywood Series, #1) by Jackie Collins | Goodreads
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Hollywood #1

Hollywood Wives

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They lunch at Ma Maison and the Bistro on salads and hot gossip. They cruise Rodeo Drive in their Mercedes and Rolls, turning shopping at Giorgio and Gucci into an art form. They pursue the body beautiful at the Workout and Body Asylum.

Dressed by St. Laurent and Galanos, they dine at the latest restaurants on the rise and fall of one another's fortunes. They are the Hollywood Wives , a privileged breed of women whose ticket to ride is a famous husband.

Hollywood. At its most flamboyant.

490 pages, Paperback

First published July 1, 1983

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About the author

Jackie Collins

193 books2,534 followers
There have been many imitators, but only Jackie Collins can tell you what really goes on in the fastest lane of all. From Beverly Hills bedrooms to a raunchy prowl along the streets of Hollywood; from glittering rock parties and concerts to stretch limos and the mansions of power brokers-Jackie Collins chronicles the real truth from the inside looking out.

Jackie Collins has been called a "raunchy moralist" by the late director Louis Malle and "Hollywood's own Marcel Proust" by Vanity Fair magazine. With over 500 million copies of her books sold in more than forty countries, and with some 30 New York Times bestsellers to her credit, Jackie Collins is one of the world's top-selling novelists. She is known for giving her readers an unrivalled insider's knowledge of Hollywood and the glamorous lives and loves of the rich, famous, and infamous. "I write about real people in disguise," she says. "If anything, my characters are toned down-the truth is much more bizarre."

Jackie Collins died of breast cancer Saturday, September 19, 2015. Jackie Collins, who had kept her illness secret, said recently that she believed in an afterlife, that she had no regrets and that she had emulated Frank Sinatra in that “I did it my way.”

Visit Jackie's website: www.jackiecollins.com
www.facebook.com/jackiecollins and Pinterest:

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5 stars
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978 (8%)
1 star
271 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 346 reviews
Profile Image for Kathleen.
74 reviews7 followers
March 13, 2008
I actually wrote a book report about this in 10th grade. It didn't seem weird to me at the time and my English teacher didn't say anything about it, but I have to wonder what I was smoking to think this was the sort of book I should write a book report on.
Profile Image for Julie.
4,144 reviews38.1k followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
May 19, 2024
When I saw this book in the KU library I simply could not resist. I read it way back in the 1980s- and I think I read some of the follow-up books too. But while I remember it being a quintessential trashy novel, I couldn’t recall the details after so many years. So, I thought it would be fun to read now…

Well, not so much. This one did not age well- which I knew it probably wouldn’t- but geez this thing is bad. I’m not remotely interested in these people- the language is just awful- and I’m forcing myself to read it- so… off it goes back to the KU library.

A DNF since I only got to the 30 percent mark. No rating.
Profile Image for Jenn Andrew.
86 reviews8 followers
July 25, 2008
Even though Jackie Collins is considered a fluff writer, I love her books. She is a good break from the serious drama and mystery type books that I like to read. This book is very entertaining and it delves into the lives of the famous, rich and exotic type of people.

She has a way of writing her story so that you never really know if it is all true or not. The more money made, the more opportunities for people in the spotlight to act crazy and get away with it. You hear it all the time on Entertainment Tonight or Star!

This book is about the lives of the wives behind the famous men in Hollywood. It describes the hidden lovers, secret fantasies and crazy dreams of these women who live in the limelight of their husbands. It was hard to say who was my favorite character because I liked all the women she described. They were glamorous, ambitious and delightedly naughty. What else can I say about this book except the fact that I liked reading about the problems that befall the rich and famous. The drug problems, alcoholic and relationship problems that the couples go through and how they handle it. With all their money and glamour, they seem to go through the same problems as everyone else in the world except it is more extreme because they have more money to blow.

Hollywood Wives is a nice, thick book that goes into detail about each character and what she should not be doing behind her husband's back! This book was like eating cheesecake after dinner. It was light, sweet reading that put a smile on your face when you were done and left you licking your lips for more. Jackie Collins is one of my favorite writers when I want to take a break from more of my serious reading. Hollywood Wives reminded me of the old television series Melrose Place which I loved to watch. For all you Melrose or Dallas fans, this book is for you!
Profile Image for Brian Francis.
Author 4 books107 followers
August 16, 2012
Hollywood Wives , written by Jackie Collins, was the sixth book I read in my Summer of Guilty Pleasure reads. Published in 1983, it was the 50 Shades of its day; a dirty, scandalous book that everyone read, but only behind closed doors.

It reminded me of the TV show, Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous , which aired in the 80s. Robin Leach would tour the world in search of millionaires who allowed camera crews into their mansions. It was hard not to fall under the spell. Wealthy people can seem so much better, so much worthier, especially when you’re watching them while lying on a shag carpet.

Now that I’m older, my infatuation with celebrities has diminished and it’s hard to empathize with wealthy people, which doesn’t always make them good book characters, even when you throw a serial killer into the mix – as Collins does. In the end, genre books like Hollywood Wives – and 50 Shades – seem to be more about filling a void in readers than delivering a story. Maybe there's a piece of shag in all of us.

Profile Image for Kylie.
824 reviews17 followers
June 5, 2022
I loved this!!

50% of this book is scandalous, full of affairs and an interesting situation involving Vaginismus, while the other 50% is like reading an entirely different book that is dark and murderous but when these two stories come together it was magic!
Profile Image for ~Sofia~.
90 reviews28 followers
July 23, 2019
Hollywood wives is probably one of the most notable books by Miss Collins. It lacks none of the finesse of Collins writing and I did indulge in this novel like that extra slice of cake you shouldn’t have but can’t help yourself.

There are a variety of characters in this novel and Collins does characterisation so well. I enjoy getting drawn into plot lines as all characters are so strong. Drama. Money. Sex. Drugs. This is Hollywood and these are their Wives. Brilliant storytelling by Collins.
Profile Image for jenn.
499 reviews25 followers
March 7, 2011
For some reason, this book was not really on my radar until it got chosen by my trashy book club. Which is appropriate, because this is the trashiest trash that ever trashed. It's so trashy that, while I wonder how much of it is based in reality, I sort of don't even want to know.

The three stars are almost entirely for the crazy audacity it took just to put the thing together. But it's tough to get into the characters because most of them can't go more than 4-6 hours without sex, which just gets repetitive after a few hundred pages. But most of all, the weird homicidal maniac storyline that supposedly ties everything together is just plain whackadoo. I mean, the characters are already trying to produce a movie together - it's a plot that works. I think Aaron Spelling might have even left CrayCray McGee out of the miniseries, and we all know AS did not mess around. (Pours a Fuzzy Navel on the ground.)
Profile Image for Tessa Nadir.
Author 3 books337 followers
June 13, 2020
Cate o stea pentru fiecare volum. Singurul lucru pozitiv pe care pot sa-l mentionez despre aceste carti este ca pe una dintre ele se afla Anthony Hopkins pe coperta.
Avem de-a face cu o poveste gen "Tanar si nelinistit", fara cap si coada. O multime de personaje neinteresante, ostentative si penibile incadrate in intamplari scandaloase, neverosimile si menite sa socheze. Vampe batrane care se incurca cu baieti tineri, barbati flescaiti care seduc femei siliconate si in general un haos total in arborele genealogic nemaiputand urmari cine cu cine s-a casatorit si cine al cui copil este. Niciodata sexul n-a parut atat de fad si plictisitor iar pana se termina cartea, cititorul se va satura de aceste secvente inserate la tot pasul.
Poate ca pentru anii 80-90 aceste comportamente ar fi fost socante sau interesante dar acum nu mai pot starni interesul nimanui. Pana la urma, singurul sentiment pe care aceste volume il pot starni la cititor este dorinta de a da foc la intregul Hollywood.
Profile Image for Cheryl.
1,029 reviews
November 2, 2022
Classic 80's Hollywood trash novel. An amusing read, if you're in the right mood. The plot bogs down a bit toward the end of the first half, but the second half really takes off. It's mainly about a hot movie that everyone in Hollywood wants to be a part of. There's also a murder sub-plot that becomes connected with the rest of the story in the second half. It's pretty much what you'd expect: a quick, mindless, entertaining read.

Read for the June group read at Classic Trash: https://www.goodreads.com/topic/group...
Profile Image for Angie.
19 reviews
January 19, 2010
Thought I would give myself a break from the old classics and try some classic trash and this book got me hooked. I absolutely love Jackie Collins. She's fun and easy to read and I've happened to get a couple of friends reading her works too. God bless Jackie Collins!
47 reviews2 followers
June 11, 2008
Sometimes I like to read crap.

If memory serves, this was particularly stupendous crap.
Profile Image for Piper Silverthorne.
10 reviews1 follower
March 23, 2008
This is not intellectually stimulating material, but sometimes I like a good quick rollercoaster ride of a dirty novel. This one is definitely dirty, and follows some very dynamic characters through all kinds of troubling situations. One line stuck with me and I actually added it to my mantra list... "This is your life, Piper Silverthorne, can you hack it?" Obviously the name was different (Buddy Hudson), but when I feel particularly challenged or WHATEVER I say that and it makes me smile and soldier on-- such a ridiculous place to find inspiration, a Jackie Collins novel, but you never know what life will hand you.
Profile Image for Erin.
20 reviews55 followers
January 17, 2022
I gave this two stars because it did turn into a page turner for me in the second half of the book, but my GOD there was a lot of lengthy preamble to get there! So many unnecessary moments. I will say I’ve never read a book quite like this one, and everything did come together in the end, but I don’t think I’ll be going for another Jackie Collins book anytime soon.
Profile Image for Regina Ibrahim.
Author 22 books108 followers
July 22, 2017
of course i read this at a very young age. Trying very hard to know what is on with Hollywood living. Jakie has many novels. Read one you read all seriously... laden with glam glitters and sex definitely.
Profile Image for H.J. Moat.
Author 1 book5 followers
August 31, 2019
Jesus Christ. What a ride that was. Utterly batshit and completely un-put-down-able.
Profile Image for Badal.
6 reviews2 followers
February 2, 2022
This book is completely crazy but you should still read it.
Profile Image for Tammy MacMullin.
151 reviews1 follower
April 24, 2023
This is not my usual type of book, but I wanted something easy to read, that was light and not much thinking was involved. This was exactly what I needed!

This is my first Jackie Collins book. She did not disappoint. It was filled with shallow people, who were so caught up in themselves, and who based their worth on what they have... it was great! While these people annoy me in real life, it was so entertaining to read about. Their whole existence just seemed so self centered and pointless, lol!

I loved this escape from reality. The lives of these characters made me feel great about my own life choices, haha!

This was like reading a soap opera. Lying, cheating, sex, money, etc. I swear I was disappointed when it ended.

I needed this book, and I'll be reading similar ones in the future to keep things light.
Profile Image for Opal.
241 reviews8 followers
June 13, 2019
some of this is bad in a very fun way, some of it was just bad in a bad way
not exactly mad i read it i guess, i do like a trash mess sometimes but it def isn't something i could ever recommend
Profile Image for Shawn Byrnes.
21 reviews
April 11, 2008
This book is exactly what you'd expect it to be....trash, utter trash; but that doesn't suggest that it wasn't entertaining, because it was. If you'd pick up any random tabloid and have it novel-sized, you'd get Hollywood Wives. This book is filled with everything you can imagine that is delicioulsy scandelous, and I loved every trashy page of it!
Profile Image for Kricket.
2,300 reviews
February 18, 2014
i got 3/4 through but it was so cheesy and dated. also i was getting stressed out about this party that one wife was throwing and i realized i hated her. and then i realized i hated all the characters.
Profile Image for Ruth.
427 reviews26 followers
February 23, 2021
Showbiz style gossip book. Who doesn't like a bit of Jackie Collins? Her books were huge in their day...which is no surprise, she has a style and it works.
I've read the sequel, Hollywood Husbands, which wasn't as good, but still worth reading, for pure escapism.
Profile Image for Jonetta.
2,320 reviews1,157 followers
July 27, 2022
I read this many years ago but remember it was pretty wicked but a really interesting book. It will keep you entertained.
Profile Image for Shameka.
359 reviews28 followers
July 4, 2023
2.5 stars

Jackie Collins is a nostalgic author for me. I discovered her books in high school when I was much too young for them and I used to enjoy escaping with one of her stories. Hollywood Wives was one of her biggest releases so when I saw it on kindle unlimited I decided to give it a try. I can't say I really enjoyed the story. It took me almost a month to finish it. It's full of completely unlikable, mostly irredeemable characters. And there are way too many of them to keep up with-most of whom serve absolutely no purpose to the plot. It's also full of racist, sexist, and homophobic language. I get that the book was published in the 80s when certain terms may have been more socially acceptable and that Jackie herself seemed to be welcoming of people from all backgrounds in her personal life, but I couldn't get past the language. The story didn't really pick up until over 50% through the book. Then when I finally got invested in what was happening it gave a completely anticlimactic ending.

I think I will still read some of the other Jackie Collins books I've missed over the years but this one just didn't work for me.
Profile Image for Amanda Larkman.
Author 5 books82 followers
April 30, 2020
OK so I know I should be using lockdown to read lots of improving books. But sometimes a gal needs a bit of Jackie Collins to get her through.

Considering how old this is if feels surprisingly undated - but then I suppose I am pretty old too - a youngster may find this more dated.

But I love it. Fast paced, ridiculous and full of wonderful details about the absurdity of Hollywood.

Loved Ross and Elaine Conti and Buddy Hudson.

The women are kickass and the sex scenes are appropriately over the top. Was Silver Anderson based on Joan Collins, I wonder? (Silver is in Hollywood Husbands!)

The perfect escapism. Love it.
March 7, 2024
as a reality tv lover, this book was perfect for me. a fun and trashy look into rich hollywood life with fun mysteries and plot twists. it’s like if reality tv was in a book and i loved it. it was a tinyyyy bit long for me but worth it for the end and filled with fun drama. if you’re looking for a lighter and fun read that still has deep stuff and shocks this is for you. if i could give it 4.5/5 starts i would
Profile Image for Whitebeard Books.
235 reviews68 followers
April 8, 2018
Now you might expect just as I did that this would be like reading a soap opera. And it turns out to be pretty much that. I'm sure that while there are advantages to living and socializing in the movie capital of the world, there are equally as many disadvantages, not to mention the gossip! I am reading this and Hollywood Husbands at the same time just to compare notes.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 346 reviews

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