38 Facts about the movie Scream - Facts.net
Malissia Spry

Written by Malissia Spry

Modified & Updated: 31 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Filmpurgatory.com

Welcome to the spooky world of Scream! This iconic horror movie, directed by Wes Craven and released in 1996, has become a beloved classic among horror enthusiasts. Known for its thrilling plot, unforgettable characters, and iconic Ghostface killer, Scream has left an indelible mark on the genre. In this article, we will dive deep into the chilling details and reveal 38 fascinating facts about the movie. From behind-the-scenes trivia to interesting tidbits about the cast and production, get ready to scream in delight as we explore the secrets behind this bone-chilling masterpiece. So, grab your popcorn, turn off the lights, and prepare to be spooked as we unravel the mysteries and uncover the secrets of Scream!

Key Takeaways:

  • Scream” is a 1996 horror movie that revived the slasher genre, featuring a clever script, iconic mask, and unexpected twists. It’s a must-watch for horror fans!
  • The movie’s self-awareness and meta commentary made it a game-changer, leading to sequels, a TV series, and a fifth installment in the works. It’s a horror classic with lasting impact.
Table of Contents

The movie Scream was released in 1996.

It was directed by Wes Craven and written by Kevin Williamson.

The iconic Ghostface mask was inspired by a painting called ‘The Scream’ by Edvard Munch.

The mask has become synonymous with the movie and is a popular choice for Halloween costumes.

Scream was a critical and commercial success, grossing over $173 million worldwide.

It revitalized the slasher genre and spawned three sequels.

The opening scene of the movie, featuring Drew Barrymore, was shot in one intense take.

It set the tone for the rest of the film and became one of the most memorable scenes in horror movie history.

The movie cleverly plays with horror movie tropes and conventions.

It subverts audience expectations and keeps them guessing until the very end.

The character of Sidney Prescott, played by Neve Campbell, became an iconic final girl in the horror genre.

She appeared in all four Scream movies and became a beloved and enduring character.

The movie features a star-studded cast, including Courteney Cox, David Arquette, Rose McGowan, and Matthew Lillard.

Their performances contributed to the success and popularity of the film.

Scream was meta before meta became a trend.

The characters in the movie are aware of horror movie cliches and reference them throughout the film.

The movie’s original title was ‘Scary Movie’ but it was changed to Scream before release.

The title perfectly captures the tone and theme of the film.

The movie was initially given an NC-17 rating.

Several scenes had to be edited to secure an R-rating.

The Ghostface mask has been parodied in various movies, TV shows, and cartoons.

It has become an iconic symbol of horror.

Scream was influenced by classic horror movies like Halloween and A Nightmare on Elm Street.

Director Wes Craven paid homage to these films while creating a fresh and innovative story.

The movie’s screenplay was partially inspired by real-life events, including the Gainesville Ripper murders.

It added a chilling realism to the story.

The rules for surviving a horror movie, as mentioned in the film, have become widely known among horror fans.

They include avoiding sex, drugs, and saying “I’ll be right back.”

The Ghostface killer was played by multiple actors throughout the movie series.

This helped maintain the mystery of the killer’s identity.

The movie’s script was originally called “Scary Movie” before being reworked and retitled as Scream.

This change helped make the movie’s title more impactful and memorable.

Scream was praised for its self-awareness and clever dialogue.

The witty banter between the characters added an extra layer of entertainment to the film.

The movie’s success led to a resurgence of interest in the slasher genre.

It paved the way for other self-aware horror movies like Cabin in the Woods and Tucker and Dale vs. Evil.

Scream was nominated for several awards, including Saturn Awards and MTV Movie Awards.

It won the Saturn Award for Best Horror Film.

The movie’s iconic mask was based on a Halloween mask the production team found in a house they were scouting for locations.

They decided it was the perfect mask for the killer.

Ghostface has become one of the most recognizable horror movie villains.

It has been referenced and parodied in numerous forms of media.

Scream is known for its unexpected twists and surprises.

It keeps the audience on the edge of their seats and guessing who the killer is until the very end.

The movie’s script went through several revisions before it was finalized.

The final version combined elements of horror, comedy, and mystery.

The movie’s opening scene featuring Drew Barrymore was inspired by Hitchcock’s Psycho.

It establishes the brutal and suspenseful tone of the film.

Kevin Williamson, the writer of the film, came up with the idea for Scream while watching news coverage of the Gainesville Ripper case.

It sparked the idea of a horror movie that was aware of horror movie tropes.

Scream was shot in just 50 days.

The tight shooting schedule added to the intensity and urgency of the film.

The movie’s success spawned a franchise with three sequels, a TV series, and a fifth installment in development.

Scream 5 is set to be released in 2022.

The character of Randy, played by Jamie Kennedy, became a fan favorite due to his extensive knowledge of horror movies.

He often provided valuable commentary and insight into the events of the film.

The movie’s self-referential nature helped popularize the term “meta” in film discussions.

It created a new level of analysis and interpretation for horror movies.

Scream was one of the first horror movies to utilize caller ID as a plot device.

It added a modern and technological twist to the traditional slasher formula.

The original script for Scream went through significant changes during production.

These changes included altering the killer’s identity and adding more humor.

The movie’s success helped revive the career of director Wes Craven, who had previously directed horror classics like A Nightmare on Elm Street.

Scream became another iconic addition to his filmography.

The movie’s iconic score, composed by Marco Beltrami, added to the tension and suspense of the film.

It became synonymous with the Scream franchise.

Scream received positive reviews from critics, praising its clever writing and performances.

It holds a 79% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

The movie’s success led to a resurgence in popularity for the slasher genre in the late 90s.

It inspired other movies to explore self-awareness and meta commentary.

Scream has been analyzed and studied in academia for its cultural significance and impact on the horror genre.

It has been the subject of film courses and scholarly articles.

Scream was initially banned in several countries due to its violent content.

The controversy surrounding the film only added to its allure and popularity.

The success of Scream led to a resurgence of interest in Wes Craven’s other works, including his earlier horror movies.

It cemented his status as a master of the genre.


In conclusion, Scream has undoubtedly made its mark as one of the most iconic and influential horror movies of all time. From its self-awareness and clever commentary on the genre to its memorable characters and chilling suspense, this film continues to captivate audiences even decades after its initial release. With its innovative approach to horror storytelling and its ability to keep audiences on the edge of their seats, Scream remains a classic that has paved the way for countless slasher films that followed. Whether you’re a die-hard horror fan or someone looking to experience the thrills of a well-crafted suspenseful movie, Scream is definitely worth a watch.


1. Who directed Scream?

Wes Craven directed Scream, known for his contributions to the horror genre with films like A Nightmare on Elm Street.

2. What is the plot of Scream?

Scream follows a group of high school students who are targeted by a masked killer known as Ghostface. As the body count rises, they must try to uncover the identity of the killer before becoming his next victims.

3. When was Scream released?

Scream was released on December 20, 1996.

4. Who stars in Scream?

The main cast of Scream includes Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox, David Arquette, Skeet Ulrich, and Drew Barrymore.

5. Is Scream a true story?

No, Scream is not based on a true story. It is a work of fiction.

6. How many sequels are there to Scream?

There have been four sequels to Scream, namely Scream 2, Scream 3, Scream 4, and the latest, Scream (2022).

7. Is Scream a slasher movie?

Yes, Scream is considered a slasher movie, characterized by its masked killer and the high body count.

8. Is Scream a comedy or a horror movie?

Scream is primarily classified as a horror movie, but it also incorporates elements of comedy and self-awareness, making it a unique blend of genres.

If you enjoyed learning about the iconic horror movie Scream, there's even more trivia and behind-the-scenes facts waiting to be discovered. Dive deeper into the Scream franchise by exploring additional fascinating details about the original film and its thrilling sequel, Scream 2. From the cast's experiences on set to the clever writing and unexpected twists, these articles offer a wealth of information for fans of the series. So, grab some popcorn, settle in, and prepare to uncover more secrets about these beloved slasher flicks.

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