Even wrestling fans who prefer the modern product over the last few decades have at least heard the name, Michael Hayes. The man was not only an incredibly charismatic performer, but he was also in one of the most legendary tag team groups of all time. Everyone has heard of the Freebird Rule, and Micheal Hayes is at least in part to thank for that rule.

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He had a lengthy in-ring career, but he continued to stay involved with the world of wrestling long after he had retired from action. Hayes has managed to work his way into rather important positions with WWE over the years, and his mind for the business is likely a great contributor to that success. He’s done a lot throughout his career, so there is a lot to learn about Micheal Hayes.


10 He Became A Fabulous Freebird Sooner Than You Think

Michael Hayes Vs. Russian Assassin - Chi-Town Rumble

No one would be blamed for assuming that the creation of The Fabulous Freebirds came a bit later in Hayes’ career, but their ultimate beginnings were in 1979, only two years after he debuted.

Most wrestlers take years, if not decades to find the gimmick that launch them to superstardom, so Hayes must have always had a mind for the business. Creating one of the most iconic tag teams in history right at the start of his career is something no one can ever take away from him.

9 He’s Released An Entire Album Of Music

Jimmy Garvin Michael Hayes  Starrcade 1991

There are a surprising number of wrestlers who have or have had thriving music careers on the side, but Hayes may actually be the first one. Not only did he release music, but his group, The Badstreet Band, also played plenty of shows.

He even performed for the WCW music album that was released back in 1992. His musical endeavors weren’t small either, his album had tracks that reached upwards of five minutes in length, so it’s clear that he put his soul into his music the same way he did with wrestling.

8 He Was A Part Of A Decade Long Feud

The Fabulous Freebirds Vs. Greg Valentine & The Taylor Made Man

It’s possible that fans of The Fabulous Freebirds immediately think back to their heated feud with The Von Erichs. It’s often regarded as one of the greatest feuds in wrestling, and it’s easy to see why when people remember the feud went off and on for roughly ten years.

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The feud itself was filled with tons of twists and turns thanks to the nature of the business at the time. Members finding themselves split up and of different moral alignments led to some tense moments. The feud began in 1982 and didn’t officially end until 1993 at a memorial event.

7 WWE Wanted To Split Him From The Freebirds

Michael Hayes during a Hall of Fame ceremony

Hayes and the other Freebirds could have made a serious impact in WWE as early as 1984, but the industry might have looked very different if they had. At that time, WWE supposedly wanted to split the famous team apart.

Their time with the company was pretty short-lived as it seems when talk of splitting them up began, the group was much happier to simply wrestle elsewhere. It’s almost ironic that the group would find themselves split up only a few short years later anyway.

6 He Appeared In A Famous Film

Michael Hayes

Hayes has done it all throughout his long career, even making an appearance in a much-loved movie, Highlander. He didn’t appear alone, instead, he appeared alongside the other Fabulous Freebirds in a short wrestling scene during the film’s opening segment.

It’s not a “blink and you miss it” moment either, The Fabulous Freebirds are on the screen and in your face for quite a while during the opening. Their popularity and endless charisma made them the perfect choice to feature in a movie at that time.

5 He Once Joined His Greatest Enemies Against The Freebirds

With a feud as significant as The Freebirds Vs. The Von Erichs, it may shock many people to learn that Hayes sided with The Von Erichs at one time. As a face, Hayes was shocked by his heelish former teammate’s actions in the ring after some shenanigans involving weights.

He then turned his back on his former teammates, something that would eventually result in one of the other Freebirds turning face. This was all so Hayes could feud with one of his other former Freebirds in some dramatic matches. Despite all of that, Hayes would find himself heel again only a year later.

4 His Music Career & Wrestling Career Mixed In An Incredible Way

Michael PS Hayes Cropped

A wrestler with a legitimate music career would be missing out on a huge opportunity if they never let the two mix together. Luckily for fans of music and wrestling, his wrestling career found its way onto a music stage during one of Hayes’ concerts.

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His former brother Buddy Roberts ended up attacking Hayes on-stage during one of his performances, something that had to be a shock for everyone in attendance at the time. To make things more violent, Roberts smashed a guitar over Hayes during the attack.

3 He Was Fired By The Hardy Boyz

Hardys & Hayes v APA Fully Loaded 1999 Cropped

Hayes was an entirely different man when he made his way to WWE. He did plenty of hosting for the company, but eventually, they set him up as a manager for talent. To the surprise of many, he was paired with The Hardy Boyz in 1999.

Unfortunately, he wouldn’t remain their manager for all that long once he inadvertently cost them their tag team titles. He’d been pinned in a handicap match against The Acolytes which resulted in a title change. It’s safe to say that The Hardy Boyz were angry since they fired him only a short while later.

2 He Was Once Aligned With Paul Heyman

Michael Hayes stares down Scott Steiner

Everyone who’s a fan of Paul Heyman has a list of wrestlers they wished he managed at some point, but many probably never would have paired Michael Hayes with him. The two actually did spend some time together when he turned heel in WCW.

There was a time when Hayes turned heel in order to manage fellow wrestling legends, Bobby Eaton and Arn Anderson. The pair were aligned with Paul E. Dangerously at the time, effectively making Hayes a member of his formidable group, The Dangerous Alliance.

1 He Originally Joined WWE In 1995 To Wrestle

stone cold king of the ring promo
via WWE

Had a significant injury not caused him to retire, WWE could have been a very different place in the late nineties. Hayes actually had a tryout match for the company when he made his way back there, but ended up taking a behind-the-scenes role.

His back injury stopped him from being able to step into the ring with the best the company had to offer at the time, but there was still plenty for him to do. Hayes found himself hosting, interviewing, and commentating as Dok Hendrix, so he was never too far from the action he longed for.