A-Z Description of Jesus Hymnary Apps

A to Z Descriptions of Jesus!

Letter A -Description of Jesus

He is Alpha and Omega, the Anointed One, Author and Finisher of our faith, Author of life, the Altogether lovely One, All in all, the Advocate, Ancient of Days, Anchor of my soul, Almighty God, the Amen, Apostle and high priest of my confession, the Arm of the Lord.
Advocate - 1 John 2:1
Alive for Evermore - Revelation 1:18
All-Knowing - Psalm 139:1-6
All, and in All - Colossians 3:11
Almighty - Revelation 1:8
Alpha and Omega - Revelation 1:8
Altar - Hebrews 13:10
Altogether Lovely - Song of Solomon 5:16
Amen - Revelation 3:14
Ancient of Days - Daniel 7:13 & Daniel 7:22
Anointed One - 1 Samuel 2:35
Author of Eternal Salvation - Hebrews 5:9
Author of our Faith - Hebrews 12:2

Letter B -Description of Jesus

He is the Blessed and only Potentate, Bright and morning star, Beginning and the End, the Brightness of the Father’s glory, He’s my Brother, my Bridegroom, my Beloved, my Banner, He’s the Bread of life, the Branch of the Lord, Baptiser in the Holy Spirit and my Blessed hope of a coming kingdom.
Balm of Gilead - Jeremiah 8:22
Banner over us - Ps 60:4 S of Sol 2:4
Bearer of Sin - Hebrews 9:28
Before All Things - Colossians 1:17
Beginning and Ending - Revelation 1:8
Bishop of our Souls - 1 Peter 2:25
Blessed and Only Potentate - 1 Timothy 6:15
Blessed Hope - Titus 2:13
Bread of Life, my manna - John 6:35
Bridegroom - John 3:29
Bright and Morning Star - Revelation 22:16
Brightness of His Glory - Hebrews 1:3
Buckler - Psalms 18:30

Letter C -Description of Jesus

He’s Creator of all things, Commander and Captain of the Lord’s host, the Chief corner stone, Chosen of God and precious; He’s my Confidence, Counsellor and Comforter. He’s the Consolation of Israel. The Chief Shepherd, Circumciser of the heart, He is Christ.
Captain - Joshua 5:14-15 - Hebrews 2:10
Changeless One - Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:8
Chief Among 10,000 - S. of Solomon 5:10
Chosen of God - 1 Peter 2:4
Christ - Matthew 1:16 - 1 John 5:1
Comforter - John 14:16-18
Consolation of Israel - Luke 2:25
Counselor - Isaiah 9:6
Creator - Romans 1:25 - Isaiah 40:28
Crown of Glory - Isaiah 28:5

Letter D -Description of Jesus

He’s the Desire of all nations, the Door into everlasting life, Diadem of beauty, my Dwelling place, my Defence, and Deliverer. He’s David’s seed the Destroyer of demons and He’s my Doctor.
Daystar to Arise - 2 Peter 1:19
Defense - Psalms 94:22
Deliverer - Psalms 40:17
Desire of all Nations - Haggai 2:7
Despised and rejected - Ps 22:6, Is 53:3
Diadem of Beauty - Isaiah 28:5
Door of the Sheep - John 10:7
Dwelling Place - Psalms 90:1

Letter E -Description of Jesus

He is the Express Image of God, the Everlasting Father, the End of the law to everyone that believes, Eternal Light, the Exceeding great reward. He is Emmanuel ­ 'God with us'.
Emmanuel - Matthew 1:23
End of the Law - Romans 10:4
Ensign of the People - Isaiah 11:10
Equal with God - Philippians 2:6
Eternal God - Deuteronomy 33:27
Eternal Life - 1 John 1:2
Everlasting Father - Isaiah 9:6

Letter F -Description of Jesus

He is a Friend that sticks closer than a brother, the First born, First Begotten from the dead, the First fruit, Faithful and true witness, our Forerunner into heaven for us. He’s the Fairest of all, Former of all things, Fountain of living waters, Fortress of salvation and the Foundation that no one else can lay. He is the Forgiveness and Forgiver of my sin.
Faithful and True - Rev 19:11 - Rev 3:14
Finisher of the Faith - Hebrews 12:2
First Begotten - Hebrews 1:6 - Romans 8:29
Firstfruit of Them Sleep -1Cor 15:20 Rom 11:16
Fortress - Psalms 18:2
Foundation Which is Laid - 1 Cor.3:11
Fountain of Living Waters - Jer 17:13 Ps 36:9
Friend of Publicans and Sinners - Luke 7:34
Friend Sticks Closer than a Brother - Prov 18:24

Letter G -Description of Jesus

He is God, Governor of the nations, my Guide, the Glory of God, Giver of Salvation, the Gate and the Gift of God. He’s the Good Shepherd and Guarantee of our salvation. He is the Glory and the Lifter of my head. He is the Giver of the Grace of God.
Gift of God - John 4:10
Glory, my and lifter of my head - Psalms 3:3
God Who Avenges Me - Psalms 18:47
God Blessed Forever - Romans 9:5
God Who Forgives - Psalms 99:8
God of My Life - Psalms 42:8
God in the Midst of Her - Psalms 46:5
God manifest in the flesh - 1 Timothy 3:16
God of My Righteousness - Psalms 4:1
God of My Salvation - Psalms 18:46
God of My Strength - Psalms 43:2
God With Us - Matthew 1:23
Good Shepherd - John 10:11
Gracious - Ex 33:19, Rom 16:24, Rev. 22:21
Great God - Titus 2:13
Great Shepherd of the Sheep - Hebrews 13:20
Guide Even Unto Death - Psalms 48:14

Letter H -Description of Jesus

He is the Head of all principality and power, the Holy One, Heir of all things, High Priest. Head of the Body, the Church. He my Hope, my Hiding place, my Holiness, the Horn of my salvation and the Hope of Glory.
Harmless - Hebrews 7:26
Head of all Principality & Power - Col 2:10
Heir of All Things - Hebrews 1:2
Helper - Hebrews 13:6
Hiding Place - Psalms 32:7
High Priest Forever - Hebrews 6:20
High Tower - Psalms 18:2
Holy One Of Israel - Psalms 89:18
Horn of Salvation - Luke 1:69
Husband - Revelation 21:2

Letter I -Description of Jesus

He is the great I AM, the Image of the invisible God, Immortal, Invincible, Incorruptible. He is my Intercessor who ever lives for me.
I Am - John 18:6
Image of the Invisible God - Colossians 1:15
Immanuel - Isaiah 7:14
Inhabiter of Eternity - Isaiah 57:15
Inhabiter of Praises - Psalms 22:3
Intercessor - Isaiah 53:12 & Romans 8:34

Letter J -Description of Jesus

He is Jesus the Just and Justifier of all who believe in Him. The Judge of all, and the Joy of the Lord who gives me strength.
Jehovah Jireh - Provider - I Jn 4:9, Philip 4:19
Jehovah Nissi - Banner - I Chronicles 29:11-13
Jehovah Shalom - Peace - Is 9:6, Rom 8:31-35
Jehovah Tsidkenu - Righteousness - I Cor 1:30
Jehovah Shammah - Present - Hebrews 13:5
Jehovah M'Kaddesh - Sanctifier - I Cor 1:30
Jehovah Rophe - Healer - Isaiah 53:4,5
Jehovah Rohi - Shepherd - Psalm 23
Jesus - Matthew 1:21
Jesus Christ Our Lord - Romans 7:25
Judge of All - Genesis 18:25 - Acts 10:42
Just One - Acts 7:52

Letter K -Description of Jesus

He is the King of kings, King of glory, King of Ages, King of Israel, King of Zion. He’s the Kindness and love of God toward man appeared.
Keeper - Psalms 121:5
King Eternal - 1 Timothy 1:17
King Immortal - 1 Timothy 1:17
King Invisible - 1 Timothy 1:17
King of Glory - Psalms 24:7-8
King of Heaven - Daniel 4:37
King of Kings - Revelation 19:16
King of Peace - Hebrews 7:2
King of Righteousness - Hebrews 7:2
King of Saints - Revelation 15:3

Letter L -Description of Jesus

He’s the Light of the world; He is Love, Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Lamb of God that was slain to take away the sin of the world. He is the Lamp of God, Leader of the Church, the Life giving Spirit, and Lily of the valley. The Last Adam, the Living One, Lord of lords, Lord of Hosts, Lord of heaven and earth, Lord of the living and the dead, Lord of the harvest and Lord of all.
Lamb of God - John 1:29 - Rev 17:14
Lamb Slain - Rev 13:8 - Rev 5:12 - Rev 7:17
Last Adam - 1 Cor.15:45
Lawgiver - James 4:12
Life - John 14:6
Lifter of Mine Head - Psalms 3:3
Light - John 1:7
Light of the World - John 8:12
Lily of the Valleys - Song of Solomon 2:1
Lion of the Tribe of Judah - Revelation 5:5
Living Bread - John 6:51
Lord and My God - John 20:28
Lord and Savior - 2 Peter 1:11
Lord of the Dead and the Living - Rom 14:9
Lord God Almighty - Revelation 16:7
Lord God Omnipotent - Revelation 19:6
Lord Jesus Christ - James 2:1
Lord of Glory - 1 Cor.2:8
Lord of the Harvest - Matthew 9:38
Lord of Lords - 1 Timothy 6:15

Letter M -Description of Jesus

He the Messiah, the Man at God’s right hand, Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. The Maker, Mighty to save, Most holy, Mediator of a better covenant and the Messenger of God. He is the Minister of the truth. Manner from heaven, Mighty God the Morning Star and Most exalted One. He is my Master.
Maker - Psalms 95:6
Man of Sorrows - Isaiah 53:3
Master - Matthew 23:10
Mediator - 1 Timothy 2:5
Merciful - Heb 2:17
Messiah the Prince - Daniel 9:25
Mighty God - Isaiah 9:6
Morning Star - Revelation 2:28

Letter N -Description of Jesus

He is the Nazarene, Near not far, the Name above all names.
Name Above Every Name - Philippians 2:9
Nazarene - Matthew 2:23

Letter O -Description of Jesus

Offspring of David, One who was and is and is to come, Only wise God, Only Begotten Son, Overseer of our souls and Offering for my sin.
Omega - Revelation 22:13
Omnipotent - Revelation 19:6
Only Begotten Son - John 3:16
Only Potentate - 1 Timothy 6:15
Only Wise God - 1 Timothy 1:17

Letter P -Description of Jesus

He is the Passover sacrificed for us, Prince of Peace, Perfecter of faith, the Power of God, and a Prophet like unto Moses. He is Priest and Purifier, the Pearl of great price, Precious, my great Physician. My Provider and Provision.
Passover, my - 1 Cor.5:7
Pavilion - Psalms 31:20
Peace, our - Ephesians 2:14
Physician, great - Luke 4:23
Portion of Mine Inheritance - Psalms 16:5
Potter - Jeremiah 18:6
Power of God - 1 Cor.1:24
Preeminent one - Colossians 1:18
Pearl of Price - Matt 13:46, 1 Cor.6:20
Prince of Peace - Isaiah 9:6
Propitiation for Our Sins - 1 John 2:2

Letter R -Description of Jesus

He is the Quickening Spirit and Quencher of darkness.
Quick Understanding - Isaiah 11:3
Quickening Spirit - 1 Cor.15:45

Letter R -Description of Jesus

He is the Resurrection and the Life, Root and offspring of David, Ruler of God’s creation, the kings of the earth and Israel. He is my Rabbi, Rock of Ages, Radiance of God’s glory, my Redeemer. He’s the Righteousness of God, a Refuge in a time of storm, a River of the water of life, Rose of Sharon, Renewer of my mind and Restorer of my Soul.
Rabbi - John 3:2
Ransom for Many - Matthew 20:28
Redeemer - Job 19:25 - 1 Cor.1:30
Refiner - Malachi 3:2
Refuge in Trouble - Ps 46:1, Ps 9:9
Refuge from the Storm - Is 25:4
Resting Place - Jeremiah 50:6
Resurrection and the Life - John 11:25
Reward of the Righteous - Psalms 58:11
Righteous Judge - 2 Timothy 4:8
Righteousness, my - 1 Cor.1:30 - Rom 10:3
Rock that is Higher than I - Psalms 61:2
Rock of My Refuge - Psalms 94:22
Rock of Our Salvation - Psalms 95:1
Root and Offspring of David - Revelation 22:16
Rose of Sharon - Song of Solomon 2:1

Letter S -Description of Jesus

He is our Salvation, Saviour and Servant, the Seed of the woman who bruised the serpent’s head, Seed of Abraham through which all nations will be blessed. Shiloh, Son of God, Son of David, Shepherd and the Stone rejected. A Stumbling block to those who do not believe in Him, Sun of Righteousness who rises with healing in His wings, He’s my Shield, my Strength, my Sword and Soon coming King. He is the SAME yesterday, today and forever.
Sacrifice for Sins - Hebrews 10:12
Salvation, my - Psalms 27:1
Same Yesterday, Today, Forever - Heb 13:8
Savior of the Body - Ephesians 5:23
Savior of the World - John 4:42
Scapegoat - Leviticus 16:8 & John 11:49-52
Scepter of Israel - Numbers 24:17
Sent One - John 9:4
Separate from Sinners - Hebrews 7:26
Serpent in the Wilderness - John 3:14
Shadow of the Almighty - Psalms 91:1
Shadow of a Great Rock - Isaiah 32:2
Shelter - Psalms 61:3
Shepherd, my - Psalms 23:1
Shield - Psalms 84:9
Sin, for us - 2 Cor.5:21
Son of God - John 1:49
Son of Man - John 1:51
Song, my - Isaiah 12:2
Spiritual Rock - 1 Cor.10:4
Star out of Jacob - Numbers 24:17
Stone the Builders Rejected - Matthew 21:42
Strength of My Life - Psalms 27:1
Stronghold in the Day of Trouble - Nahum 1:7
Strong Tower - Proverbs 18:10
Stronger than the enemy - Luke 11:22
Sun of Righteousness - Malachi 4:2

Letter T -Description of Jesus

He’s the Tested Stone, Teacher, the Truth, True Light, True Witness and the True God. He is my Thanksgiving to God.
Tabernacle of God - Revelation 21:3
Tender Plant - Isaiah 53:2
Testator - Hebrews 9:16
Treasure - 2 Cor.4:7
True Bread from Heaven - John 6:32
True Light - John 1:9
True Vine - John 15:1
Truth - John 14:6

Letter U -Description of Jesus

Undefiled - Hebrews 7:26
Unspeakable Gift - 2 Cor.9:15
Upholder of All things - Hebrews 1:3
Upright - Psalms 92:15

Letter V -Description of Jesus

He is the Vine
Very God of Peace - 1 Thessalonians 5:23
Very Present Help in Trouble - Psalms 46:1
Victory - 1 Cor.15:54
Vine - John 15:5
Voice - Revelation 1:12

Letter W -Description of Jesus

The Way, the Wisdom of God; He is Wonderful Counsellor, Word of God made flesh who lived amongst us, Word of Life.
Way - John 14:6
Well of Living Waters - John 4:14
Wisdom of God - 1 Cor.1:24
Wise Master Builder - 1 Cor.3:10
Witness of God - 1 John 5:9
Wonderful - Isaiah 9:6
Word - John 1:1 - Revelation 19:13
Worthy - Revelation 4:11
Worthy Name - James 2:7

Letter X -Description of Jesus

Exceeding Great Reward - Genesis 15:1
Excellency - Job 13:11
Excellency of Our God - Isaiah 35:2
Excellent - Psalms 8:1
Express Image of His Person - Hebrews 1:3

Letter Y -Description of Jesus

Young Child - Matthew 2:11
Yes and Amen - 2 Cor 1:20

Letter Z -Description of Jesus

Zeal of the Lord of Hosts - Isaiah 37:32
Zeal of your House - John 2:17

He is all this and more! He is THE LORD JESUS CHRIST! “Which if all that Jesus has done were written of Him; there would not be enough books in the world to contain them.”
(John 21:25)
By acknowledging Jesus as Lord and inviting Him to take care of you, opens the door to the wonderful partnership with Him and you.