Q&A with "Married ... with Children" actress Amanda Bearse, who had been scheduled to perform in Pinehurst

Q&A with “Married ... with Children” actress Amanda Bearse, who had been scheduled to perform in Pinehurst

Rodger Mullen
The Fayetteville Observer

Amanda Bearse pulls no punches discussing the show that made her famous.

From 1987 to 1997, Bearse played Marcy, next-door neighbor to Al and Peg Bundy on Fox’s “Married … with Children” TV show.

The show, Fox’s first hit, was controversial in its time for its raunchiness. Bearse’s chipper character was forever at loggerheads with her miserable, sexist neighbor Al.

“I mean, it was a raunchy, mean-spirited show, don’t get me wrong,” Bearse said. “It couldn’t have been made today, I’m not sure it should have been made then, but it made a lot of people laugh. It still does.”

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Bearse, 61, is had been scheduled to play Olive Madison alongside Teresa Ganzel’s Florence Unger in a female version of “The Odd Couple.” The Judson Theatre production was going to be staged in Owens Auditorium on the campus of Sandhills Community College before concerns over coronavirus forced its cancellation.

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Born in Florida, Bearse studied at New York City's Neighborhood Playhouse and landed the role of Amanda Cousins on the soap “All My Children.” She appeared in several movies, including the 1985 horror cult classic “Fright Night.”

In 1987, the fledgling Fox network took a chance on “Married … with Children,” which was popular with viewers but drew attacks from some conservative groups.

After the show ended, Bearse focused more on directing and teaching. She recently answered questions by telephone; here are some excerpts:

Sunday Life: Tell me the female version of “The Odd Couple.”

Bearse: Neil Simon wrote the female version in the ‘80s. And I think the male version might have been right about 1970, with the play, then the film, then the television series. As a kid, I watched the series more, that was more familiar to me, the Jack Klugman-Tony Randall (version).

I always enjoyed Neil Simon’s work, I actually have been teaching for about the last four years at a film school in Seattle, Washington, where I’ve been living and I use this play often, because I would have more females than males most of the time, my students, and it’s just a great, fun, accessible type of humor and characters that I think everybody can relate to.

Sunday Life: It sounds like you do more directing than acting these days.

Bearse: Well, I quit acting after “Married … with Children” and that was purposeful. They gave me my second career as a television director. I directed in about six seasons of that show, and when that show ended ... I wanted to be taken seriously as a director and Hollywood is kind of weird that way. They’re like, well you do that, you can't do that, even though I’d been doing both for some years.

So I chose directing, I really was very purposeful and deliberate about it. And I had a great run, I directed hundreds of episodes of sitcoms and then went on to do sketch comedy, so always comedy. It’s kind of become my main focus, even though I studied dramatic work under Sanford Meisner at the Neighborhood Playhouse I ended up on a funny Fox human cartoon show.

Sunday Life: What was the ‘Married … with Children’ experience like?

Bearse: Well, it was 10 years of my life, so it’s a big period of time and that was significant in many ways. It afforded me job security, which was incredible, although we didn’t know year to year if we would continue.

We started that network. We launched that network. That show would not have gotten on one of the other three. We were sort of forging new territory in a way.

Sunday Life: Did the controversy over the show bother you?

Bearse: Oh no, it was great. People were like, ‘What are they talking about, what show?’

It was idiocy and farce and often times just a lot of fun. But also universally offensive, so there you have it, I’m not going to shy away from calling it out.

Sunday Life: You were always portrayed as bickering. How did you get along on set?

Bearse: Often times well and toward the end it wasn't as pleasant. You spend that much time with anyone, you’re going to have good days and bad days. And that’s kind of why the show ended up kind of petering away, just because there was some discord.

But we had a good run and I’m still in touch with (co-star) Christina Applegate, I’m one of her hugest fans. A lot of the shows I directed featured her character and she and I really got on well, and I’m still very good friends with David Garrison, the actor who played my first husband. And then I’ve also seen Ted McGinley (who played her second husband) in recent years and that’s just been a delightful experience.

Sunday Life: You came out as gay publicly while the show was still on the air. Did you get push-back or negativity for that?

Bearse: I was the first one, it was kind of unusual to be on national television and do that. And then Ellen of course, made her mark a few years later.

For me, I had been out, of course, in my personal life. The reason I chose that period of time was because it was when my daughter was being born. And the tabloids — this was long before social media — were going to take one grain of truth, which is the fact that I was adopting a child, and then make it their own. And it was just too sacred a story for them to treat it the way they were going to and that’s when I decided I’m going to tell the story my way. That was 1993.

Sunday Life: You were also in the cult classic “Fright Night.” Do you still get recognized for that?

Bearse: Yes. Now they have this world of conventions. a whole universe over the last couple of decades that has just taken off, blown up, however you want to put it, all over the world. And I reunited at these horror conventions with the cast of “Fright Night,” of course with the exception of Roddy McDowall who passed some years back.

But it’s just been great and the greatest fun. And to have another cult classic like “Married … with Children” just brought me out into this world. Not only do I get to see these people that I worked with years ago and cared about, but I also get to meet the fans that still cherish those older projects.

Staff writer Rodger Mullen can be reached at rmullen@fayobserver.com or 910-486-3561.