About | Intuitive Readings through Astrology


Who I Am

Hi, I’m Danielle, thanks so much for being here! This is the part where you read all about who I am. But the ironic part is that can’t be summarized in a small paragraph for anyone.

We are so much more, we are cosmic beings moving through this human journey and that’s part of what I teach you. You’ll begin to know your soul
in the most beautiful way possible and when you know your soul, you’ll
have all the answers you need.

Astrological Bio

I’m a loyal and grounded (Taurus
Sun), nurturing and caring (Cancer
Moon), soul explorer and mystic who
loves traveling and searching for more knowledge about life and the Universe! (Sagittarius Rising).

I’m an Intuitive Astrologer and Spiritual Teacher but again so much more. I help you understand your purpose, shift patterns, learn to love and accept yourself (yes this includes your body/vessel), understand what cycles you’re in and help you step into your power!

What makes me unique is my ability to integrate my logic (if you know me you’ll know how grounded and practical I am!) with my intuition. This dance between the physical and the spiritual realms allow me to blend my astrological background with my intuitive abilities and my knowledge of universal patterns and rhythms to help you understand what’s happening on an energetic level so that you can live a happier, more fulfilled life.

Because….as above, so below. You are stardust incarnated into a human body and you’re here to feel and experience the beauty and abundance of life.

I know this may sound a little over your head (no pun intended!) but don’t worry, it’s my purpose to make it easy for you to understand.

The other part of my purpose is to help you shift your consciousness. Once the veil of limited beliefs and personas gets “removed” you can see clearly that we all have the ability to sense and feel. It’s not scary or strange, it’s literally part of our human journey. What becomes scary is when we are so numb to it. That’s where fear, anger, and sadness start to creep in.

My work at the very core is to bring you back home to yourself because

“you’ve had the power all along, my dear”.

Professional Bio

Danielle Paige is an International Spiritual Teacher, Soul Astrologer, Host of Cosmic Body Podcast and Founder of Purposely Divine: School For Your Soul and Astrology Mystery School. A self-taught astrologer, who’s been reading the stars for lifetimes, she continued her studies with some of the world’s top astrologers. She then devoted herself to learning different types of healing to create her own style of spiritual medicine. By fusing astrology, energetic healing, and intuition, she is able to help her clients heal their wounds, clear old patterns, and help them come back home to their heart. Danielle has given talks on mysticism and astrology at Scorpios Mykonos, Glossier Headquarters in NYC, Soho House, The Assemblage, The Goodfest and has traveled to over 32 countries bringing women together while leading retreats in Hawaii, Costa Rica, as well as 3 retreats on the Greek Islands of Mykonos and Kythnos. Her work has been featured in Vogue Netherlands (twice!), Goop, Astrology.com, London Standard, The Numinous, Yogi Approved, Thought Catalog, JDate, CBS Radio and more!



I’ve interpreted charts for lifetimes (yup!). It started in Ancient Egypt (a story for another day!) and in this lifetime I received my Master’s in Interior Architecture (I told you the logical part was strong).

You see, I’ve always read blueprints…they started out as the inner workings of buildings and now its transformed into blueprints of one’s soul.

In this lifetime my karmic contract was to remember my craft, however, I can assure you I had no idea this was my purpose and my journey until my life was completely turned upside down!

Everyone has a story that led them to this moment…this was mine…

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

Up until a couple of years ago, I had no clue….yet at the same time I always knew…
As early as I could remember, I had this feeling that I was here to do something important…but what?

I have always been very intuitive and in touch with my emotions and feelings, however, it wasn’t until I started to get older that I realized not everyone was able to feel and sense energy of other people around them like I did.

Fast forward several years and destiny’s path started to unfold – on the tail end of my Saturn Return (30 years old) my life completely changed. The Universe picked me up and carried me toward my destiny. As fate was surely knocking I was quickly introduced to Astrology and the rest is history!

One life changing evening an acquaintance read my birth chart.  I was so amazed with what he told me that I went home that night and read everything I could about Astrology until the sun came up…literally!

Suffice it to say, the learning and passion has not stopped since.  A decade later I’ve come to use Astrology as a tool to blend my analytical (left brain) and intuitive (right brain) abilities to help client’s unravel the mysteries of their life’s journey.

But there’s more…a lot more juicy information! Read the rest of my


A lot of people have been wondering how it is I got into what I
am currently doing. Let’s just say that like most people these
days I’ve had many different jobs throughout my life.
Read more about my awakening and life changing experience!

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And one step closer to connecting
to the wisdom of your soul!