The Meaning Behind The Song: Late Lament by The Moody Blues - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Late Lament by The Moody Blues


The Meaning Behind The Song: Late Lament by The Moody Blues

Title Artist Writer/Composer Album Release Date Genre Producer
Late Lament The Moody Blues Graeme Edge & Peter Knight This Is The Moody Blues (1974) November 10, 1967 Progressive Rock N/A

“Late Lament” is a poem written by Graeme Edge, the drummer of the iconic band The Moody Blues. It serves as the closing track on their 1967 album “Days of Future Passed”. This poem is performed as a spoken-word piece, delicately voiced by Edge, providing a profound reflection on life and the passage of time. The words of “Late Lament” are combined with the song “Nights In White Satin,” creating a powerful and emotional finale to the album.

The Mood and Atmosphere

Breathe deep the gathering gloom
Watch lights fade from every room
Bedsitter people look back and lament
Another day’s useless energy is spent
Impassioned lovers wrestle as one;
Lonely man cries for love and has none;
New mother picks up and suckles her son;
Senior citizens wish they were young

The opening lines of “Late Lament” evoke a sense of melancholy, capturing the essence of a world in despair. The gathering gloom symbolizes the fading hopes and dreams of individuals as they face the harsh reality of life. The bedsitter people looking back and lamenting reflect a sense of regret and emptiness, echoing how many might feel when reflecting upon wasted days.

The poem goes on to explore different aspects of human emotions, from impassioned lovers struggling with unity, to a lonely man yearning for love, to the nurturing love a mother provides for her child. It even touches upon the universal desire to recapture youth, as senior citizens long for the days gone by.

The Cold-Hearted Orb

Cold-hearted orb that rules the night
Removes the colours from our sight
Red is grey is yellow white
But we decide which is right
And which is an illusion

The recurring theme of the “cold-hearted orb” symbolizes the passage of time and the cyclical nature of life. It represents an impartial force that governs the world, removing the vibrancy and beauty from our lives. The colors fading to grey and white reflect the loss of joy and vitality as we age.

However, the poem provides a glimmer of hope. It reminds us that we have the power to decide what is right and what is simply an illusion. It suggests that we have the ability to find our own meaning amidst the chaos and uncertainties of life.

Personal Reflection

As a longtime fan of The Moody Blues, “Late Lament” has always held a special place in my heart. The hauntingly beautiful words, coupled with the delicate composition of “Nights In White Satin,” never fail to evoke a powerful emotional response in me.

Whenever I listen to this song, it transports me to a contemplative state where I’m confronted with the transient nature of life. It serves as a reminder to cherish every moment and make the most of the time we have. The poignant poetry in “Late Lament” resonates deeply within me, making me reflect on my own journey and the choices I’ve made.

Ultimately, “Late Lament” by The Moody Blues encapsulates the universal human experience of longing, loss, and the desire for meaning. Its profound lyrics and ethereal melodies have made it an enduring piece of musical art that continues to captivate audiences to this day. It’s a song that touches the soul and reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles, that our collective human experiences bind us together in a shared journey.

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