Blues for Wood - JAZZIZ Magazine

Ascent to the Blues

“Blues for Wood”


With his latest outing, Ascent to the Blues, Russian trumpeter Alex Sipiagin adds yet another chapter to the evolving narrative that is hard-bop. For his own part, Sipiagin, a jazz faculty member at New York University, brings a mix of influences to the style in an effort to push against its boundaries — folding in elements of the ‘80s downtown New York scene (fitting, as he’s played with Michael Brecker and Dave Holland), Mingus-post-Mingus (he was a member of the Mingus Big Band for more than a decade) and the Cubist jazz renderings of trumpeter Woody Shaw (whom Sipiagin considers an idol). In fact, it’s on a cover of “Blues for Wood,” a Shaw original, that Sipiagin displays some of his most ambitious work, using the composition’s sturdy blues foundation as a platform for his leaping, twisting, somersaulting lines. Hats off to saxophonist Diego Rivera, pianist Art Hirahara, bassist Boris Kozlov and drummer Rudy Royston — who together have become something of a Posi-Tone house band — for sustaining the momentum.

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