King Tide, a play by Michael Marrero - The Studios of Key West

King Tide

written by Michael Marrero

In a future where the climate crisis has left their hometown perpetually flooded, residents Ash and Ezra navigate survival with a blend of dark humor and stark reality, as they grapple with the choice of leaving or fighting for their submerged existence.

The emotional conflict faced by Ash and Ezra as they contemplate abandoning their home or standing firm against rising waters strikes a chord in Key West, a place intimately familiar with the firsthand impacts of climate change.

“King Tide” entertains and prompts profound questions about our own community. Featuring a talented cast of local and visiting theater artists including Brandon Beach, Elena Devers, and Julio Trinidad, directed by Juliet Gray, the production is sure to stimulate meaningful conversations and leave a lasting impression.

sponsored by 7 Artists & Friends


Click on the images for bios


Michael Marrero


Juliet Gray


Brandon Beach


Elena Devers


Julio Trinidad