Which badnik or enemy gave you the most trouble in any Sonic game? - Games - Sonic Stadium Jump to content

Which badnik or enemy gave you the most trouble in any Sonic game?

Shiny Gems

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Yep, it is that kind of topic. We all played Sonic games, but I am sure there is not one game out there without enemies or badniks we have had trouble dealing with. I do speak of those that made us lose their rings or even make us lose a life, or more than one life. There is always an enemy or badnik that made you irritated, frustrated or maybe make you want to call it quits when you are playing.

So, with that, what badnik(s) or foe(s) in levels of Sonic games gave you a lot of trouble? It could be from any Sonic game, from the classics to the modern games.

For me, it would have to be most of the enemies from Sonic the Hedgehog 2's Oil Ocean Zone and Metropolis Zone.

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Bro, it has to be the grabbers from Sonic 2, or those green gum balls in Superstars!

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Classic Sonic games: Caterkiller. Always the slowdown of runs in Sonic 1.
Modern Sonic. Egg pawns. More specifically the egg pawns in Heroes and Shadow. To a lesser extent, the robot enemies in 06. The minute they put health bars on generic sonic enemies was always trash.

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i can't remember the names of all the badniks sadly.

Those pink enemies with spikes in Bridge Zone gave me a lot of troubles until I discovered that you could defeat them by rolling. Thanks to them I learned how to deal with Caterkillers which are similar in a way.

The Orbinauts obviously, in every game, any version... there's an orbinaut-like badnik in Hot Crater (Advance 2) that has spinning fireballs rotating horizontally instead of vertically, and it crawls on ground instead of flying. That one is also annoying because you can defeat it only if you hit with a specific angle, else you will be damaged by the flames (the idea is cool but the collisions are janky).

There are a few more annoying enemies in the Advance games. That enemy with the hammer in Music Plant is so fast that it doesn't give you a chance to hit, but nothing beats the enemies spawned by Toy Kingdom's boss in Advance 3. Well there's a close rival, the Buzz Bombers in Advance 1, especially in Angel Island Zone, they are placed in horrible positions and almost always hit you in cheap ways and make you fall to a lower route (sometimes in a place where you can't backtrack, such as the road to the special stage).

The mantis badniks in both Sonic 2 and Sonic 4. The punching crabs too.

The artificial Chaos in Adventure 2, the one with long arms.

Sonic Mania has a lot of annoying badniks that constantly get on my nerves, but some of the worst ones are those that make that wireframe sphere around you and then make an explosion after trapping you into that weird thing. They are boring because they slow you down and have a huge range.

In Sonic Frontiers, those wolves-like enemies, I avoided them every time I had a chance to. They are just annoying, I'm not sure if they become easy after you learn the trick, I fought them so little that I don't even know.

I'm sure that there are countless more but I can't remember all of them right now.

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Posted (edited)

This son of a gun.



Edited by Knight Terror
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Definitely anything from Metropolis Zone. Shellcrackers that were extremely difficult to hit, Asterons that explode and impale you at the most inopportune moments, and Slicers that seem to pop up out of nowhere and have you sliced up before you even see them coming. Amazing that three of the most annoying badniks in Sonic history all show up in the same dang leve.

3 hours ago, Knight Terror said:

This son of a gun.



Gah, yeah, friggin' Aquis. Just like Slicer, always popping up out of nowhere. Hate 'em.

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Metal Sonic of course. We've been stuck racing that guy for 30+ years. What the hell is his problem?

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7 hours ago, PC the Hedgehog said:

ah, yeah, friggin' Aquis. Just like Slicer, always popping up out of nowhere. Hate 'em.

The worst part about him is that he will hide behind stuff, making him frustrating even on the remake.

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Hmm... what's a badnik and/or enemy that I hate/gave me the most trouble that hasn't already been mentioned?

Wait a minute! There's-


Not necessarily a hard to beat badnik, but they're so inconveniently placed in Sonic 2's Emerald Hill Zone. Especially whenever I aim to collect and hold on to 50 rings for the Special Stages. And to think Robotnik has him on janitor duty...

That's all I can think of for now. Maybe I'll come back if anymore conjure up in memory.

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