Barrie M. Osborne – Big Screen Symposium Skip to main content

Barrie M. Osborne

Born in New Rochelle New York, Barrie M. Osborne earned a degree in sociology from Carleton College, Minnesota. Osborne rose to the rank of 1st Lieutenant in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers before entering the film industry as an apprentice editor and assistant production manager. He was accepted into the Directors Guild of America trainee program and worked under the tutelage of directors such as Alan Pakula, Sydney Pollack and Francis Ford Coppola, who hired Osborne as production manager on APOCALYPSE NOW.

For the next 30 years Osborne worked as a production manager, director, film producer, and executive producer. His awe inspiring body of work as a producer or executive producer includes THE BIG CHILL, THE MATRIX, PEGGY SUE GOT MARRIED, DICK TRACY, RAPA NUI, CHINA MOON, FACE/OFF and THE WORLD’S FASTEST INDIAN.

Osborne subsequently went on to produce THE LORD OF THE RINGS trilogy for which he received an Academy Award for Best Picture alongside Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh.

He has recently executive produced the THE GREAT GATSBY remake, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, and the Walt Disney fantasy adventure film PETE’S DRAGON, in 2016.

See Barrie in the following session:

In Conversation with Barrie Osborne – Sat 24th September, 4:30pm.