As the latest adaptation of Dune attempts to capture the epic scope and scale of the classic sci-fi story, the film fills out its cast with a roster full of big-name actors. But one scene-stealer who is bound to capture the audience's attention is Charlotte Rampling as Gaius Helen Mohiam, the terrifying and intimidating Bene Gesserit Reverend Mother.

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The actress has complied an impressive filmography over the course of nearly six decades, including earning a Best Actress Academy Award nomination in 2016 for her work in the film 45 Years. From independent dramas such as Melancholia to high-profile Hollywood releases like The Verdict and A Hard Day's Night, Charlotte Rampling has been in some truly great movies.

Giordano Bruno (7.2)

Gian Maria Volonte in Giordano Bruno 1973

Inspired by a true story, the 1973 biographical film Giordano Bruno depicts the life, work, and eventual execution of 16th-century Italian philosopher Giordano Bruno. His assertions about the cosmos put him in contention with the Catholic church.

Bruno is one of the most influential philosophers of all time and the film does an excellent job of exploring his revolutionary work and life without sanding the edges or lionizing him. The movie depicts him, warts and all, and allows the audience to contextual both the good and indulgent elements of his life.

Melancholia (7.2)

Justine watches her fingers in Melancholia

Directed by Lars von Trier, Melancholia is a science fiction film that follows two sisters, one who claims to be clairvoyant and one who is trying to get married before the earth is destroyed by colliding with another planet called Melancholia.

Melancholia is one of Lars von Trier's best films as he brilliantly uses the heightened reality setting to tell a compelling story about catastrophe and human relationships. The film also benefits from striking visuals and strong acting performances, especially from Kirsten Dunst.

Stardust Memories (7.3)

Woody Allen stars as director Sandy Bates in Stardust Memories

Shot in black and white to evoke films such as 8 1/2, Stardust Memories is a Woody Allen comedy about a comedic filmmaker who desires to make deeper movies and ends up reflecting on his life and his past romantic relationships.

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While Stardust Memories may be one of the more forgotten comedies of the 1980s, the film does use this meta approach to provide some interesting insight into the mind of an artist. Though it is less straightforward than many comedies, it does offer some intriguing musing on stagnation and transition.

Angel Heart (7.3)

Robert De Niro makes a cameo appearance in Angel Heart

Based on a novel, Angel Heart is a neo-noir horror thriller that centers around a detective in the 1950s who is hired to track down a missing singer, but when his investigation takes him to New Orleans, he inadvertently gets involved with a series of gruesome murders.

Angel Heart is arguably one of the best neo-noir movies of the 1980s thanks to a terrific cast, compelling narrative, and gritty style. It is an under-appreciated and inventive film that was years ahead of its time stylistically.

Juniper (7.4)

Charlotte Rampling sits and drinks in Juniper

Juniper is a comedic drama about the relationship between a teen boy and his grandmother. When the teen moves home after being expelled from boarding school, he finds that his feisty, hard-drinking grandmother has moved in and the two form an unlikely bond.

The film tackles some heavy topics as the teenager deals with suicidal thoughts and self-destructive behavior and the grandmother is grappling with her own issues as she comes towards the end of her life. The film is a touching and uplifting, if somewhat familiar, story that is bolstered by Rampling's performance.

The Damned (7.5)

Members of the Essenbeck family share a moment in The Damned

Set in Germany in the 1930s, The Damned is a dark and disturbing historical drama about a wealthy industrialist family's dealings with the rising Nazi party as well as their attempts to deal with an unstable heir.

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The film is an unflinching and often shocking depiction of the lives of the elite and amoral. The Damned's bold story elements may not be for everyone but for some the startling story decisions and bleak ending further the themes and central messages of the film.

A Hard Day's Night (7.6)

The Beatles running down a street in A Hard Day's Night

Released at the height of the Beatles' popularity in 1964, A Hard Day's Night is a musical comedy that follows the iconic band as they attempt to avoid crowds of fans and take care of Paul's grandfather while trying to prepare for an upcoming televised performance.

The film is easily one of the best Beatles movies and is an excellent showcase of the personalities and personas that helped make the band so successful. Appearing in only having a small, uncredited role, A Hard Day's Night is not only one of Rampling's best films, it is also her big-screen debut.

The Verdict (7.7)

Paul Newman presenting an argument in front of the courtroom in The Verdict

Director Sidney Lumet's classic courtroom drama The Verdict follows disgraced, alcoholic attorney Frank Galvin as he picks up what should be an easy settlement case involving medical malpractice but decides to take it to trial in order to argue for the truth.

The character-driven film earned critical acclaim thanks to its strong direction, well-written script, and excellent acting performances, led by Paul Newman and Rampling. It is an inspiring story of redemption executed exceptionally well by an all-time great filmmaker working with A-list talent.

Asphalt Tango (8.0)

Marion commands the attention of everyone on a bus in Asphalt Tango

The Romanian comedy Asphalt Tango centers around a bus full of dancers who are headed to Paris in search of fame and success when one of their husbands attempts to chase down the bus and stop his wife from leaving.

Rampling gets a chance to shine in the lead role and adds to the humor of the film as her character tries to stay one step ahead of the pursuing husband. It is a fun, broad comedy that captures a spirit of hope and optimism.

Dune (8.3)

Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam wearing an ornate black headdress in Dune (2021).

The sci-fi epic Dune is centered around a noble family that assumes control of a desert planet responsible for producing the most valuable resource in the galaxy but they quickly discover that there is a larger conspiracy at play.

With gorgeous cinematography, top-notch CGI, and a stirring score Dune is a technical masterpiece. Additionally, a compelling story, rich characters, and outstanding performances make the film a must-watch for fans of the genre. Rampling's small but crucial role in the film helps cement Dune as the best movie in her filmography.

NEXT: 10 Best Denis Villeneuve Films, According To Letterboxd