31 Facts About India Eisley - Facts.net
Loretta Marek

Written by Loretta Marek

Modified & Updated: 02 Jun 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Wallpapercrafter.com

India Eisley is a talented actress who has captured the hearts of audiences with her mesmerizing performances on both the big and small screens. With her striking beauty and remarkable acting skills, she has established herself as a rising star in the entertainment industry. Born on October 29, 1993, in Los Angeles, California, India comes from a family of artistic background as her mother, Olivia Hussey, is also an acclaimed actress. From an early age, India showed a natural inclination towards performing arts, and she began her acting career at the age of 12. Since then, she has been delighting viewers with her diverse roles, showcasing her versatility and ability to bring depth and authenticity to every character she portrays. In this article, we will explore 31 fascinating facts about India Eisley, shedding light on her life, career, and achievements.

Key Takeaways:

  • India Eisley, born on October 29, 1993, is a talented actress with a diverse background, captivating blue eyes, and a passion for art and animals. Her future in the entertainment industry looks incredibly promising.
  • With a breakout role in “Underworld: Awakening,” India Eisley’s versatile acting skills, multilingual abilities, and dedication to challenging roles make her a rising star to watch. Keep an eye out for her captivating performances!
Table of Contents

India Eisley was born on October 29, 1993.

India Eisley, the talented actress, was born on October 29, 1993, in Los Angeles, California.

She is of mixed descent.

India Eisley is of mixed heritage, with an American mother and an English father. Her diverse background adds to her unique appeal as an actress.

India Eisley’s breakout role was in the film “Underworld: Awakening.”

India Eisley gained significant recognition for her portrayal of Eve in the 2012 film “Underworld: Awakening.” This role propelled her into the spotlight and garnered her critical acclaim.

She comes from a family of actors.

Talent runs in India Eisley’s family. Her mother, Olivia Hussey, is also an accomplished actress, best known for her role as Juliet in Franco Zeffirelli’s “Romeo and Juliet.

India Eisley has a striking resemblance to a young Angelina Jolie.

India Eisley’s striking features and captivating presence often draw comparisons to a young Angelina Jolie. Her resemblance to the iconic actress has become a talking point among fans and critics alike.

She has appeared in the hit TV series “The Secret Life of the American Teenager.”

India Eisley portrayed the character Ashley Juergens in the popular TV series “The Secret Life of the American Teenager.” Her performance in the show garnered her a loyal fan base.

India Eisley starred in the thriller film “Kite.”

In 2014, India Eisley appeared in the action thriller film “Kite,” where she played the lead role of Sawa. Her intense and gripping performance showcased her versatility as an actress.

She has a passion for art.

Besides her acting career, India Eisley has a deep love for art. She enjoys painting and drawing in her free time, displaying her creativity beyond the realm of acting.

India Eisley is known for her enchanting blue eyes.

One of India Eisley’s most striking features is her mesmerizing blue eyes. They captivate audiences and add to her alluring on-screen presence.

She has a growing presence on social media.

India Eisley is active on social media platforms such as Instagram, where she shares glimpses into her personal life and updates her fans about her latest projects.

India Eisley starred in the thriller TV series “I Am the Night.”

India Eisley delivered a riveting performance in the crime drama series “I Am the Night,” where she portrayed the character of Fauna Hodel.

She has a strong interest in mythology.

India Eisley has a deep fascination with mythology and enjoys studying and exploring various mythological stories and characters.

India Eisley appeared in the film “The Curse of Sleeping Beauty.”

In the 2016 dark fantasy film “The Curse of Sleeping Beauty,” India Eisley showcased her versatility by portraying the character of Briar Rose.

She has trained in various forms of martial arts.

India Eisley is dedicated to her craft and has trained in martial arts to prepare for physically demanding roles. Her training adds authenticity to her action-packed performances.

India Eisley is an animal lover.

India Eisley has a soft spot for animals and actively advocates for their welfare. She is often seen supporting animal rights causes and promoting animal adoption.

She has a natural talent for accents.

India Eisley possesses a natural gift for accents, allowing her to immerse herself completely in diverse roles and convincingly portray characters from various backgrounds.

India Eisley has appeared in music videos.

India Eisley has made appearances in music videos, where she showcases her versatility by bringing the artist’s vision to life through her performances.

She is drawn to complex and challenging characters.

India Eisley is known for her penchant for complex and challenging roles. She seeks out characters that push her boundaries as an actress and allow her to explore different aspects of her talent.

India Eisley has worked alongside renowned actors.

Throughout her career, India Eisley has had the opportunity to share the screen with esteemed actors, learning from their experiences and further honing her craft.

She has a distinct fashion sense.

India Eisley is known for her unique fashion choices and her ability to effortlessly blend different styles to create her own signature look.

India Eisley has a strong fan following.

India Eisley’s talent and captivating on-screen presence have earned her a devoted fan base who admire her work and eagerly anticipate her future projects.

She is multilingual.

India Eisley possesses language skills beyond English and is proficient in Spanish and French, which greatly enhances her ability to play diverse characters in international projects.

India Eisley is a private individual.

Despite her fame, India Eisley prefers to keep her personal life private and focuses on allowing her work to speak for itself.

She has a close relationship with her co-stars.

India Eisley values the connections she forms with her fellow actors on set and often develops strong bonds with her co-stars during the filming process.

India Eisley has showcased her talent on stage.

In addition to her work in films and television, India Eisley has demonstrated her acting prowess on stage, captivating audiences with her live performances.

She has a diverse range of acting skills.

India Eisley is known for her ability to effortlessly shift between genres, showcasing her versatility as an actress with each new project she takes on.

India Eisley is a rising star in the entertainment industry.

With each new role, India Eisley continues to prove herself as a rising star in the industry, capturing the attention of audiences and critics alike.

She is committed to her craft.

India Eisley is dedicated to her work and is known to invest time and effort into fully understanding and embodying her characters.

India Eisley has a passion for cinema.

Beyond her own acting career, India Eisley is a passionate cinephile who appreciates and admires the art of filmmaking in all its forms.

She is open to taking on challenging roles.

India Eisley welcomes the opportunity to tackle complex and challenging roles that allow her to delve into the depths of a character’s emotions and experiences.

India Eisley’s future looks promising.

With her talent, charisma, and dedication to her craft, India Eisley’s future in the entertainment industry looks incredibly promising, and fans eagerly await her upcoming projects.

With these 31 facts about India Eisley, it’s clear that she is a multi-talented actress with immense potential. Her diverse roles, striking features, and dedication to her craft have made her a force to be reckoned with in the entertainment industry. Keep an eye out for India Eisley as she continues to captivate audiences with her unforgettable performances.


India Eisley is undoubtedly a talented and captivating actress who has made a significant impact in the entertainment industry. Her talent, versatility, and dedication to her craft have earned her a well-deserved place among the top actresses of her generation. From her breakthrough role in “The Secret Life of the American Teenager” to her captivating portrayal of Fauna Hodel in the critically acclaimed series “I Am the Night,” Eisley continues to impress audiences with her range and skill.With a promising career ahead of her, it will be exciting to see what projects India Eisley takes on next. Whether it’s in film or television, there’s no doubt that she will continue to shine and leave a lasting impression on both her fans and the industry as a whole. Keep an eye out for this rising star, as she is bound to become even more of a household name in the future.


Q: How old is India Eisley?

A: India Eisley was born on October 29, 1993, making her currently 27 years old.

Q: What is India Eisley’s most famous role?

A: India Eisley is best known for her role as Ashley Juergens in the TV series “The Secret Life of the American Teenager.”

Q: Has India Eisley won any awards for her acting?

A: While India Eisley has received critical acclaim for her performances, she hasn’t won any major awards as of yet. However, her talent and potential have been recognized by both critics and audiences alike.

Q: What other TV shows or movies has India Eisley appeared in?

A: Apart from “The Secret Life of the American Teenager” and “I Am the Night,” India Eisley has also appeared in films such as “Underworld: Awakening” and “Adolescence,” and TV shows like “Kite” and “The Curse of Sleeping Beauty.”

Q: Is India Eisley related to famous actress Olivia Hussey?

A: Yes, India Eisley is the daughter of Olivia Hussey, who is also a well-known actress known for her role as Juliet in Franco Zeffirelli’s film adaptation of “Romeo and Juliet.

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