Search Historical Records • FamilySearch

Search Historical Records

Records create a paper trail for your ancestors and can lead you to important details about their life. Enter a name, and we'll look for it in birth certificates, marriage registrations, census records, and other official documents.

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Your ancestor’s record belongs to a collection of similar documents—Argentina Baptisms, for example, or United States Census, 1940. Searching a specific collection is one way to narrow your search. If you don't know the collection's exact title, start typing, and we'll try to help you.

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Different regions of the world call for different research strategies. Enter a place, and we'll show you the tools and resources we have to help you discover your ancestors who lived there.

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What is a historical record?

A historical record is an official document that recognizes an event in a person's life. Examples include marriage licenses, draft cards, birth certificates, and census records.

Drawing of a man searching various types of historical records.

How do historical records help me learn about my family?

Historical records can often reveal important details about where your family lived or came from, when family members were born or got married, and when they died.