Everything You Need To Know About Howard Buffett, The Man Who Will Chair Berkshire Hathaway

Warren Buffett always said that his children would not inherit his amazing company or his vast fortune.


But today, Berkshire Hathaway announced that Howard, Warrens's second child and oldest son, would become chairman after Warren leaves.

In part, this is a surprise.

Then again, it's not. Warren always said he wanted his son to make sure the company's culture stayed in tact, and that's what Howard is supposed to do.

warren howard buffett
Lisa Du

But that simply isn't enough to know for us. To find out more about Howard. We looked over Warren Buffett's biography 'The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life,' by Alice Schroeder, to find out what would make Warren choose Howard, a farmer who didn't graduate from college, to take a leadership position at Berkshire.


Howard is named after his grandfather on his father's side.

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Warren Buffet's dad (Howard I) went to the University of Nebraska and majored in journalism. Warren's grandfather was an early settler of Omaha and owned a store. But they weren't wealthy.

In a letter to his children he once wrote the following about his family:

"I might mention that there has never been a Buffett who left a very large estate, but there has never been one that did not leave something. They never spent all they made, but always saved part of what they made and it all worked out pretty well."

His family nick name is "Howie"

baby crying ice cream

In Buffett's biography they refer to him as "the alarm clock" because he was such a difficult baby and would cry loudly — though his crying didn't distract Warren.


When Howie was two, he slept in a closet.


Buffett was trying to save money for his investments, so the family rented a small house in Omaha to save money.

As soon as Howie could walk, he was "hell-raiser".

cars 2 car for kids
via Amazon.com

He liked to dig up the garden with his tonka truck and pick on his little brother, among other things. His sister, Susie, would lock him in his room. At age 12, he put the family dog on the roof.


When Howie was a kid, Warren was trying to lose weight. He's write unsigned, $10,000 checks to the kids and if he didn't lose enough weight by a certain time, he would sign them.

Carbon NYC

Losing the money would hurt Warren more than anything else. It was a big motivator, and of course the kids loved it.

Howie attended Augustana College, he never graduated.

Augustana college

He later dropped out (because he had problems with his roommates). He tried other schools but and never graduated from college.


To start his first business, Buffett Excavating, Howard got 600 shares of Berkshire Hathaway stock from his father and sold them


Started out digging basements outside Omaha for a living. He liked to drive a pickup and keep his three dogs in the bed.

In 1977 he married Marcia Sue Duncan

wedding cake slice
Not the actual expensive slice Flours

Warren warned that the marriage wouldn't work because she was the type of woman who would not want to be married to someone so humble. He was right.


Howie then sold some of his Berkshire stock to build a tree house for he and his wife before their divorce.

airbnb tree house

He and Marcia were struggling economically and his mother had to step in. Warren would not.

After the divorce, he moved to California and worked for See's Candies.

Moving Van (AP)

Warren told him relocating would be a good idea.


In 1982 he moved back to Omaha and married his 2nd wife, Devon.

omaha nebraska

They're still married today. They had their first child soon after, his name is Howard too and he's known as Howie B.

When he got back to Nebraska, Howie got into real estate. But he really wanted to be a farmer.

wisconsin farm
Flickr Kent Kanouse

Warren helped him out, bought a farm for $300,000, and let Howie rent it. Warren never set foot on the farm.


After Warren bought Howie the farm, they made a deal where the rent Howie paid fluctuated depending on his weight.

weigh scales weight
Jo Jakeman via Flickr

If Howie weighed more than 182.5lbs, he'd have to 26%, if he was under he'd pay 22%. Howie said he didn't mind because he knew his father was just concerned about his weight.

In 1989, Howie ran for county commissioner on the Republican ticket.

GOP, Republican, Elephant
flickr / DonkeyHotey

He won. That same year he also became chairmen of the Nebraska Ethanol Authority and Development Board.


2 years later he joined the board of of Archer Daniels Midland, a large agricultural company.

archer daniels midland grain elevator

He was the youngest member ever and 6 months after joining he started handling their public affairs. He worked on NAFTA and deals in Mexico.

Howie eventually had to participate in an FBI investigation of the ADM over price-fixing. When Buffett found out, he wasn't surprised but told Howie to decided whether or not to leave ADM in 24 hours. "If you don't get out by then," he said, "you'll be one of them." Howie left.

(The picture is a painting of an Archer Daniels Midland grain elevator from 1933-1943)

In 1992, Warren invited Howie to join Berkshire Hathaway's board.

berkshire hathaway

Even then, Warren new his son would be the steward of the company's culture. It wasn't clear how that would work in terms of structure, but Warren knew he didn't want a lot of power concentrated in any one persons hands after he left Berkshire.


In the early '90s, Buffett started giving his kids $1 million every 5 years for their birthdays — Howie bought a farm with his first check.

warren buffett

It's in Decatur, Illinois where he now lives.

In 1999 Howie, and all the other children got 500 shares of Berkshire stock for Christmas.

berkshire hathaway
Image: TEDizen via Flickr

Today, Howie was named as his father's successor as Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway.

Howard Buffett
Howard Buffett YouTube

He'll be in charge of culture, as his father imagined, and he won't deal with business or finance.

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