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  1. ��ڴ��Z�פ�G
    1. Su, Hungdah, ��Can the Constitution-building Advance the European Integration? A Three-pillared Institutionalist Analysis��, Journal of European Integration, Vol. 26, No. 4, December 2004, pp. 353-378.
    2. Su, Hungdah, ��Les Etats-Unis et Taiwan vis-a-vis de la Nouvelle Politique Chinoise de la France��, Revue d��Histoire Diplomatique, No. 4, decembre 2004, pp. 369-406.
  2. ������Z�פ�G
    1. Ĭ���F�A����94�~6-9��A�qThe Dynamics of Widening on the Deepening of the European Union: The Consitutiotnalization of Enhanced Cooperation�r�A�m�ڬ���s�n�A��35��3���A501-545���C�]TSSCI�^
    2. Ĭ���F�A����93�~6��A�q�q��ץD�q�ѪR�ڬw�p���˪k������סr�A�m�F�v��ǽ��O�n�A��20���A��167-208�C�]TSSCI�^
    3. Ĭ���F�A��92�~9-10��A�q�׺����귽�b�x�W�ڷ���s��������r�A�m���D�P��s�n�A��42��5���A92�~9-10��A��81-113�C�]TSSCI�^
    4. Ĭ���F�A����91�~6��A�q�H�u���v����סv�ѪR�ڷ��˪k��ij�P�ˬF���ǫإ߶����v�X�r�A�m�z�׻P�F���n�A��16����2���A��1-25�C�]TSSCI�[��W��^
    5. Ĭ���F�A����90�~12��A�q�H�u�ˬF�D�v�v���������ڬw�ΦX���o�i�r�A�m�ڬ���s�n�A��31����4���A��629-687�C�]TSSCI�^
    6. Ĭ���F�A����90�~6��A�qWTO����y�L�׿����ȳ´ֳQ���ɾP�סz���P�M�Ψ�N�q�r�A�m�i�f���ٽ��O�n�A��18���A��165-176�C
    7. Ĭ���F�A��90�~3-4��A�q�ڷ��g��P�⩤�ΦX�G�إ�WTO�[�c�U������ӰȪȯɸѨM����r�A�m���D�P��s�n�A��40����2���A��1-32�C�]TSSCI�^
    8. Ĭ���F�A����89�~12��A�q����k�|��϶ɾP�קP�M���̷s�Ͷ� --- �H�@�E�E�C��@�E�E�E�~���P�Ҭ����R��H�r�A�m�i�f���ٽ��O�n�A��17���A��31-50�C
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  1. �ꤺ�dzN�|ij�פ� �G
    1. Ĭ���F�A�u�ڬw�p���˪k������ת챴�G�b�����ʭ��ػP�F�X�dzƤ����ΦX�X�i�v�A�ڬw�p����ˬ�Q�|�A�ڬw�p���׾¥D��A�x�_�A��92�~9��10��C
    2. Ĭ���F�A�u�p�󦳮ħQ�κ����귽��s�ڬw�ΦX�����R�v�A�ĤG���F�v�P��T��Q�|�A����H����|��ǰ|�D��A����91�~4��12��C
    3. Ĭ���F�A�u�ѦҼڬw�ΦX�g��غc�⩤�[�JWTO�᪺�s���Y�v�A������s�|�ڬ���s�ҡu�y�ڬw��X�Ҧ��P�⩤�ɪ����ѨM�z���dzN�׾¡v�פ�A����89�~6��9��C
    4. �u����k�|��϶ɾP�קP�M���̷s�Ͷբw�w�H�@�E�E�C�~��@�E�E�E�~���P�Ҭ����R��H�v�A�g�ٳ��T���լd�e���|�u�T�����٨�פ��s�Ͷլ�Q�|�v�פ�A����89�~4��18��C
    5. ��La recherche d'une identite commune et l'Unification europeenne���u�{�P���l�M�P�ڬw�Τ@�v�A��Q�|�פ�AUniversite d'ete francophone des pays d'Asie du Sud-Est au sujet des << Identites culturelles en Europe et en Extreme-Orient>> [�F�ȻP�ڬw����ƻ{�P], Singapore, 29.06. - 10.07.1998.
    6. �u�ڬw�p���@�P�۪o�F������s�v�A������s�|�ڬ���s�ҡu�ڬw�p���g�T�F����Q�|�v�פ�A����87�~3��21-22��C
  2. ��ھdzN�|ij�פ�G
    1. Su, Hungdah. ��Politics of Differentiated Integration: A Comparative Study of Enhanced Cooperation in the EU and the Pathfinder in APEC��. The Ninth Biennial International Conference of the EUSA, Austin, Texas, USA, 30 March �V 1 April 2005.�]����g��g��A�w�����94�~5���ZEuropean Journal of Political Research��SSCI�֡A�{�b�f�d���C�^
    2. Su, Hungdah. ��The Dynamics of Widening on Deepening of the EU: the Constitutionalization of the Enhanced Cooperation.�� The Fourth Annual International Conference of EpsNet on Political Science after the EU Enlargement: Challenges to the Discipline, held jointly by University of Cologne & Charles University, Prague, 18-19 June 2004.
    3. Su, Hungdah. ��Does the Draft Constitutional Treaty Advance the European Integration? A Three-pillared Institutionalist Analysis��, International Conference on ��The Constitutionalization of the EU��, held by IEAS, Academia Sinica, Taipei, 12-13 December 2003.
    4. Su, Hungdah. ��Asian Perspective of Constitutional Reform Processes: European Dream Search Approach��, International Conference on ��Towards a European Constitution? Historical, Political and Comparative Aspects: Europe-US��, held jointly by University of New Orlean, U.S. and University of Innsbruck, Austria, Innsbruck, 5-7 May 2003.
    5. Su, Hungdah. ��EP Policy toward Conflicts between Taiwan and PRC.�� Franco-Taiwanese Conference on Euro-Asian Relations, held by Institute of International Relations of National Chengchi University, Taipei, 29 November 2002.
    6. Su, Hungdah. ��Internalization of the EU External Relations: the Case of Enlargements.�� International Conference on the EU External Relations: Competition, Cooperation, Association and Accession, held by IEASs, Academia Sinica, Taipei, 11-12 September 2001.
    7. Su, Hungdah. ��France��s Role in Taiwan��s External Relations: A Demand-Supply Model.�� International Conference on the Roles of Germany and France in the Sino-European Relations, held by Europe-China Center of Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, 22-23 June 2001.
    8. Su, Hungdah. ��Back to the Historical Comparative Analysis: A European Dream Search Approach.�� The Seventh Biennial International Conference of ECSA on the EU/EC and the Member States, held by American Association of European Union Studies, Madison ,W.C., 30 May - 1 June 2001.
�@ (C)�M�ѤαM�ѽפ�
  1. �~��M�ѽפ�G
    1. Su, Hungdah, ��Asian Perspective of Constitutional Reform Processes��, in M. Gehler et al. eds., Towards a European Constitution: A Historical and Political Comparison with the United States, Vienna and Cologne: Boehlau Publisher, March 2005, pp. 443-454.
  2. ����M�ѽפ�G
    1. Ĭ���F�A�q�ڷ��z�Ʒ|������P�B�@�r�A�����p�D�s�A�ڬw�p������´�P�B�@�A�x�_�G���n�]��92�~6��^�A��147-198�C
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2.����87�~6�� ��h����u��������|�v�]Fondation Jean Monnet pour l��Europe�^ �u�����ɽ�����v�]Medaille de bronze de Jean Monet�^

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