Ancient Anvil | Guide | - BDO Companion

Ancient Anvil

New Enhancing Pity System!

By nyaiera

Published: Apr 19, 2024




Ancient Anvil


The Ancient Anvil has been added to Black Desert as a form of an Enhancement Pity System
  • After failing an enhancement enough times, the enhancement chance will become guaranteed
  • Each time you fail enhancing an item you'll gain Agris Essence which eventually gives you 100% chance
  • The amount of Agris Essence you need will depend on the item and its current enhancement level 
  • Accessories have a unique way of storing Agris Essence as accessories have the risk of downgrades


Enhancement attempts made after Jan 1, 2024, will retroactively factor into the stored Agris Essence amount


Using the Ancient Anvil

You won't need to do anything special in order to unlock the Ancient Anvil, more so it's just a feature that's now baked into the standard enhancement system. 


Now when you fail enhancement, Agris Essence will stack for the gear at its enhancement level. once you've stacked enough essences, you'll be guaranteed enhancement of that gear and its enhancement level.


Agris Essence is basically saved per gear and enhancement level. It's stored individually for accessories while bound to set groups for weapons/defense gear.



When attempting an enhancement, if you fail, your Agris Essence will increase, as shown in the gif below: 




As you can see from the gif, you will still receive Agris Essence when using Cron Stones so there's no downsides to try and increase your Agris Essence. 


Agris Essence isn't an item, it's stored within the enhancement system. Weapons or Armor of the same grouping / type will share stored Agris Essence. 



From the above you can see that both Awakening style Blackstar weapons have the same amount of Agris Essence despite being technically different weapons. 


But all types of Blackstar weapons (Main, Awakening and Sub-weapons) and Blackstar Armor would share this Agris Essence amount. 


Once you have enough Agris Essence you can use it for a 100% enhancement chance: 

As mentioned earlier Accessories work a little differently for example a Deboreka Necklace will stores Agris Essence separately from the Deboreka Ring. 


Since accessories can downgrade even with Cron Stones, if you fail enhancement and your TET Deboreka drops to TRI Deboreka, if you enhance it back to TET, this won't effect your Agris Essence.


You'll still have the same amount of Agris Essence previously stored towards hitting PEN after making it TET again.


Item Groupings

Here's a list taken from the patch notes that show which items are grouped together and will share Agris Essence for a guaranteed success. 


Below will show also show the different amounts of Agris Essence needed for each item level within the groups


Blackstar/Godr-Ayed Weapons, Blackstar Defense Gear, Slumbering Origin Defense Gear


[All gear within this group share stored Agris Essences.]
Gear Category Enhancement Level Max Storable Agris Essences

- Blackstar Weapons

- Blackstar Defense Gear

7 3
8 7
9 8
10 9
11 10
12 13
13 17
14 20
15 5
PRI (I) 6
DUO (II) 8
TRI (III) 25
TET (IV) 40



[All gear within this group share stored Agris Essences.]

Gear Category

Enhancement Level

Max Storable Agris Essences

- Godr-Ayed Weapons













[All gear within this group share stored Agris Essences.]
Gear Category Enhancement Level Max Storable Agris Essences
- Slumbering Origin Defense Gear 0 12
Desperate 15
Distorted 20
Silent 50
Wailing 1,000

Weapons/Defense Gear by Grade, Life Skill Tools, All Other Weapons, Naru/Tuvala Weapons/Defense Gear


[All gear within this group share stored Agris Essences.]
Gear Category Enhancement Level Max Storable Agris Essences

- White Grade Weapons


- White Grade Defense Gear

- Green Grade Weapons

- Green Grade Defense Gear

- Green Grade Life Skill Tools

- Blue Grade Weapons

- Blue Grade Defense Gear

- Blue Grade Life Skill Tools

- Blue Grade [Combat] Trina

Matchlocks & Demolition Axes

- Yellow Grade Weapons

- Yellow Grade Defense Gear

- Yellow Grade Dragon Slayer Weapons

- Yellow Grade Katan Weapons

- Yellow Grade Sandstorm Weapons

- Yellow Grade Cliff's Weapons

- Orange Grade Life Skill Tools

7 3
8 7
9 8
10 9
11 10
12 13
13 17
14 20
15 5
PRI (I) 7
DUO (II) 8
TRI (III) 12
TET (IV) 35



[All gear within this group share stored Agris Essences.]

Gear Category

Enhancement Level

Max Storable Agris Essences

- Naru Weapons


- Naru Defense Gear





























[All gear within this group share stored Agris Essences.]
Gear Category Enhancement Level Max Storable Agris Essences

- Tuvala Weapons

- Tuvala Defense Gear

7 3
8 4
9 4
10 5
11 6
12 7
13 7
14 8
15 4
PRI (I) 5
DUO (II) 6
TET (IV) 8

Accessories by Group, Silver Embroidered Life Clothes, Naru/Tuvala Accessories, Capotia Accessories, All Other Accessories


[Accessories do NOT share stored Agris Essences but store them separately.
However, reformed accessories share stored essences with their normal variations.]
Gear Category Enhancement Level Max Storable Agris Essences

- White/Green/Blue/Yellow Grade Accessories


(including Deboreka)

- Silver Embroidered Life Clothes

- Fine Horse Trainer's Clothes

0 5
PRI (I) 6
DUO (II) 8
TRI (III) 10
TET (IV) 20



[Accessories do NOT share stored Agris Essences but store them separately.
However, reformed accessories share stored essences with their normal variations.]
Gear Category Enhancement Level Max Storable Agris Essences

- Naru Accessories

- Main Quest Reward


0 6
PRI (I) 8
DUO (II) 10



[Accessories do NOT share stored Agris Essences but store them separately.
However, reformed accessories share stored essences with their normal variations.]
Gear Category Enhancement Level Max Storable Agris Essences
- Tuvala Accessories 0 4
PRI (I) 5
DUO (II) 5
TET (IV) 7



[Accessories do NOT share stored Agris Essences but store them separately.
However, reformed accessories share stored essences with their normal variations.]
Gear Category Enhancement Level Max Storable Agris Essences
- Capotia Accessories 0 3
PRI (I) 5
DUO (II) 7
TRI (III) 10
TET (IV) 20



[Accessories do NOT share stored Agris Essences but store them separately.
However, reformed accessories share stored essences with their normal variations.]
Gear Category Enhancement Level Max Storable Agris Essences

- Asula's Crimson Eye Accessories

- Sealed Magical Power Accessories

0 4
PRI (I) 6
DUO (II) 8
TRI (III) 12
TET (IV) 15

Life Mastery Defense Gear/Accessories by Grade


[All gear within this group share stored Agris Essences.]
Gear Category Enhancement Level Max Storable Agris Essences

- Green Grade Life Skill Clothes

(ie. Loggia Sailor's Clothes)

- Blue Grade Life Skill Clothes (ie. Srulk Sailor's Clothes)

- Orange Grade Life Skill Clothes (ie. Manos Sailor's Clothes)

7 3
8 4
9 4
10 5
11 7
12 10
13 14
14 20
15 7
PRI (I) 8
DUO (II) 10
TRI (III) 15
TET (IV) 35

* Green, Blue, and Orange Grade Life Skill Clothes will be enhanceable with Cron Stones in a later update.


[Accessories do NOT share stored Agris Essences but store them separately.
However, reformed accessories share stored essences with their normal variations.]
Gear Category Enhancement Level Max Storable Agris Essences

- Loggia Accessories

- Geranoa Accessories

- Manos Accessories

0 3
PRI (I) 5
DUO (II) 7
TRI (III) 14
TET (IV) 40


* Loggia, Gernoa, and Manos Accessories will be enhanceable with Cron Stones in a later update.


Horse/Wagon/Donkey Gear, Matchlocks/Sniper Rifles, Fishing Rods/Floats, Mount/[Guild] Mount Equipment


[All gear within this group share stored Agris Essences.]
Gear Category Enhancement Level Max Storable Agris Essences

- White Grade Matchlock

- White Grade Horse Gear

- White Grade Donkey Gear

- White Grade Wagon Gear

- White Grade Ship Equipment

- Green Grade Matchlock

- Green Grade Horse Gear

- Green Grade Donkey Gear

- Green Grade Miniature Elephant Equipment

- Green Grade Wagon Gear

- Green Grade Ship Equipment

- Green Grade

[Guild] Elephant Equipment

- Green Grade [Guild] Ship Equipment

- Blue Grade Matchlock

- Blue Grade Sniper Rifle

- Blue Grade Horse Gear

- Blue Grade Donkey Gear

- Blue Grade Elephant Equipment

- Blue Grade Wagon Equipment

- Blue Grade Ship Equipment

- Blue Grade [Guild] Elephant Equipment

- Blue Grade [Guild] Ship Equipment

- Blue Grade Fishing Rod

- Blue Grade Float

- Yellow Grade Matchlock

- Yellow Grade Sniper Rifle

- Yellow Grade Horse Gear

- Yellow Grade Donkey Gear

- Yellow Grade [Guild] Ship Equipment

0 3
1 3
2 3
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 8
8 10
9 12



[All gear within this group share stored Agris Essences.]
Gear Category Enhancement Level Max Storable Agris Essences
- Green Grade Trader, Galleass Equipment 0 3
1 4
2 4
3 5
4 5
5 5
6 5
7 5
8 5
9 6



[All gear within this group share stored Agris Essences.]
Gear Category Enhancement Level Max Storable Agris Essences
- Blue Grade Caravels, Galleass Equipment 0 3
1 3
2 3
3 4
4 4
5 4
6 7
7 9
8 12
9 20



[All gear within this group share stored Agris Essences.]
Gear Category Enhancement Level Max Storable Agris Essences
- Green Grade Carrack and Panokseon Equipment 0 3
1 3
2 3
3 3
4 3
5 4
6 4
7 4
8 4
9 5



[All gear within this group share stored Agris Essences.]
Gear Category Enhancement Level Max Storable Agris Essences
- Blue Grade Carrack and Panokseon Equipment 0 4
1 4
2 5
3 6
4 7
5 10
6 15
7 18
8 20
9 25


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