80+ Movies And Shows With Wood In The Title
  • Photo:
    • Ed Wood / North Woods Law

80+ Movies And Shows With Wood In The Title

Jason Bancroft
May 13, 2024 85 items

Who knew that something as simple as wood could inspire the titles of some pretty unforgettable movies and shows? From eerie thrillers to heartwarming dramas, filmmakers have a knack for turning a common material into a central theme or a catchy title element.

Get ready to explore an eclectic mix of entertainment where wood isn't just part of the scenery, but also plays into the plot or sets the tone. Whether it's in the name of a spooky forest, a character's last name, or even just a pivotal object, these titles promise something unique for every type of viewer. Here’s our roundup of the best movies and shows with 'wood' in their title!