Meaning Behind the Song “Gimme Shelter” By The Rolling Stones
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Meaning Behind the Song “Gimme Shelter” By The Rolling Stones

The Rolling Stones have been around longer than almost any other Rock band. They continue to perform live and put out records, their latest in 2016. But, the song Gimme Shelter, from their 1969 release Let It Bleed is considered one of their finest works of art ever.

This song has great energy and an aggressive sound. Something different for this Blues/Rock band. If you’ve ever wondered about the meaning behind the song “Gimme Shelter” by the Rolling Stones, you’re in luck. Well, I’m going to take a look into the music and lyrics that make this song into the masterpiece that it is. So let’s get started.

The Rolling Stones in 1969

Meaning Behind the Song “Gimme Shelter” By The Rolling Stones

This epic band has way too long a history to go through the whole thing here. But we can at least look at the state of the band leading up to 1969, as well as the record they released that year which included two of the best Rolling Stones songs ever.

If you can believe it…

The Stones started way back in 1962. Yes, more than 60 years ago! Although some personnel changes occurred along the way, the band settled into a 5-piece band. Mick Jagger on vocals, Keith Richards on guitar, Bill Wyman on bass, Charlie Watts on drums, and multi-instrumentalist Brian Jones taking the role of band leader.

This line-up started recording in 1964. And they became a big part of the so-called “British Invasion” that swept through America in the mid-60s. Ironically, it was Rock n’ Roll, and Blues Music from America that inspired this band in the first place.

In 1965, they had their first international #1 hit with (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction. That was quickly followed in the top spot by Get Off of My Cloud. These hits, as well as their rough and bad-boy image (in contrast to the Beatles, anyway), cemented their fame and their place in music history.

But they were only getting started…

By 1968, The Rolling Stones had released seven records in America and nine back home in the UK. They’d been embroiled in lawsuits and controversies involving their sex, drugs, and Rock & Roll lifestyles.

They’d, unfortunately, miss out on playing Woodstock. But, they were still heavily involved in the counter-culture movement of the time, with the Vietnam War and resistance to it as the main headline of the times.

Against this backdrop…

The Stones went into the studio to record tracks that would become their eighth American and tenth UK album, Let It Bleed. The record is dark and gritty, reflecting the world and the band members’ experiences at the time.

Interestingly, band leader Brian Jones barely contributed to this album. He was, by all reports, spiraling out of control due to drug addiction and was unable to record or even carry on touring. Jones either quit the band or was fired, depending on who you ask, during the recording of Let It Bleed. A month later, he was found dead, drowned in his swimming pool.

Guitarist Mick Taylor was brought in to replace him since Jones had played guitar on so many Stones songs. However, almost all the guitar parts on this album were recorded by Keith Richards.

The Meaning Behind The Song “Gimme Shelter” By The Rolling Stones

With this backdrop, we can already start to understand a bit of what The Stones’ “Gimme Shelter” is about. This song was written by Richards and Jagger. Richards with the music and lyrics, and Jagger helping to flesh them both out.

The inspiration for the name of the song, and, of course, its chorus, came from something very everyday. Richards had been sitting near a window in London when the sky opened up, and an intense rain came pouring down. This was the beginning point for the lyrics – people running and looking for a place to be safe and dry.

The other inspiration for the tone of the lyrics, according to Richards, was his own jealousy and suspicion. Brian Jones had been in a relationship with model Anita Pallenberg for a few years when he began to become abusive and out of control due to his drug use. Richards helped to get her away from that situation, and they started a relationship that would last a dozen years.

However, in 1968…

She was away filming the movie Performance with Mick Jagger, in which the two filmed sex scenes. Rumors started that they’d had a real affair during the filming. Pallenberg denied it, although Richards believed it happened. That was the inspiration for the song “Gimme Shelter” and also created a temporary rift between the songwriting pair.

While the bleak and dark lyrics were inspired by Richards’ inner emotional turmoil, they extend to much larger themes. It’s generally agreed that “Gimme Shelter” is about the threat of war. But also the threat of other violence and rape.

The lyrics suggest that the world is on the brink of chaos…

And that these dangers are ever-present and imminent. So, the idea of asking for shelter is a sort of begging. Both for protection from these actual occurrences, but also for the world to become a better, safer place.

Mick Jagger has stated that the song is about the tension in the air at the time. This was about the ongoing Vietnam War, protests against it, and violent crackdowns on those protests. The late-60s also saw race riots and other violence, including a backdrop of the Cold War and nuclear threat.

But, the song also speaks to hope…

While it depicts war and violence as looming dangers, the song ends on a powerfully positive note. The lyrics switch to talking about love and how looming and imminent that positive force can also be. This is a smart and beautiful juxtaposition that often gets missed. But it’s something that makes “Gimme Shelter” one of The Stones’ very best songs.

The Music Behind “Gimme Shelter”

Keith Richards came up with the main riff for this song. It starts with just his guitar playing before the band comes in. As usual, Charlie Watts lays down a simple but perfectly crafted beat. Only in this case, he’s backed up by percussionist Jimmy Miller on Guiro and Maracas. Wyman gives a solid, bluesy bassline to fill out the bottom end.

The song goes through three very similar verses and choruses before the final chorus changes to positive lyrics. The whole thing has a simple structure and a sound that combines Blues, Rock, and Gospel. There’s also room for some bluesy piano, Jagger’s harmonica, and solos by Richards.

But the real focus is the vocals…

As you’d expect, Mick Jagger sings the lead in his distinct, big-mouthed style. But, on this track, he shares the lead with an incredible vocalist. At the last minute, singer Merry Clayton was invited to bring her powerful, soulful voice to the track. And I do mean the last minute.

She was woken up in the middle of the night, while four months pregnant, and headed to the studio to do a few hours’ work. The band was completely impressed with her contribution, and it really is what makes this such an incredible song.

Clayton only sang on the album version and never worked with The Stones again. However, they’ve recruited other amazing female artists to sing with them. Watch this live version of the song featuring vocalist Lisa Fischer bringing an incredible presence and power to this performance.

Legacy of “Gimme Shelter”

The record that included this powerful track Let It Bleed, was immensely popular. It went to #3 in the US and #1 in the UK. It also included the famous song You Can’t Always Get What You Want. That track featured the creative use of a choir – the London Bach Choir – in a Rock song.

“Gimme Shelter” has been called, time and time again, one of THE best Rolling Stones songs ever. It was included on three different Rolling Stones compilation albums and continues to be a concert staple. The song has also been used in countless TV shows, movie soundtracks, and even advertising.

But there’s also a dark side to the song’s legacy…

One part of this is the effect its recording had on Merry Clayton. After returning home from the late-night, high-energy recording session, the singer had a miscarriage which haunted her for years. Despite this adversity, she was still able to continue in her career, releasing a cover of the song on her 1970 solo album, also called Gimme Shelter.

This song and its name were also used as the title of a documentary, Gimme Shelter, about The Rolling Stones made in 1969. The documentary followed the band as they played at the end of their tour, culminating in the disastrous Almonte Free Concert.

That was when hundreds of people were abused and assaulted by Hell’s Angels “security guards.” And one man, Meredith Hunter, was stabbed to death while brandishing a gun and attempting to rush the stage. Although the incident didn’t happen during the song in question, the title of the documentary is aptly applied to this concert which was stained by violence.

Want To Learn The Meaning Behind Other Songs?

Well, then check out our thoughts on The Meaning Behind “Sympathy For The Devil” by The Rolling StonesThe Meaning Behind “Free Bird” by Lynyrd Skynyrd, the Meaning of “Baba O’Riley” by The WhoThe Meaning Behind “Wildflowers” by Tom Petty, and The Meaning Behind The Clash’s 1982 Hit “Rock the Casbah” for more interesting song interpretations.

The Meaning Behind the Song “Gimme Shelter” by the Rolling Stones – Final Thoughts

“Gimme Shelter” is hands down one of The Rolling Stones’ best songs of all time. It’s strong, emotional, powerful, and very well crafted. It’s also one of their only songs to feature a female vocalist, Merry Clayton, giving an incredibly strong performance.

The song speaks to the themes of war and violence. It tells the listener that these threats are imminent. But, in the end, it also suggests a counterpoint. Love and understanding are also imminent, and people have a choice of direction to shape the world in. With great music and inspired lyrics, “Gimme Shelter” is one of the greatest songs from one of the world’s greatest Rock bands.

Until next time, happy listening.

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