Debi Mazar and Gabriele Corcos Bio : Cooking Channel | Debi Mazar and Gabriele Corcos : Cooking Channel | Cooking Channel

Debi Mazar and Gabriele Corcos Bio

Debi Mazar is an acclaimed actress who made her feature film debut in Martin Scorsese's Goodfellas. A native New Yorker, she is best known for her outstanding portrayals of edgy, sharp-tongued characters on film, television and stage. Her extensive onscreen work includes films with legendary directors Woody Allen, Michael Mann, Oliver Stone and Joel Schumacher. She also starred in her own television sitcom Temporarily Yours and was known for her role as hard-charging publicist 'Shauna' on the HBO series Entourage. She has always been interested in cooking and well-known among her friends for her fabulous dinner parties. Since marrying Gabriele and becoming a mother to her two daughters, Debi's passion for food and cooking has grown even further.

Born in Florence, Italy, Gabriele Corcos was raised in the Olive Country of Fiesole. His grandmother and mother taught him everything he knows about Tuscan food and traditional farmers' cuisine. Gabriele has an insatiable fascination with food, a love for organic ingredients and foremost a determination to feed his wife and children in the healthiest and most natural way he knows … the Tuscan Way. After a few years spent in L.A. catering high-end events and cooking for many celebrities and clients in the entertainment industry, Gabriele and Debi moved to Brooklyn, New York, to raise their children.

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