back and forth - English-Spanish Dictionary -

WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2024:

Principal Translations
back and forth adv (move: to and fro)de acá para allá loc adv
  de un lado para otro loc adv
 The little girl rocked back and forth on the swing.
 La pequeña niña se hamacaba de acá para allá en el columpio.
back-and-forth adj (movement: to and fro)de acá para allá loc adv
  de un lado para otro loc adv
  (coloquial)vaivén nm
  ir y venir loc nom m
Note: Hyphens are used when the term is an adjective.
 It is relaxing to sit on the beach and watch the back-and-forth motion of the waves.
 Es muy relajante sentarse en la playa a ver las olas moverse de acá para allá.
 Es muy relajante sentarse en la playa a ver el vaivén de las olas.
 Es muy relajante sentarse en la playa a ver el ir y venir de las olas.
back and forth n informal (conversation) (coloquial)cuchicheo nm
 Rebecca could hear the back and forth of a conversation outside her window.
 Rebeca podía escuchar el cuchicheo de una conversación fuera de su ventana.
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WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2024:

Compound Forms:
go back and forth v expr (move to and fro)ir de un lado para otro, ir de aquí para allá loc verb
 Mario was having treatment for cancer and was going back and forth to hospital.
go back and forth v expr figurative (vacillate)dudar, vacilar vi
  (figurado)dar vueltas loc verb
 Ian was going back and forth about whether this was the right thing for him.
waffle back and forth v expr US, informal (change mind)cambiar de opinión como de calzoncillos loc verb
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