The Secret Behind NTWRK CEO’s Success: Asking for Forgiveness

The Secret Behind NTWRK CEO’s Success: Asking for Forgiveness

Aaron Levant weighs in on the future e-commerce and the most underrated skill in marketers today.

The success of Aaron Levant’s mobile-first video shopping platform NTWRK that launched in 2018 may have taken the retail industry by storm, but for those familiar with the NTWRK CEO’s entrepreneurial spirit, this was simply another notch under his business-owning belt. The mastermind and investor behind numerous successful ventures like Truff Hot Sauce and Agenda Show has always had an interest in startups, dating as far back as the fourth grade.

For those unfamiliar with NTWRK, the app described as “the QVC for Gen Z” with over 2M+ subscribers has seen tremendous success in the short span of 3 years. His pulse on the culture and trends is incomparable – he has strategically brought the e-commerce app into spaces that big brands are just starting to dive into: livestream video shopping, social commerce, exclusive product drops, and digital shopping festivals.

Find out more about Aaron’s entrepreneurial learnings and beliefs, what he sees as the “next big thing” in the e-commerce space, and what his go-to everyday outfit is…the answer may surprise you.

How did you get to where you are today?

I grew up with a natural interest in both entrepreneurialism and design. That manifested itself at a young age with my first entrepreneurial venture; publishing a car magazine I sold at school when I was in the fourth grade. In the late 90s, I self-published a graffiti blog and started my own small t-shirt company. I expanded my roles in the industry beyond design and learning every aspect of the industry, leading me to be the founder of Agenda, the largest independent streetwear trade show in the world.

All of these collective experiences were forged from an authentic connection to graffiti, street art, and design channeled through my natural entrepreneurial drive.

You were behind a number of other startups like Truff Hot Sauce, Hall of Flowers, and Agenda Show. What’s the biggest thing you learned along the way that you bring to your role today?

Ask for forgiveness, not for permission. Most people sit around waiting for someone to give them permission to do something. This can be the most paralyzing thing in business, and I try to still live by this motto today.

What’s the most innovative thing you’re currently working on?

We are rolling out NTWRK digital shopping festivals– they are what I’m most proud of to date. These festivals are biggest innovations in the e-commerce landscape. They are two-day celebrations where we bring together entertainment, community, and retail into one seamless digital experience. I think we have unlocked a really meaningful format with our events like Transfer, Beyond the Streets, and Off Court. NTWRK will host 7 tentpole digital festivals in 2021.

What new or up-and-coming innovation(s) are you most excited about and how do you think it will change the future of marketing?

Livestream video shopping and social commerce is going to be the fastest growing subset of the e-commerce market. In China already, livestream shopping is a $100B+ industry and we believe that North America has the same type of potential over the next few years. The interactivity, urgency, and fun that it brings to the shopping experience creates unparalleled conversion rates with consumers and turns it into a true “retailtainment” experience.

Image of customers conversing on NTWRK app about a Nike drop.
Levant has helped raise over $10 million in funding within two years and brought in 2M+ subscribers, making the app the North American leader in the $129 billion live streaming, mobile video and commerce industry.

What has been NTWRK’s most successful brand collaboration date and what was the secret to its success?

In August, we worked with famed Japanese pop artist Takashi Murakami to release a set of prints inspired by the Black Lives Matter and social justice movements. We raised over $1.3M and donated 100% of that money to a dozen of organizations like Color of Change and many more. We are a consumer product retail company but at the end of the day, using our platform for great causes is something we can all feel proud of.

What are your biggest Do’s and Don’ts for influencer marketing today?

Just because someone has a large following does not mean that their audience wants to necessarily purchase something from them.

Just because someone has a large following does not mean that their audience wants to necessarily purchase something from them. The art is finding people who have a smaller overall following but strong engagement and a connection with their audience that can be turned into a purchase.

How are you keeping the creative spirit alive virtually with your team(s)?

I am someone who puts a lot of value in in-person face-to-face conversations. I think it has 100x the value of an email or phone call. While tools like Zoom have helped bridge the gap, I’ve had to really step up the amount that I am communicating my internal thoughts with the team. I’m now having to document what may have been an off-hand comment at the water cooler, at the end of a meeting, or while passing in the hallway. It has become a formal process.

Where do you look for inspiration to keep yourself ahead of the curve?

You have to be intellectually curious and be a lifelong learner.

You have to be intellectually curious and be a lifelong learner. Aggregate all of the information sources you consume to have a good grasp of where the world is going. That means an assortment of podcasts, reading various websites, YouTube, different social media platforms, books, etc. Back when you could, this also means going outside and interacting with a diverse group of particularly younger people who have different worldviews than yourself. Some of these conversations are where I get the most important information

What do you think is the most underrated skill for marketers today?

Whether it’s Apple or Nike, the most recognizable and trusted brands in the world still market from an emotional perspective–they talk about who they are and why they exist more than the attributes of their products. With the new privacy regulations on the horizon, I think true emotional brand marketing will become a much more valuable skill set than the performance marketing skill set that seems to have been championed the last few years.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received and how has it impacted your career?

Over the course of my 20+ year career, I have collected an amazing group of mentors. The conversations with these mentors over the years and the constant ability for me to go back to the well and lean on their wisdom, insights, and experience have made me better at business and in my personal life. They give me advice on both subjects constantly. You need to find those mentors in your life and not be afraid to directly ask them for help and guidance constantly.

What’s something that most people don’t know about you?

I wear the exact same outfit every single day and that I’m not personally interested in hype and collaboration sneakers.