joyero - Traducci�n al ingl�s – Linguee

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Cerca del mercado
[...] se encuentra el taller y tienda del joyero Majoral.
The workshop and shop of the jeweller, Majoral is near the market.
Si es el propio cliente
[...] quien suministra el oro para que el joyero lo transforme, se entiende que la transacci�n [...]
consiste exclusivamente en el servicio.
If a customer provides his own gold for working, only the service is taxable.
Vive en Colonia con su mujer y dos hijos y
[...] trabaja como joyero en su propia [...]
He lives in Cologne with his wife and two kids and works
[...] in his own company as a goldsmith.
Joyero-Perfumista, la marca tambi�n [...]
ha conmemorado el 20 aniversario de su primera fragancia joya.
Jeweller-Perfumer, the brand has [...]
also commemorated the 20th anniversary of its first jewel perfume.
Arqueta que servir�a de joyero a alg�n miembro de la corte real.
A casket that may have been used as a jewellery box by a member of the royal court.
Nos gusta pensar en un museo de
[...] arqueolog�a como un joyero compacto ocultando [...]
el tesoro que la historia nos ha confiado pieza por pieza.
We like to think of an archaeology
[...] museum as a compact jewel box concealing the [...]
treasure that history has entrusted to us piece by piece.
El joyero y relojero suizo ha contribuido [...]
a que algunos de los homenajeados del evento brillen a�n m�s luciendo sus creaciones m�s recientes.
The Swiss jeweler and watchmaker also [...]
helped many of the afternoon's honorees shine a little brighter by dressing them in its latest creations.
La competencia existe: es de suponer que la clientela local
(los joyeros locales, el comercio al por
[...] mayor del sector joyero, etc) compara la [...]
relaci�n calidad/precio del diamante �local� con la de los env�os belgas.
Competition does exist: local
[...] customers (local jewellers, the jewellery [...]
sector's wholesale trade, etc.) can be expected to
compare the price/quality ratio of 'local' diamonds with that of diamonds exported from Belgium.
Desde su creaci�n en 1874, Piaget cultiva el esp�ritu del lujo a la vez
que privilegia la creatividad, la atenci�n a los detalles, y un savoir
[...] faire relojero y joyero completamente [...]
Since its foundation in 1874, Piaget has been cultivating a spirit
of luxury while emphasising its creativity, attention to detail and fully integrated
[...] watchmaking and jewellery expertise.
Este joven joyero, apasionado por un arte que domina [...]
perfectamente, se ha orientado poco a poco hacia formas cada vez m�s
contempor�neas, transformando los objetos cotidianos de su cultura tradicional (teteras, cajas, cucharas o joyas) en piezas �nicas de un acabado perfecto.
This young Malian jeweller, with a passion for an [...]
art which he has mastered perfectly, has moved gradually towards designs
which are clearly contemporary and simple, transforming everyday objects from his traditional culture (teapots, cans, spoons and jewels) into unique items with a perfect finish.
Pero el clavo final en el ata�d de Bhutto fue la compra de un
collar de diamantes valuado en 117.000 libras esterlinas (U$S 195.000) a David Morris,
[...] un importante joyero londinense.
But the final nail in the Bhutto
coffin was the purchase of a diamond necklace worth �117,000 (US $195,000) from David
[...] Morris, a leading London jeweller.
Bajo este nuevo modelo, el joyero est� protegido de las [...]
fluctuaciones del precio del oro y el banco puede prestar en forma m�s segura.
Under this new model, the jeweller is protected from the [...]
fluctuations of the price of gold and the bank is able to lend on a more secure basis.
La Joyer�a y Plater�a Irigoyen, como se llama su
tienda, abri� hace poco m�s de un a�o cuando Francisco Javier
[...] decidi� independizarse del joyero para el que estaba trabajando.
The Joyer�a y Plater�a Irigoyen, as their shop is called, was
started a little over a year ago when Francisco Javier decided to
[...] become independent of the jeweler he was working for.
Los libros tienen que pesar, porque contienen todo
[...] [...] el mundo", la protagonista en el libro infantil Tintenherz" (Coraz�n de tinta) de Cornelia Funkes " tiene doce a�os y estiba sus historias de amor en un pequeo joyero de madera, que se lleva a muchos lugares y le ayuda a sentirse en todos los sitio como en casa.
Books must be heavy because they contain the whole world", the twelve year-old main character in Cornelia Funke's "Inkheart" kept her favourite stories in a small wooden treasure box, which went with her to many places and let her feel a little at home everywhere.
Cuando se evoca el concepto de desaparici�n por reflexi�n, se piensa inmediatamente en la �pera de Tokio, este
trabajo sobre el objeto cerrado, misterioso, que recuerda a un estuche para un
[...] instrumento, o a un joyero fuera de escala.
When the concept of disappearance by reflection is evoked, one immediately thinks of the Tokyo Opera
House, which deals with the closed, mysterious object reminiscent of an instrument
[...] case or of an out-of-scale jewel box.
Tienen una hija, Yanina, de 12
a�os, y un hijo, Jos�, de 6. Bienvenido
[...] espera que Jos� sea joyero porque "es una profesi�n [...]
sana que no tiene peligro y puede trabajar en su propia casa.
They have a daughter, Yanina, 12,
and a son, Jos�, 6. Bienvenido hopes
[...] that Jos� will be a jeweler like his father and [...]
grandfather because it is "a sound profession
that isn"t dangerous and he can work in his own home.
Una de sus particularidades m�s destacables es que la galer�a es la �nica en
toda Ibiza donde se pueden encontrar
[...] colecciones originales del joyero Enric Majoral, artista [...]
de renombre internacional.
One of its unique features is that the gallery is the only
one on all of Ibiza where you can find
[...] original collections by jeweller Enric Majoral, an internationally [...]
renowned artist.
Para ajustar de manera �ptima la longitud de este brazalete, le recomendamos que recurra a
[...] la ayuda de un joyero o relojero local.
For optimal sizing, we recommend to take both your watch and
[...] bracelet to a reputable local jeweller.
El oficio de joyero, en la p�gina Web de Artisanat
The profession of jeweller, on the Artisanat website
La historia de Huynh destaca por su perseverancia: Desde ni�o desamparado en un Vietnam destrozado por la
[...] guerra hasta joyero estadounidense [...]
de �xito.
Huynh's story shines with perseverance: from stranded child in war-torn
[...] Vietnam to successful American jeweler.
Es in�til decir que la
[...] tranquilidad y el descanso son omnipresentes en este joyero verde donde la historia deja espacio a la naturaleza.
You will immediately notice how calm it is in the green space where history makes room for nature.
Localizaci�n : Situado en un joyero de naturaleza a 10 minutos del aeropuerto y del centro de Bruselaas.
Location: Located in a green setting at 10 minutes from the airport and the Brussels city centre.
Anillos, brazaletes, cadenas y pendientes? todos encuentran su
[...] lugar en el �rbol joyero, tan escultural [...]
como fascinantemente sencillo
Finger rings, bracelets, chairs and ear-rings - all find their place on
[...] the jewelry tree which is just as sculptural [...]
as it is fascinatingly simple
El joyero puede f�cilmente monitorear [...]
e informar diariamente al banco sobre las joyas etiquetadas, utilizando el software de TJS.
The jeweller is able to easily monitor [...]
and report on the tagged jewellery to the bank on a daily basis, using TJS software.
El joyero y relojero Wempe apoya [...]
al trabajo de la Fundaci�n con 50.000 euros
Jeweller and clockmaker Wempe [...]
supports the foundation's work with 50.000
M�s de 100.000 visitantes de
[...] todos los continentes acuden cada a�o a Basilea para ver las creaciones actuales del sector relojero y joyero.
Over 100,000 visitors from the industry travel from every continent to Basle to view the latest creations.
38 La Misi�n no pudo
[...] entrevistar a ningn Joyero o Comerciante de metales [...]
y piedras preciosos y no pudo comprobar si estos
cumplen o no con los requisitos plasmados en la Ley de los Activos del Crimen del 2000.
38 The Mission was not
[...] able to interview any Jewelers or Dealers in precious [...]
stones and metals and was not able to check
whether they comply with the requirements set out in the POCA 2000.
�Muchas gracias!
Has ayudado a mejorar la calidad de nuestro servicio