The Meaning Behind The Song: Grow Old With Me by John Lennon - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Grow Old With Me by John Lennon

The Meaning Behind The Song: Grow Old With Me by John Lennon


John Lennon was one of the most iconic musicians of all time, and his legacy continues to shape the music industry to this day. One of his lesser-known songs, “Grow Old With Me,” holds a special significance in the hearts of many of his fans.

The song was written during Lennon’s final recording sessions in 1980, just a few months before his untimely death. The lyrics are sentimental and poignant, speaking to the hope and optimism that Lennon held for his future with his wife, Yoko Ono.

In this article, we’ll explore the meaning behind “Grow Old With Me” and answer some frequently asked questions about the song.

The Meaning Behind “Grow Old With Me”

At its core, “Grow Old With Me” is a love song. The lyrics speak to Lennon’s desire to spend the rest of his life with Yoko Ono, growing old and experiencing all the ups and downs of life together.

The opening verse sets the tone for the rest of the song:

“Grow old along with me
The best is yet to be
When our time has come
We will be as one”

This verse speaks to the idea that the best is yet to come in their lives together. Despite the challenges that they may face, Lennon is confident that they will face them together, as one.

The second verse continues this sentiment, referencing the ups and downs that come with any long-term relationship:

“So many years have gone
By, we’ve struggled on and on
But I’ll make it up to you
In the final analysis”

This verse acknowledges the challenges that they’ve faced in their relationship, but also speaks to Lennon’s commitment to making things right in the end.

The final verse is perhaps the most poignant, as it speaks to the idea of mortality:

“So put your tiny hand in mine
I’ll be your preacher, I’ll be your guide
Any time you’re feeling blue
Just remember, I love you”

This verse speaks to the idea that no matter what happens, no matter how much time may pass or what challenges they may face, Lennon will always be there for Ono. He promises to be her guide and support, even in the darkest of times.


What inspired John Lennon to write “Grow Old With Me”?

“Grow Old With Me” was inspired by Robert and Elizabeth Browning’s poem, “Rabbi Ben Ezra.” The poem speaks to the idea of growing old with someone and experiencing the ups and downs of life together.

What was the reaction to “Grow Old With Me” when it was released?

“Grow Old With Me” was not released as a single during Lennon’s lifetime, but it has since become a fan favorite. Many fans relate to the sentiment behind the song and appreciate its simple, yet powerful lyrics.

Did John Lennon perform “Grow Old With Me” live?

No, John Lennon never performed “Grow Old With Me” live. He recorded a demo of the song during his final recording sessions, but it was not released until after his death.

Who has covered “Grow Old With Me”?

Many artists have covered “Grow Old With Me” over the years, including Mary Chapin Carpenter, Glen Campbell, and Tom Jones, among others.

What is the significance of the song’s title?

The title “Grow Old With Me” speaks to the idea of spending a lifetime with someone, growing old together and experiencing all the ups and downs of life as a team.

What instruments are featured in the song?

The original recording of “Grow Old With Me” features Lennon on vocals and acoustic guitar, with additional instrumentation added later by producer Jack Douglas.

How long did it take John Lennon to write “Grow Old With Me”?

The exact timeline for when John Lennon wrote “Grow Old With Me” is not known. The song was recorded during his final recording sessions, just a few months before his death.

Why do fans relate to “Grow Old With Me”?

Fans relate to “Grow Old With Me” because of its universal message of love and commitment. The sentiment behind the song speaks to the idea of growing old with someone and facing the ups and downs of life together.

What is the significance of the song’s lyrics?

The lyrics of “Grow Old With Me” are sentimental and poignant, and they speak to the hope and optimism that Lennon held for his future with Yoko Ono. The song’s message of love, commitment, and perseverance is one that many fans relate to on a personal level.

What was John Lennon’s favorite song that he ever wrote?

John Lennon’s favorite song that he ever wrote was reportedly “Imagine,” which has since become one of the most iconic songs in music history.

What other songs did John Lennon record during his final recording sessions?

During his final recording sessions, John Lennon recorded several other songs, including “I’m Losing You,” “(Just Like) Starting Over,” and “Watching the Wheels,” among others.

What is the legacy of “Grow Old With Me”?

“Grow Old With Me” has become a beloved song among John Lennon fans and is often cited as an example of his talent as a songwriter. Its message of love and commitment continues to resonate with listeners today, almost 40 years after its recording.

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