The Lookout | 8 Bishopsgate

The best view of the capital

The Lookout is 8 Bishopsgate’s 50th floor viewing gallery. Witness uninterrupted views of the City’s iconic landmarks, impressive skyscrapers, and historic architecture admission-free.

Book your ticket

Hire The Lookout

The Lookout is available for private evening & event hire. There are also four private rooms you can book for the day.

Hire The Lookout

50 storeys high

2,500 sq ft viewing gallery

3,000 sq ft executive suites

300 - person events space

See for yourself

Visiting is easy, simply book your free ticket below. We look forward to welcoming you to the top of 8 Bishopsgate.

Book your ticket
Opening hours
Mondays and Fridays12pm-9pm
Tuesdays to Thursdays10.30am-5.30pm
Sundays & Bank Holidays10am-5pm