Reapers Rejects MC | Elizabeth Knox

Reapers Rejects MC



I had it all.

Or, at least, that’s what everyone else thought.

Between my husband being the president of the Demons of Hell and his club, I had a “family.”

Except the only thing that made us a family was my husband’s persistent reminders that it was.

But a family doesn’t turn a blind eye to things.

A family doesn’t let one of their own become a punching bag for their mistakes.

For all the pent-up anger and frustration for something that isn’t even my fault.

My “family” was the reason I nearly died.

And when Rage came into my life, he was all I could see.

The only thing that suddenly mattered.

Too bad I didn’t listen to the warnings before I became obsessed.

After all, with a name like Rage, what was I expecting?

Book One



When you’re married, there are the things you can live with… and the things you can’t.

My abusive husband, Harry? He made those distinctions very clear to me.
Constant beatings, a forced a miscarriage, and then roping me in with my father’s notorious biker gang, The Reapers.

Lucky enough, I got out of my marriage in one piece. For the time being, that is. Though it’s only a matter of time before he picks up on my trail.

Thank God for Blackjack.

He swears he’ll kill my no-good husband the second he steps foot in town. That’s sweet and all, sure, but there’s more to him; something about his stare that I can’t get out of my mind. A part of me is desperate to believe I deserve to be loved, deserve someone like Blackjack in my life. Yet, the bruises from my past tell me to never trust another man again.

But Blackjack isn’t like any other man, is he?


I never expected that I’d have anything or anyone to lose when I enlisted in the army. Then the blonde wild-child of the Montana’s Reapers motorcycle club, Ashley Monroe, showed up and proved that I had a lot more to lose than I thought.

It shouldn’t have been a surprise that by the time I came back home after all these years that she’d up-and-left town and gotten married. Life, after all, continues to move right on along even when you’re not there to watch it go. All the same, I have a two-year-old son to think about now.

And then there’s Ashley. She shows up, beaten and broken from her marriage, and instantly changes everything. I’ve never wanted to kill a man so badly my entire life. Just one look at her and I’m drowning with a desire to take her in my arms and tell her she’ll always be safe with me.

But is there enough strength left in both of us for this second shot at life?

Book Two

Here Kitty, Kitty

Life always finds a way to fuck you over.

I found that one out the hard way before I was even thirteen. Before that, my life had been perfect and then I was stripped away from my family. And while it certainly wasn’t what you’d call the typical family, it had been my family, my life. I had everything: loving parents, a huge biker family (even though they did fight like cat and dogs a lot), and the love from every member of one of the most notorious clubs in United States history. The Reapers blood flew through every vein in my body.

It took my years to find out why—or better who—had stripped me of my life, never knowing who the man was that’d taken everything from me. But he certainly knew who I was and, more importantly, he knew my parents. He took me hostage just to get back at my parents for something that had happened years ago.

I was the price my parents paid. Worst of all, I’ve been stuck here for years. Nothing about my stay with the Demons of Hell motorcycle club is glorious, especially not with the things they say and worst of all, the things they force me to do. I started out as a girl full of light but having spent so much time in the dark has sucked almost every bit of light I had left.

Darkness was all I’d known until I met him, and he lit the last remaining ember I’d had left inside me.

When I agreed to go undercover at the Demons of Hell motorcycle club, I had no idea exactly what my father had been signing me up for.

My father’s personal gain had been my sole purpose. Growing up in the Brotherhood Motorcycle Club had given me a good idea of the club life but being thrown into Rage’s idea of a club was something that nobody could’ve prepared me for.

Four years in this club and I’d learned next to nothing. Every day, I could feel myself getting closer to the information my father sent me for, that my family needed. My father had abandoned everything, and it had all been Rage’s fault. Even so, my father had vowed to return, to right every and all wrongdoing that Rage had had a hand in and he would fulfill that promise.

And while I may have come here for my father’s bidding, that wasn’t the reason I’d decided to stay. I could’ve made the choice a long time ago to run back home, to return even if it was with nothing useful. Every single day that I’m here, I stare in the face of the person I’ve decided to stay for. Her face screams how lost and broken she is, how she’s had everything ripped from her by him. Rage calls her his property and I’m letting him think that for now.

If only he knew about the way she looks at me whenever she’s not in his sight…

Book Three



He’s shipping me off to Vegas in the hopes that it will squash whatever fire is starting to ignite between Camila and I. Fist is a smart bastard, I’ll give him that.
What he doesn’t realize is that I’m not the type to give up easily.

He’s warned me to stay away, but the heart wants what it wants, and I want Camila.

I may be going to Vegas, but she’ll be on the back of my bike the whole way whether he likes it or not.

I just wonder what kind of dangers we’re going to face. Being closer to the Mexican border is bound to give us problems, but it’s simple. I’ll just shoot any man dumb enough to try and lay a hand on her.

Camila is mine.


The Reapers MC were my saving grace when I needed them, hiding me from the Mexican Cartel, they kept me alive.

Fist, the Prez learned to love me like I was the second daughter he never had. He took his oath of protection that he made to Reed from the Skulls Renegade MC to the heart. Fist wants to protect me from everything and make sure that I don’t end up back in the evil clutches of Rafael Ramirez.

What happens when I don’t want life to hold me back anymore, when I finally want to live in the sun instead of hiding in the dark?

Boog is my way to get there, and I want to take that shot.

Book Four



If I didn’t love her, I would kill her. I’d kill her for so much, but mostly for hiding my kid from me. For up and running, and choosing to keep my daughter out of my life. She doesn’t just belong to Melody. She’s mine too, and Melody doesn’t get to keep her to herself.

She said she ran because of me, because of what I did.

I can’t blame her for that.

I fucked up and I might have lost the most important woman in my life, but I refuse to lose my daughter. Not when we haven’t even had a chance.

Will fighting for my daughter lead me to winning back my girl’s heart? I loved her for years and I always will. The only thing is, Melody doesn’t exist anymore.

Only Rebel Rose does, and she’s nothing like I expect.

Book Five



I’ve never been the type of man to seek my father’s approval, especially when it comes to women. Now though, all I want for him is to accept her into our family – into our club.

Ivy has a jaded past, even moreso now than before. She may be his arch nemesis’ daughter, but she’s my girl and he needs to remember that.

This isn’t any Romeo or Juliet bullshit. This is a fight of good versus evil and Ivy sure as fuck isn’t evil.

The words written into her flesh prove that.

Book Six



I don’t know what it is about this stranger that sparks a fire deep inside me. He makes me question everything about my life. I met him one time when he was in the bar with a buddy of his.

Weeks have gone by and I haven’t seen him, but I know where he is. He’s a Reaper, and these bastards are easy to find.

I’m tired of dealing with the same shit on a different day. I know that I deserve more, and now I’m going to search for it.

I just don’t know if I can handle everything coming my way.

Book Seven



Who would’ve known what I’d find in that fucking basement. More importantly, who knew what I was gonna do.

It felt natural, to take off my cut and place it over her shoulders. She’d been exposed for god knows how long, and all I could think is that I didn’t want another man’s eyes raking over her body.

In putting my cut over her, I was claiming her as mine.

Alexa may not know it, but she’s my lost little lamb and I won’t let anyone harm her ever again.

Book Eight



They say when you know, you know. The only thing I knew the second I met her was that she was crazier than I was, and that made me crave her even more. Only, things never work out the way you think they will.

She was hiding shit from me but more than that, she was hiding something from the club. After her betrayal I swore I wouldn’t love again, but just as I swore off women someone else came into the picture.

A breathtaking vixen that was sure to change my mind.

Book Nine



She only came into our lives on a whim because we outsmarted the woman who was trying to double cross us. While I hated Sakura at first her actions have proven she’s not only as loyal as they come, but has undeniable honor.

Sakura used her connections and pull to save one of us, the most innocent of Reapers, Orion Monroe. I watched her put her head on the chopping block to save that little boys life and it made me see a different side of her.

Now all I want to do is wrap her in my arms and tell her it’s going to be okay, that we’ll survive the battle with her family. But will we? Sakura isn’t just any gorgeous Japanese woman.

She’s Sakura Kobayashi, daughter of the Yakuza and her father has put a bounty on her head.

I hated Sakura at first, but she’s proven the type of woman she is with her choices. Now I feel a completely different way about her. Time is running out and it’s now or never. I only hope time is in my favor and I can tell this woman how much I ache for her to be mine.

Book Ten



I ain’t ever been set up with a woman in my life, but when Hawk told me about this chick I just had to meet I was nervous as hell. I wasn’t even this nervous when I lost my virginity. Plus, the only dudes who went out on blind dates were those pathetic types. I sure as hell wasn’t one of them.

It didn’t feel right to be going out on a date when danger was coming our way. But the brothers at the club talked me into it. Cobra’s dad made a promise to wreak havoc on our club and we were biding our time until he made the first move.

Every feeling of worry vanished into thin air when she slid her perfectly toned ass across that booth in the diner. It was like my entire world changed. I’ve never been the type who believed in love at first sight. Even to this day I wouldn’t call it that.

Like every man, I had a type. Except Indra was the total opposite of that. She was exactly what I needed.

But with her came an ultimatum I never expected. I was forced to choose between my family and her.

Book Eleven


I’m supposed to marry a woman I’ve never met, make her my ‘ol lady and all that. This deal was struck when I was a kid playing with toy trucks in my front yard. Hell, Octavia wasn’t even born yet.

Everything changed when the Raiders MC started getting picked off one by one. Her sisters were all murdered, including the woman I was supposed to marry. Now Octavia, is the only one left and she’s not exactly keen on uprooting her life and moving to Montana.

Either way, we don’t have the option to throw in the towel and say fuck it. I’m just gonna have to make the best of it, even if she fights me every step of the way.

Book Twelve



He took me.
Kept me as his own– his plaything, his woman to toy with and torture whenever he felt like it.
I’ve been trapped within these four walls for over a year. The slowest most agonizing year of my life.
I begged for him to kill me, yet he wouldn’t. You know why? Because he had too much fun with me. That’s what he said. It’s what he always said– how much he enjoyed it all.
There came a point when I thought it would never end . . . but it did.

My cousin Eduardo pulled her from the clutches of a monster. I don’t call him that lightly. In our business we’ve seen many who are animals in suits. However, this man . . . he is among the most vile.
I knew the moment she walked through my father’s estate how she fancied my cousin. He even mentioned to me how she flirted with him a couple times before she was taken.
I knew the woman had been through hell, and yet I didn’t care.
I saw the spark in her eye when she looked at my cousin, and I hated him for it.
A mere glance, and I craved her more than any drug.
She doesn’t know it, but she will be mine.

Book Thirteen



I screwed up, and boy did I screw up in a big way. I always tell people not to go for a ride when they’re pissed. Combine the anger with the slick roads and heavy rain. That’s what landed me in the hospital. Though, I was lucky. They told me the only thing I’d need to do is go for a few weeks of physical therapy and adjustments with a chiropractor.

That’s where I met Natalie Benet.

She was the friendly face in the front. The one who chats with all the patients, gets to know them, and makes them feel as comfortable as they can even in their most painful moments. While her encouraging words pissed me off at first, I learned to appreciate her support.

She was just a woman who showed me kindness. Maybe even more than I deserved. I was out with Axel one night at a bar in town and heard this asshole chatting with his buddies, talking about his bitch of a wife. It didn’t take me long until he said her name along with a few other details that confirmed it was the Natalie I see every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

He joked about beating her up like a rat dog again. He laughed with his buddies about turning her face black and blue to the point she wouldn’t be able to work for a week.

One thing’s for certain– he’ll scream for mercy when I tear every tooth out of his fuckin’ mouth for layin’ a hand on her.

Book Fourteen



Ever since my hands were shattered, I’ve felt like a ghost of the man I once was. Lucien may have broken my bones, but in all reality he damaged much more than my body. He crushed my spirit.

I was lucky enough to have Sakura and Cheyenne by my side when I went through my reconstruction surgeries, but now Cheyenne has left to go up to Montana and Sakura is focused on trying to have a baby with Mouser. Over that time I was able to forge friendships with both of these ladies.

Now that my hands are as good as they’re going to get, I suppose it’s time I get back in action. Damon told me he wanted me to help this chick out with a project she’s working on. She’s one of Rebel’s friends, even works with her at Crave, LLC. Damon doesn’t tell me anything about this project, but imagine my surprise when I found out she’s writing a romance novel about a biker club and Damon told her she could shadow me for three months to conduct her research.

I’d probably hate it if she wasn’t the most gorgeous Romanian woman I’ve ever seen.

Crina came here for research, but she’ll be getting much more than she bargained for.

Book Fifteen



Ever since my hands were shattered, I’ve felt like a ghost of the man I once was. Lucien may hFrost

I’m doing something I’d never thought I would. Something I swore I wouldn’t do when Elena went off and married Reed. But, as the years went by I saw the unity within the biker lifestyle and I began to crave it. Now I’m in my late-thirties and all I have to show is scars on my body, battle wounds and marks that will forever scar my skin after being on the field for the bureau.

Is it wrong I want more than that? I asked myself this question for years, and not long ago I made the decision to quit my job, abandoning every benefit and decided to live for myself. For so long I had thought my work would give me purpose, but that wasn’t the case. It turned out I was much like every other woman. I only wanted to belong somewhere.

It turns out where I belong is with the Reapers MC. I’ve been here for a bit now and we’re finally starting to see some fresh blood into the charter other than myself.

A woman by the name of Cheyenne transferred to our charter. She’d been providing medical care down in Las Vegas with Sakura to the club and patients in their clinic. No one here knows my preferences, but I haven’t been able to keep my eyes off her.

I wasn’t always a lesbian, but somewhere in my early-thirties I realized who it was I really loved– women.

The moment Cheyenne’s family hears she’s with us, they lose their shit . . . and in doing so, they ignite a war with the Reapers. They used to be our allies, but now they’re public enemy number one. Above anything else, we’ll always protect our own.ave broken my bones, but in all reality he damaged much more than my body. He crushed my spirit.

I was lucky enough to have Sakura and Cheyenne by my side when I went through my reconstruction surgeries, but now Cheyenne has left to go up to Montana and Sakura is focused on trying to have a baby with Mouser. Over that time I was able to forge friendships with both of these ladies.

Now that my hands are as good as they’re going to get, I suppose it’s time I get back in action. Damon told me he wanted me to help this chick out with a project she’s working on. She’s one of Rebel’s friends, even works with her at Crave, LLC. Damon doesn’t tell me anything about this project, but imagine my surprise when I found out she’s writing a romance novel about a biker club and Damon told her she could shadow me for three months to conduct her research.

I’d probably hate it if she wasn’t the most gorgeous Romanian woman I’ve ever seen.

Crina came here for research, but she’ll be getting much more than she bargained for.

Book Fifteen



I’ve been playing with fire my entire life, so messing with two of my club brother’s sister was just up my alley. Ruby, the younger half-sister to Grim and Axel.

She and I had been flirting for ages, playfully toying with one another. 

That is, until she went off to one of the most prestigious colleges in the United States– Stonewall University.

She joined a sorority and did things all the nice girls do. But one day she came flying back here. We thought it was because of Grim’s motorcycle accident, but it wasn’t. She was attacked on campus by a group of men.

I was supposed to wait and let one of our own handle it. One who was starting his term at Stonewall in the fall . . . but I couldn’t wait. Seeing her in pain ripped me apart, especially after she told me what happened. 

I knew right then and there she’d be mine. But I needed to do one thing first– find her attackers and make them suffer in ways they never imagined. 

Book Sixteen



One drunken night. One drunken slip up. It’s all it took before I started lookin’ at her in a completely different way.

She was in love with my brother before he met his ol’ lady and now here I am, unable to keep my damn eyes off her.  

Rosa’s one of the Vixens. She’s been around for a couple years now, but I’d be lyin’ if I said I knew a lot about her. She’s always been secretive, keepin’ her past to herself. While the Vixens are mostly made up of women who’ve been abused and are hopeful to find new lives, somethin’ in my gut is tellin’ me her story isn’t the same.

We’ve got enough shit goin’ on with the club that I shouldn’t be focusin’ on a woman right now, but fuck if I’m gonna let someone take what’s bound to be mine. Especially with these damn prospects who keep glancin’ in her direction.

But the night she goes out with the girls bar hopping and comes back hours earlier than the rest, I know her past has come to haunt her. The question is: will she tell me and let me help her, or is she going to keep trying to handle this on her own? 
Regardless, I won’t let her drown in her own misery.

Book Seventeen


She’s fought me for ages, and I won’t keep holding myself back.


Over the last couple months Rosa’s past has stirred up a lot of trouble for the club, but that won’t stop me from fighting for what I want, no matter the cost. Shiloh and I have been beating around the bush for ages and considering everything that’s happened I know one thing for sure–there’s no time to be wasted. I want her and she’s always kept me at arm’s length, but I’m not an impatient man, I’ve waited, and I’ve waited, and I’ve kept waiting. But I won’t keep doing so.

We all watched and saw how Axel and Rosa have turned their relationship into something else, and it’s given me enough courage to finally risk fucking my friendship up with Shiloh. I doubt it’ll happen, but it’s the excuse she’s been giving me for years. Now she can’t say jack shit to me about denying what we’ve both made clear we wanted, if the timing was right. There’s no better time than the present, but just like Rosa, Shiloh has secrets she hasn’t told anyone about.

When her mother rolls up to the club and tells her she needs to come back home for a few weeks to help with her step-father’s campaign, I see a totally different side of her.

I see the way her body runs cold and the fear taking hold of her. But what shocks me the most is when she agrees. It put me in a position I never thought I’d be in. I don’t want to leave Montana with the club shit going on right now . . . but there’s no way in hell I’m letting her go by herself.

I’ll show Shiloh I’m the type of man who will treat her like a queen, and in the process I’ll face her demons by her side.

***Hammer is a full-length novel in the Reapers MC that is not recommended to be read as a stand-alone. It goes over tough subjects which may be difficult to read. Please only read this novel if you have little to no triggers.