Brother Cadfael - Book Series In Order
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Brother Cadfael Books In Order

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Publication Order of Chronicles of Brother Cadfael Books

A Morbid Taste for Bones (1977)Description / Buy at Amazon
One Corpse Too Many (1979)Description / Buy at Amazon
Monk's Hood (1980)Description / Buy at Amazon
Saint Peter's Fair (1981)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Leper Of St. Giles (1981)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Virgin in the Ice (1982)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Sanctuary Sparrow (1983)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Devil's Novice (1983)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dead Man's Ransom (1984)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Pilgrim of Hate (1984)Description / Buy at Amazon
An Excellent Mystery (1985)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Raven in the Foregate (1986)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Rose Rent (1986)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Hermit of Eyton Forest (1987)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Confession of Brother Haluin (1988)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Rare Benedictine (1988)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Heretic's Apprentice (1989)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Potter's Field (1989)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Summer of the Danes (1991)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Holy Thief (1992)Description / Buy at Amazon
Eye Witness (1993)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Price of Light (1993)Description / Buy at Amazon
Brother Cadfael's Penance (1994)Description / Buy at Amazon

Brother Cadfael is quite the character. He is a monk of the Benedictine tribe. He lives in the west of England within a facility for monks, and he is of Welsh origin. This character is placed within the historic time of the twelfth century. This is a time when Empress Maud and King Stephen are fighting for the crown of England.

Brother Cadfael is new to this life as a monk. However, he was recently a soldier and a sailor, and he has the mind of medicine and science. He also has a great eye for the beauty of nature. The animals, the green grass, and more. He believes these talents will help him in this new life. These talents, however, get him into trouble because he constantly tries to squeeze the culture of the world into the church.

This character is known for the three most recent books, which include: The Holy Thief, Brother Cadfael’s Penance, and A Rare Benedictine.

In The Holy Thief, the book starts in the year 1144. It is a very hot summer day. The facility the monks stay in is in danger in two ways. First, heavy rain starts falling. This means all of the important artifacts must be moved. When Cadfael and others go to get the artifacts, they find nothing because the artifacts have been stolen; this is the second danger that is upon the facility of the Monks. Cadfael feels summoned to use his investigating skills in order to find the artifacts. He makes it through the rain. Despite all of the obstacles, he finds the artifacts, too. However, finding the artifacts leads him to a murder. The artifacts no longer matter. He wants to avenge the dead.

In Brother Cadfael’s Penance, the book begins in the year 1145. Empress Maud and King Stephen make an attempt to make peace with each other. This does not go over well nor quickly. The empress and king do agree, however, to let prisoners of war go. In the midst of this, Brother Cadfael receives knowledge that his son is a prisoner of war. Cadfael sets out to rescue his son. He does not go forth as a Monk. He goes forth as a farther prepared to do anything to bring his son to safety. Cadfael discovers a lot about himself that he never knew. He also discovers a deeper love for life.

In A Rare Benedictine, Cadfael’s character is played out strongly. In the beginning, readers see him as a crusader. He is seen as someone who will die and kill in the name of God. He is also seen as someone who will die and kill in the name of his family. Toward the end of the book, Brother Cadfael is done living the life that brings death. He now wants to live a life solely devoted to God. He does this by fully joining the Abbey of St. Peter and St. Paul.
This character is also known for three early book, which include: A Morbid Taste For Bones, One Corpse Too Many, and Monk’s Hood.

A Morbid Taste For Bones begins in the village of Gwytherin. This village is Welsh land, and not many people live here. This also happens to be the place where Saint Winifred is buried. The year is 1137 and the head of the abbey has decided to dig up the bones of the saint. He wants the bones inside of the abbey. Brother Cadfael is placed on this expedition to dig up the bones. Cadfael, however, discovers that Gwytherin is divided. Some people are okay with the bones being dug up, but some people are not okay with it. Cadfael can feel that something is not right. No sooner, Cadfael comes across a dead man, and it turns out this dead man had plans to dig up the bones of the saint, too. Cadfael now switches his goal, and he is in search for a murderer.

One Corpse Too Many begins in the town of Gwytherin. There is a killer on the loose. However, instead of hiding the bodies, the killer drops a body in the middle of the city. Of course, Brother Cadfael bumps into the dead corpse. Cadfael makes it his mission to find the killer. This mission is hard because as he searches for answers he becomes more confused. This mission places him in some weird situations, too.

Monk’s Hood is a true conspiracy. A man visits the abbey. Soon-after, this man is found dead. It turns out this man was poisoned with an oil that was made in Cadfael’s place of study. Even worse, this dead man was married to the same woman Cadfael was married to before he entered the abbey. All evidence is now pointing a Cadfael as the killer. Brother Cadfael is committed to do whatever he has to in order to clear his name. He knows there is a real killer out there, and he will find the killer even if it’s the last thing he does.

Brother Cadfael is a character who everyone can relate to on a gut level. He has a love for his church, his government, and his family. Often times the love for all of these causes Brother Cadfael to make some tough decisions. Sometimes, these decisions are life or death situations. Nevertheless, whether good or bad, Cadfael sticks by every single decision he makes. He also makes sure he never puts anyone in harms way when he is in battle.

People from around the world love these books. One of the main reasons is because they are for all ages. Young children and adults will be able to receive the messages from these books in their minds and in their hearts. People also love these books because they are full of history. All of the history used in these books is exact. The history concept in these books have never been disputed. This is because all the history writing is perfect to the highest degree.

Book Series In Order » Characters » Brother Cadfael

One Response to “Brother Cadfael”

  1. Ellie Rich: 2 years ago

    Excellent series- will keep you spellbound!


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