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  • What is a Retrograde?
  • When is the Saturn Retrograde? 2024 dates
  • What effect will Saturn Retrograde have on my star sign?
  • A tarot card for the Saturn Retrograde

Those of us approaching, or past, aged 30 will probably recognise the echoes of the phrase Saturn Return: a three-year phase when Saturn returns to the place it was in the sky when we were born. It takes Saturn 30 years or so to make a full orbit because it’s an outer planet, and moves slowly (unlike, say, a Venus return which happens every year because Earth is much closer). I hate to say it, people, but the annual Saturn retrograde is kind of like a mini Saturn Return. Yup. Time to grow up, show up, and financially get a glow up!

Saturn is the planet linked to Capricorn, which we know is the hardest working sign in the whole zodiac, born to create 10-year career plans and rule the boardroom. We might all feel a little like Capricorn is breathing down our neck during this retrograde, demanding to know what the plan is, what the goal is, and what TF we’re doing with our lives. Just easy, lowkey things, then...

What is a Retrograde?

All planets have retrograde seasons; not just Mercury. A retrograde describes the apparent backwards movement of a planet. ‘Apparent’ because the planet isn’t actually moving backwards – it’s only an illusion. According to NASA, the illusion occurs because of how Earth and other planets orbit the sun at different speeds. From an astrological POV, retrogrades reverse or block the influence of that planet here on Earth.

When is the Saturn Retrograde? 2024 dates

Saturn will retrograde on the 29th June, 2024, to 15th November, 2025, in the sign of Pisces.

What effect will Saturn Retrograde have on my star sign?

Saturn comes to collect during the retrograde. It's a life reality check, and that might be a seamless, blissful passage if you’ve got your sh** together, or more of a bumpy ride (albeit with much more potential for personal growth and positive outcomes) if you’re drifting, avoiding, or ignoring the dumpster fire in your bank account, work realm, or home. Saturn wants to force you to face the reality of the life you’re creating. Is it what you want? Are you being led by hope or fear? Are you taking ownership for your life? Take responsibility, do the audit, be honest with yourself, and bite down on some changes and new goals that will actually do you the power of good!

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

Don’t block the vibes, don’t ignore your conscience or little red flags relating to stuff you know you ought to be doing (but currently CBA). Make some wise, shrewd moves that build a good foundation for the future, particularly regarding work and money. See this as a phase to craft your GOAT plan.

Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

We all accrue responsibilities, duties, and commitment as we mature. Like it or not, no person is an island. We belong to families, communities, colleagues, teams, partnerships, social circles etc. We all have a role to play. Examine yours. Examine where you’re proud and happy to show up, and not. Look at whether you’re shirking or simply need more guidance or support.

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

Take this astrological phase as a time to reflect on the story so far and extract some new life lessons and wisdom. You are a greater processor of the past; in fact you can probably also help people you love and like to do this too. No regrets or wallowing… this is not about opening wounds, but about seeing where you went awry, what could have been done differently, and setting a new trajectory for the future.

Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

Enjoy the ride, Earth signs! Saturn retrograde is an easy peasy walk in the park for you as you tend to have all your sh** together. That said, you’re never one to miss an opportunity to analyse and review the game-plan, so do so, with a positive and optimistic view. Maybe it’s time to amplify and go bigger, bolder on your ambitions? You’ve got this. Build your empire, bb.

A tarot card for the Saturn Retrograde

Let’s join together with a message for the greater good and the collective ‘us’ from the tarot… Four of Wands. This retrograde is a gift, a wonderful chance to pause and review with the stern but ultimately wise and well-meaning Saturn. Take it on the chin, take the input, craft a plan, do some positive, pro-active and progressive moves in your work, wealth, health and home realms – ultimately all the personal development work you do on yourself is never, ever wasted, you will only ever benefit.

For your own unique and personal tarot forecast, including your own life story reading, visit Kerry's TarotBella page

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