The Meaning Behind The Song: Speaking With The Angel by Ron Sexsmith - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Speaking With The Angel by Ron Sexsmith


The Meaning Behind The Song: Speaking With The Angel by Ron Sexsmith

Ah, the power of music. There are songs that touch our souls, and then there are songs that touch our souls and leave us questioning their profound meaning. One such song is “Speaking With The Angel” by Ron Sexsmith. With its evocative lyrics and heartfelt melody, this song has a way of reverberating through the depths of our emotions.

Let’s take a closer look at the meaning behind the lyrics. The song opens with the lines, “He don’t know how to lie or undermine you. He don’t know how to steal, how to deal or deceive.” Immediately, it becomes clear that the protagonist of the song possesses an innocence and purity that sets them apart from the rest of the world. They are untouched by the vices and complexities that often plague human relationships.

The chorus adds another layer to this understanding. “Leave him alone, set him free, ’cause he’s speaking with the angel. Speaking with the angel that only he can see.” Here, Sexsmith alludes to a spiritual connection that the protagonist has with an angelic presence. This connection serves as a guiding force in their life, allowing them to navigate the world with grace and wisdom.

As the song progresses, Sexsmith poses a thought-provoking question: “Would you teach him about heaven? Would you show him how to love the earth?” This raises the idea that society has a responsibility to nurture and protect the innocence of those who possess it. It also suggests that the protagonist’s connection with the angel represents a deeper understanding of love and spirituality.

Personally, “Speaking With The Angel” has left a lasting impact on my life. The simplicity and purity of the song’s message have resonated with me on a profound level. It reminds me to appreciate the beauty in the world and to strive for a more compassionate and understanding existence.

Growing up, I often found solace in music during times of hardship. When I stumbled upon this song, it felt like a beacon in the darkness. Its gentle melody and poignant lyrics provided me with comfort and reassurance, reminding me that there is always a glimmer of hope, even in the most challenging of circumstances.

Now, let’s dive into the details of the song. Here’s a table summarizing the key information:

Key Information:

Title Speaking With The Angel
Artist Ron Sexsmith
Writer/Composer Ron Sexsmith
Album Ron Sexsmith (1995)
Release Date May 16, 1995
Genre Pop
Producer Mitchell Froom

Now that we have explored the song’s meaning and its impact, it is clear that “Speaking With The Angel” is an invitation to reflect on the innocence and purity that resides within us all. It reminds us to embrace the guidance of our own personal angels and to find solace in the presence of something greater than ourselves.

In a world that often seems chaotic, this song serves as a gentle reminder to set judgment aside and allow compassion and understanding to guide our interactions. It urges us to be the angels that others may need, and in doing so, create a more harmonious and loving world.

As Ron Sexsmith beautifully sings, “Speaking with the angel, the very one that spoke to you and me. Do you remember?” Yes, I remember. And thanks to this unforgettable song, I will continue to cherish and honor that connection – the connection between the angel and the human spirit.

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