Creating Better Days Review - The Stoner Mom

This post was made in partnership with Creating Better Days. Read more about my sponsorship policy on my disclosure page.

Spotlight on CBD

CBD is one of over 100 cannabinoids that have been isolated and identified by scientists. In recent years CBD has gained widespread notoriety for its ability to treat a plethora of lifelong chronic illness and disease. Some facts about CBD:

  • CBD is completely non-psychoactive, meaning it won’t get you high.
  • CBD is non-addictive, has minimal side effects, and can be used safely by both children, adults, and animals.
  • CBD can treat schizophrenia, post traumatic stress, epileptic disorders, depression, anxiety, cancer, osteoporosis, nausea, lupus, OCD, Parkinson’s disease, acute and chronic pain, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative disorders, psychosis and so much more.

I use CBD for my diagnosed generalized anxiety and major depressive disorders, conditions I have had for my entire adult life. At the end of 2017 I used CBD therapy to successfully go completely off of pharmaceuticals, and I’m eager to share what I have learned with you! I use the “Spotlight on CBD” umbrella to house product reviews (both sponsored and non), in-depth articles, videos, and podcasts about this important topic.

Creating Better Days Review

Creating Better Days CBD is dedicated to producing the purest and highest quality hemp CBD products. All of our offerings are legal in all fifty states, USA-made, and produced with federally legal cannabidiol (CBD) derived from the industrial hemp plant.


Key Highlights:

  • Military discount! Receive 20% off with military email or proof of service, here.
  • CO2 extracted CBD from hemp.
  • All products tested for purity and potency through third-party labs.
  • Huge product selection. From capsules to cartridges, Creating Better Days carries CBD products for every consumption method.

CBD Products Available

  • Sublingual tinctures
  • Edibles
  • Beverage Enhancer
  • Concentrates – crumble, isolate, and wax
  • Syrups
  • Topical lotions
  • Capsules
  • Cartridges
  • Pet products
  • Vape oil and e-juice


2013 with offices in the United Kingdom and Florida.

Origin of Hemp

Creating Better Days obtains their cannabidiol (CBD) oil from the hemp plant using the technique of CO2 extraction.

Online Lab Results?

Yes. Find all third-party lab results here.

Discount Code:

Yes. Use code STONERMOM for 10% off your order!

Personal Thoughts

Products I’ve Tried

My favorite product by Creating Better Days is the beverage enhancer, a delivery method I have yet to see elsewhere and a great pairing with summer drinks. CBD Beverage Enhancer + Vitamin C is formulated to deliver a concentrated and convenient dose of CBD and Vitamin C in every squeeze. I love adding a squeeze of this orange flavored enhancer to my water or iced tea!

I also really love and recommend Creating Better Days’ edibles. Both the gummies and the lollipops are delicious and are so convenient for on the go medicating or for topping up on your standard CBD dose. I absolutely love the watermelon lollipops and watermelon gummies, both which have a wonderful flavor and no weird aftertaste.

Who Should Try Creating Better Days

With such a large product range with CBD products for literally every consumption method, Creating Better Days is a great place for anyone looking to enhance their health and wellness with CBD. Whether you’re into tinctures, vaping, edibles or concentrates, Creating Better Days has a product for you. I love this company’s transparency, high quality products, and third-party test results.

Creating Better Days is also a great brand for members of our military to try. They offer a 20% off coupon for all military, simply fill out this form and you’ll receive a unique discount code via email.

Pet owners ready to start treating their furry family members with CBD should check out their dog treats and pet CBD oil. Our aging St. Bernard/Husky mix has CBD oil with his food every day and we can see a definite difference in his anxiety and energy levels.

Giveaway Closed – Winners Have Been Notified | Father’s Day 2018 CBD Giveaway!

Mom’s get so much love here at, it’s time to focus on the dads! This year to celebrate Father’s Day I’m giving away two packs of Creating Better Day’s products, a great starter kit for any dad, dude, or father figure ready to embrace CBD!

creating better days giveaway
The perfect CBD starter set!

In each prize bundle:

How to Enter:

Comment on this blog post and tell me about the man or father figure in your life that would benefit from adding CBD to their routine. You may enter yourself. I’ll pick two winners and contact them via email on Monday 6/18. Please be sure to include your email address on the comment form so I can contact winners. Good luck!

Must be 18+ and a USA or Canadian resident to enter.


The Stoner Mom is a pulled-together, WAHM, SAHM, boo-boo kissing supermom. Most would assume she is not stoned. Most would be quite wrong.


  1. Mandy Bothwell

    My boyfriend would benefit from this he has severe PTSD and scullious and degenerate spine disease and muscle spasms. Blocked air ways so he snores and also pukes because of it. Cannabis seems to be the only thing that helps this appetite. He also is suffering from anxiety. To the point where he drives me crazy lol. Edibles would be so much better because he can’t smoke where we live and plus candy would be easier to swallow. But of course he has to share. We are allowed 2 grams a day. I would love to review some new products of cannabis for my Facebook page. Best of luck

  2. I am a huge fan of your blog. This would be a good prize to win for my boyfriend ?

  3. It might be too late to enter, but I’m going to try anyway 🙂

    I would love to win these CBD products for my boyfriend — and myself 😉 We’re both anxiety sufferers, although separately he also deals with migraines and a slipped disc, while I was hit while riding my bike home back in December and am now dealing with chronic pain caused by open knee surgery to repair a fractured tibia that I sustained in the crash, plus depression and women’s health issues. It’s awesome 😉

    He’s been really wonderful and supportive throughout all of this, and we both find smoking helpful for our ailments and mental health, although more recently the stress of medical bills and collection agencies and the added expenses of getting to physical therapy, etc., is really beginning to take its toll, and I’ve more recently been looking into adding CBD to our lives to give that extra help that I think we both need. It would be a great surprise for him if he won.

  4. Noelle Pettke

    I’ve been getting my fiance into using CBD daily since he has his medical marijuana card in michigan but his job doesn’t approve and only follows federal guidelines so he has to find other ways to medicate his pain. He’s a heavy duty diesel mechanic with neck, shoulder and back issues. He was coming home in so much pain since he had to quit using MM. CBD has been a lifesaver for him since he works 70+ hours a week.

    • I nominate my husband. He works so hard two weeks away from us every month. He literally misses half his life providing for his family. My biggest reason for nominating him is because he puts up with me. I’m not an easy person to be married to. I have soooo many insecurities and my anxiety can be off the charts at times. It always seems to be about me and what I need that sometimes feel so guilty because he deserves more recognition for all he does , especially for me. He is an amazing father and loves me through it all.. no matter what.❤️

  5. Ahbree simpson

    Thanks for hosting such a wonderful giveaway and for being so informative. I know my partner would benefit tremendously. As would my father. They both suffer from depression, anxiety, and s countless amount of other health issues. They both work incredibly hard to support our families and put their physical and mental health in Jeopordy to do so. So honestly either one, my partner or my 65 year old father would be grateful to try. I can imagine them even sharing it. Anyways, thanks for the opportunity and I just love your blog.

    • Jennifer

      My husband, though not a father yet, is the most incredible man I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. He has endured the deepest of sorrows and torture, and yet finds strength to support me fully with only love – even when my own GAD is kicking my brain’s arse.
      My husband is not a survivor; he is an outlaster. He learned to be a survivor when he was a small boy; he had to, for his own safety. He had to survive torture we hear about on the news, by the hands of his own father. He is done surviving. He outlasted the monster and is finally healing from it. My husband walked around for 30 years without a clue what happened to him as a child. He was triggered through a series of (for lack of a better word) unfortunate events that has led him down a dark, twisted path of textbook, extreme PTSD and depression. He will prevail, though.

      He is strong, intelligent, creative, caring… the list goes on. And he wears kilts.

      And I think CBD would really help him.

      • If every I can do anything to help.. please let me know… I was an abused child. I know the pain. So sorry to hear that this happens to anyone. He will prevail.

      • Hello Jennifer! Thanks for participating in this giveaway! You’ve been chosen as a winner! Please send me your mailing address at and we’ll get your prize shipped out. Thanks again for supporting the stoner mom by participating. I pray your husband can find peace and healing, and hope CBD provides some relief.

  6. Ok I am one hell of a lucky woman to have an incredible father, a wonderful father in law, and the absolute best husband in the world. They are all worthy of so much more than I could ever dream of gifting them tomorrow, but I want this for myself!!
    I have MS and recently went through a stem cell treatment that used chemotherapy to wipe out my immune system (since ms is the immune system attacking nerves) and since treatment, I feel so incredibly amazing and all of my MS symptoms are gone but I’m left with this annoying neuropathy in my legs and my anxiety is through the roof. My doctor wants to prescribe anticonvulsants and up my anxiety medication I’m already on but I would much rather go this route!
    I’m definitely going to look into these products!
    Thanks for having this awesome giveaway ❤️

  7. Ali Silva

    My husband is amazing!! He has been taking care of me since I was 16 years old and he was 18. Once I turned 18, we moved in together. Of course I got pregnant, and I was terrified but he is always there for me no matter what. Coming up on 10 years together this year and 8 years married. He works 40+ hours a week to take care of us and I’m a stay at home mom. I want nothing more than to give him the world because he is my everything. He has really bad knee pain and gets migraines. He won’t smoke weed and risk his job, so I’m hoping I can win this for him. He is an awesome husband and father!!! I love him to pieces. Thank you for the opportunity.

  8. Cheyenne Blake

    My fiancé is the most hard working man I know. He has worked harder than most men his age (24) and older since he was a young boy. He sacrifices so much so I will be taken care of. He always puts family first before anything for himself. In doing so, he suffers from chronic pain and arthritis in his shoulder and pain in his back. His shoulder hurts so bad 24/7 that it keeps him awake at night many nights. It makes it difficult for him to wrap his arms around me while we sleep or to even hold my hand while sitting down for long periods of time. Smoking cannabis helps occasionally, but I hate seeing him suffer so bad and so young. He would benefit so so much from CBD products, we just cannot afford what he needs and as much as he needs it. I want to help him and take care of him now so he can enjoy being a father someday (hopefully sooner than later, we’re currently trying to start a family). He is the most amazing man I’ve ever known and he deserves all I can ever give him. <3 Happy (future) Father’s Day!

  9. My husband would benefit from CBD. He does a lot of me and our son. He has a lot of back pain from years of working in high labor jobs.

  10. Hi Stoner Mom!!! I don’t have much to say other than my husband is amazing and wonderful and sexay and deserves all the good the world has to offer. He made me a mom and that alone is worth all the CBD prize boxes in the whole world LOL. This year he was diagnosed with GAD and is currently taking two pharmaceutical medications. SIDENOTE – He recently cracked a rib and I’m super curious to see of the CBD cream would help with the pain!! Thanks!!! Hope Blavid has a super weekend!!!

  11. Eileen Gajewski

    I want to nominate my father. He is the type of guy that just has so much love to give that he would literally take care of the entire neighborhood when I was young. He has been battling with a very rare cancer called cutaneous t-cell lymphoma for almost 10 years now. No one even knew until recently, when the skin sores from the cancer became too large to hide. He is the strongest man I know, but his pain is getting hard to hide. I introduced him to the world of medical marijuana and CBD products and they have helped bring my dad back to life! He would love to win something like this!

  12. Mikaela Coakley

    My hard working father who alway experiences back pains could benefit from CBD greatly! He also lost his father in the past year and has experienced major depressive episodes and refuses to mental health treatment, this think the idea of aa candy or oil can be an easy and less time consuming treatment.

  13. Jennifer

    I would love to nominate my amazing husband and soon-to-be-father (I’m currently 6 months pregnant), Derek. He has been battling depression for a few years now and I believe he would benefit immensely from trying CBD. He has seen the way cannabis has helped me treat my depression and anxiety (Side note-I’m currently not consuming due to being pregnant and living in an illegal state), and has wanted to try medicating with cannabis himself but unfortunately due to his job he cannot. I think this would be a great opportunity for him to try and see how CBD can benefit him without having to worry about his job.

  14. Stephanie R

    I would like to nominate my husband David to win your giveaway. He’s recently been educating himself with all the CBD benefits thanks to myself. He’s been dealing with a lot lately physically and mentally. He’s served two tours in Iraq and is now coming to terms with his PTSD. He’s not one to be on any kind of prescribed meds and something like this bundle would be beneficial to him. Help him get a kick start to a CBD life. The topicals is something that would be amazing for him to try also. He’s such a great father and works so hard for our family. Not to mention he would love this gift! & Happy Father’s Day to all!!

    • Stephanie, thank you for participating! You’ve won one of the prize bundles! Send me your mailing address at and I’ll get the goodies shipped out. Please thank your husband for his dedication and service, I hope he finds relief with CBD!

  15. Shayla langford

    I would love to nominate my husband for the giveaway. He currently works 6 days a week running a family business, usually meaning he stands constantly on concrete floors… to add he suffers from Chorea/Huntington’s Chorea. This causes his back to be in constant spasm. We’ve tried shoes, inserts, mats, yoga, therapy, lots of different medical approaches, and yet we have not been able to reduce the physical twitching. It causes slight memory loss (at least within the moment) as well as near constant movements of his arms, legs, body.
    I would love to try an approach with CBD in different forms and applications, simply for a hope of some relief to the movement.
    He is a kind man with a heart of gold… so I’d like to give it a shot and enter him in the giveaway.

  16. I want to nominate my wonderful husband.He has a big upcoming surgery this month and this gift would be great for his healing process. He would be so thrilled!

  17. michelle

    Hey stoner mom. I truly believe my husband would benefit from cbd. He works 40 plus hours and is really stressed out by the time he gets home. I would love to see if cbd would help relax him a little and give him so relief from his knee injuries. He is a amazing husband and father and homie just needs to chill sometimes and ease his mind lol. Plus he doesn’t smoke or even drink so I think using cbd is a great way for him to get the benefits of cannabis without the high

  18. I would like to nominate my awesome husband! Hes had 2 knee surgeries and lately has been in a lot of pain. Hes an amazing man, husband and father. Unfortunately his knee pain restricts him from being as active as he was before. He can’t play football, weight lift or run around with our hyper daughter as much as he’d like. I know he’d totally benefit from cbd products!

  19. michelle

    This is so great!! I am nominating my husband who has been working 60 to 70 hours a week in the brutal Florida son to be able to give me and my daughter everything we need. He works so hard to be able to give me the opportunity to stay home and raise our daughter. After working long days he comes home and can’t wait to play with the baby and help me do things around the house. I know inside his crying when exhausted. And even though I do everything I can to make his days easier CBD helps with all of his muscle aches and pains. The stress and anxiety of having to be the main source of income. CBD helps make all of that happen without overstressing. Winning given the opportunity to try new things and maybe there are new things out there that will work better for him.

  20. I love this so much! Even though she’s not a man, I would have to nominate my mom for his giveaway. She’s been diagnosed with MS for 14 years now and has always struggled with pain and just as equally annoying side effects with her medication. I know CBD has helped her in the past but she struggles with taking care of herself first – she rarely sets time aside to do research and find natural products to help, let alone make time for herself to relax. I think this would be perfect for her to start getting serious about relieving her pain!

  21. I would like to enter my husband. We have been together for almost 10 years and have been through everything together. We have experienced 2 miscarriages together, both within a year a half of each other. After the second one, I was diagnosed with PCOS (the reason for ALOT of my medical problems). Then a week after our anniversary, he was in a Life or death situation, he was in a fire accident. Through all of the major problems and the minor ones in between, his main concern has always been to make sure that I am happy and taken care of. He is always looking after me before he ever worries about himself.
    While we don’t have any physical children we do have 3 animals and over the time with losing our own children, we have both just adopted them as our fur babies.
    He constantly is dealing with pain from healing from the fire and has discussed wanting to try CBD oil.

  22. My father I know would benefit so much from CBD. He works in the heat all day. I know how tired he is & I know how much his body must hurt. He never complains. He does everything & anything for me & my siblings. But I don’t say everything & anything lightly when I talk about him because he has givin me life. He gave me a kidney when I was 2 when I needed a kidney transplant. He wears his scar with pride & so do I. I am so proud to have a dad like him

  23. I would have to nominate myself since my father, father-in-law and grandfather’s have all passed. I currently use a thc/cbd balm for my back, knee and hip pain. Would love to try a cbd only product.

  24. Michaela Stansell

    The only man in my life is my dad and he eould so benefit from CBD, he has a horrible back. When he was in his 20s (?) A refrigerator fell on him (if you ever want to test a friendship, move a fridge together.) And he works so hard everyday in awkward cramped positions or construction work, basically the worst things he could do for his back (such a guy, right? Lol jk…) Ive been looking into topicals and such but theyre so expensive. He smokes cannabis which helps, but where he lives he has a hard time finding a chance to light up. (Landlords ?) Happy father’s day to you hubby! x