Johnny Parker | Executive Coach, Consultant, Keynote Speaker

10x Better Man is open for enrollment!

The 10x Better Man Course is open for enrollment!

Executive Coaching for Leaders

Executive Performance Coaching for Leaders

Inspiring You to Thrive Internally and Lead Externally

Write your story or others will. Let Dr. Johnny Parker help you get clear on who you are, what’s most important, and live your story of external and internal success.

Frontstage Success

Backstage Success

Total Life Success

You can’t sustain success if you can’t sustain you.

As a leader and high achiever, you are often looked at as a success story. But perhaps a story that may not be the story you were designed to live – one that can take a toll on other areas of your life.

Are you experiencing:

  • Increased anxiety, burnout, or depression
  • A lack of energy negatively impacting your productivity
  • Your family or health failing while your work life is succeeding
  • A feeling of being lost, like you’re drifting from what matters most?
  • Overwhelm due to the “be more, do more, have more, get more” lifestyle

Live the story you were born to live

Thrive On Your Frontstage by Transforming Your Backstage

  • Get clear on who you are and who you are supposed to be
  • Discover the power of allowing stillness to precede strategy
  • Become extremely successful without losing your soul

I began to do the backstage work, and learned this was when I was at my very best.

In my 30s I lived by the motto, “do as much as I can, go as fast as I can, to be as successful as I can.” I was living the life I thought I was to live, and my life seemed almost enviable to others.

  • My beautiful wife (my “Jamaican Sensation”) and I had our three sons
  • I wrote two books, one of which became a bestseller
  • I made a ton of money
  • I appeared on CNN, BET, and more

Then I learned what a terrible thing it was to get what you want and still be unfulfilled. As I was on the verge of losing my marriage, losing my soul, and everything that really mattered.

That is where I began to write a new S.T.O.R.Y. I got clarity and took ownership of my story. I began serving my community and intentionally creating rhythms of rest, which led to life fulfilled; one of greater contentment, greater purpose, and greater physical and mental health.

Let’s Write Your New Story Today

with an executive coach that’ll help you win at work and thrive in life.


Talk to Dr. Parker

Your time is valuable. We’ll make the most of it.


Write your S.T.O.R.Y.

Get clarity. Then write a new and better story.


Enjoy Frontstage and Backstage Success

Live your authentic story. Win at work and thrive in life.

Trusted by Incredible Organizations

What Our Clients are Saying

Jason Campbell

Former NFL Quarterback, Washington Commanders (formerly Redskins)

As a former NFL player and quarterback of the Washington Redskins, I had a fantastic opportunity to meet a lot of people from different places and backgrounds. In life God always put people around you to help you along the way, and I was fortunate enough to meet one of the best there is to offer when I met Dr. Johnny Parker. Dr. Parker is one of the few I can trust. He helped walk me through some tough decisions I had to make lately in life. I’ve been away from the Redskins since 2010 and he still has a relationship with me and continue to reach out and check on me today. That showed me a lot about him, because your career is short lived, but your life continues and for him to show his love and support in my life, for that I am always grateful to call him a friend.

Scott Reeves

CEO at Kairos, Inc.

Dr. Parker is a tremendous leader and executive coach! We did a lot of work on internal development, team development, and legacy impact to our family, communities, and businesses. He challenged you to think about leadership and how to be intentional to "turn pages" vs. being a "book mark" as you create your leadership story. He was truly inspiring and transformational in my leadership journey. If you have the chance, I strongly recommend his mentorship for you and your teams!

Paige Berger

Senior Comms Manager at T-Mobile

Dr. Parker was brought in to moderate our internal monthly DE&I conversation in March of 2021. The initiative fostered conversations between colleagues and professionals alike with the intent to foster a culture that values open, sometimes difficult conversations, and provide a platform to our employees to better understand how others have experienced the world differently. Throughout the program Dr. Parker was engaging, passionate and consistently delivered messages that broadened the aperture of cultural understanding in a relatable and easily digestible manner and we are forever grateful for his expertise and partnership.

Minda Harts

Best Selling Author, Podcast Host, and Founder/CEO, The Memo, LLC

Dr. Johnny Parker’s Frontstage Backstage concepts really resonated with me and with my listeners. His approach was fresh and relatable. His authenticity and expertise around backstage struggles made change seem not only imperative but possible. Dr. Parker is now my go-to guy on optimizing life both frontstage and backstage his expertise and partnership.

Benjamin Musser

Managing Real Estate Broker at United Real Estate

I had the recent privilege of hearing Dr. Parker present Turn The Page: Unlocking Your Story in Life and Business, and I must say that it was an insightful and moving engagement that I think everyone should experience. Throughout my time in business, I’ve had the opportunity of listening to various speakers and coaches, but I can’t say that any of their messages truly hit home and resonated with me in the way Dr. Parker’s did; and yet, his model is applicable to every season one may find themself, in both life and career. Prior to hearing Dr. Parker speak, I had the chance to read one of his books “Turn The Page: Unlocking The Story Within You”, which I also highly recommend. I can definitely say that I will be following and reading more of Dr. Parker’s books, and hope to hear him speak again in the future.

Drew Nelson

Director of Sales at Center

Johnny did leadership consulting with me for a new sales team that we formed recently. His insight and guidance were extremely valuable. At the time we lacked central values (which we didn't know at that time) and his guidance helped us establish a core team mission statement, values, and purpose as a team. I couldn't be more pleased with the suggestions and how he helped me structure an event that drove results. I'd highly recommend Johnny to any organization looking to strengthen their culture through people.

Coach. Consultant. Speaker.

Traveling the 7 C's to Greatness by Dr. Johnny Parker

Are you on the journey toward greatness?

Being great at what you do, and who you are is a journey that will take you places you never dreamed of. Let this tool serve as your map, Traveling the “7 C’S to Greatness”.

Schedule Your Call With Dr. Parker Today

Your life is telling a story. Is It telling the story you were born to tell? I can help you take the lead and turn the page on your life's story.

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Dr. Johnny Parker:

Executive Coach, Leadership Consultant, Keynote Speaker

As an executive coach, leadership consultant, speaker, and former adjunct professor at Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Johnny Parker helps men and women achieve success by viewing their lives as a story. Through his “Frontstage/Backstage” Framework, CEOs, pro athletes, coaches, and other high-impact men and women have gained high-definition clarity and discovered the story they were born to live.

More about Dr. Parker…