Making it here: American Blanket Company a modern-day manufacturing success story

Making it here: American Blanket Company a modern-day manufacturing success story

Peter Jasinski

FALL RIVER — Like many Americans years ago, Rick Lotuff watched as the factories and industries around which whole cities were built started closing up one by one.

Whether it was the manufacturing of textiles, furniture or paper products, cheaper labor and imports from abroad hit hard in many factory towns. Lotuff watched as his own father’s business, a producer of women’s apparel, had to close its doors in 1985.

“Textiles are in my soul. It’s my heart. I grew up with that from the time I was 8 years old, sweeping the floor in my dad’s factory, to the time I learned how to cut fabric at the cutting tables,” he said. “I grew up in textiles. These old mills are like home to me, so it feels great to be here.”

The “here” Lotuff refers to is 18 Pocasset St. Until recently, the space was referred to as a former textile factory. Now it’s back to being a textile factory.

Lotuff’s business, American Blanket Company, is in the final stages of moving into its new Fall River home. In business for six years, the blanket manufacturer had previously operated on Ace Street and most recently Pleasant Street. The new location means 25,000 square feet of space in which to work, including a new retail showroom that American Blanket Company had previously been unable to offer customers.

Described by Lotuff as “very much a traditional factory outlet,” the showroom will offer a variety of American Blanket Company products, including previous-season items and factory extras. All products will be sold at a discount of 20%, meaning Lotuff is incentivizing his customers to shop local at brick-and-mortar stores instead of buying online.

“We really want to make it into an experience for people,” he explained. “Everything we do here is of the highest quality. We want people to be able to walk in and feel like they’re in a space that focuses on quality.”

For graphic designer Amy Chouinard, the new showroom means being able to interact with the customers wanting to buy the patterns she creates.

“We’d had a few walk-ins before, but we didn’t have an optimized space where people could see our product displayed nicely. It was more of a factory,” she said. “We’ll have a lot more space for customers to come in now, and to let the community know we’re here.”

American Blanket Company’s products can be made to order and personalized. The business also specializes in over-sized blankets. Lotuff maintains his product is 30% heavier than the average competing blankets on the market and that his company’s attention to brushing and sheeting means the blankets are non-shedding and non-pilling. The company also guarantees product longevity.

“Anything you purchase through the American Blanket Company is guaranteed for life,” Lotuff said. “We really focus on trying to make something better.”

It was his affinity for old mill buildings that made Lotuff want to open in Fall River. He referenced the city’s history of textiles and moniker as the “Spindle City” as big motivating factors in choosing where to open.

Prior to American Blanket Company, Lotuff founded Berkshire Blanket in 1993 before selling the company in 2006. He stayed on Berkshire’s board of directors until 2012, but explained that he was itching to do something new.

“My goal was really to bring manufacturing back to the U.S. It was a really difficult time in 2009, 10, 11 and 12. People were needing jobs and I thought this would be a good thing to bring back,” he said.

About 20 people work for American Blanket Company. Its products are shipped all over the country. By the end of September, customers will be able to see that progress firsthand when the company's showroom officially opens to the public.