Yes Claire should stay away from Summer and Harrison, and if she sees them in the park and Harrison wants to have fun, just say sorry Harrison but I have somewhere I have to be.

ita, summer will never soften so its pointless. just make kyle understand that its not happening.

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exactly, and IF as some say Kyle finishes the deal Diane told him to leave alone, he could be out of work, so no nanny needed

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they don’t need a nanny. there is after school care, he can go there or pay mrs.Martinez more money and she can pick him up. no 7 year old needs a nap either. he is used to Mrs.Martinez so problem solved. Kyle and summer can stop drinking in the afternoon and take care of their own kid.

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I agree with all you said, especially the last line …
no afternoon drinks be at the house with your KID

yes to after school programs, and Harrison would love hanging out in the kitchen plus probably Mrs Martinez can see backyard, wouldn’t there be swings and things for him to play??? Heck, get him a puppy he would be outside with the dog


right, its like the writers have no clue what people do with their kids while they work.


That’s what’s so odd! Why does it have to be Harrison? Victor has all kinds of connections, why not go work at a Daycare or nanny agency?

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Victor would have to have a phony resume made up … doing a real background check on Claire would result in her never working with children, and possibly never getting a job anywhere except Newman


It’s sheer lunacy thinking Phyllis isn’t a lunatic :joy:

Because she isn’t

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These days, it’s sheer lunacy to keep watching this show and hoping the storylines will somehow make sense. And yet, here we are. :crazy_face:


I just saw an interview with AL and MM. The subject of Chance came up, and MM said that “Kyle will always be a little jealous of anyone that Summer is with. Kyle wants Summer to be happy so he’s okay with her relationship with Chance, for now.”

Well, that tells me that Chance ain’t going anywhere, and that Kyle will eventually get his knickers in a twist somewhere down the line.:woman_shrugging:t6:


Ohh where did you see that

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I see nothing wrong with Claire and I do not see she needs therapy. She will move on and take one day at a time. I do not see therapy happening in the near future.

Summer had no right to take Harrison out of the Abbott house. Kyle is Harrison father and Summer is a step-mom. And the Abbott’s all would never let that happen. Do not see any judge giving a stepmom the rights over someone else child when Kyle is a good dad. And Harrison has everything he wants and needs in the Abbott home.

The Newman’s all have forgiven Claire and welcomed her into their home. I like to see Claire to come somebody and make a good life for herself.

Claire is living in Newman LA LA Land it isn’t anywhere near truthful…she needs therapy not another speech of you are strong.
As for the other posts

Since it was said several times Kyle and Summer have JOINT Custody yes Summer could take Harrison out the house.


Spot on!


It was a video clip that popped up on soaps(.)com You know those small videos that show up randomly, and contain ads?

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Oh ok on this site? Thanks!

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