Studenten zitten in het gras in de lente.
Studenten zitten in het gras in de lente.

Studying at Radboud University

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  • Bachelor's Open Day

    Visit our Bachelor's Open Day and attend information sessions about the Bachelor's of your interest, get to know our green campus, and ask all your questions to students and staff.

  • Online Master's Weeks

    Haven't chosen a Master's programme yet? No problem. Get all the information from our lecturers, study advisors and students on our online platform and get a good impression of our Master's programmes.

  • Master's Open Day

    Join us for the Master's Open Day! Discover our campus and get information on all our Dutch and English-taught (pre-)Master's programmes. For some programmes you can also join the Master's Open Day online.


Radboud universiteit huistijl beeld

Developments demonstrations on campus

In this current overview you will find the latest developments regarding the demonstrations on the Radboud University campus. The latest update is at the top.

Radboud universiteit huistijl beeld

Statement concerning announced lecture Monday 10 June 2024

Situating Palestine has invited Mohammed Khatib to speak on campus on Monday 10 June. The context of widespread unrest at this moment led to the decision to not allow the meeting to take place within the walls of the university buildings.

Radboud universiteit huistijl beeld

Mayor designates spot for demonstrations on Radboud University campus

Gaza/Pro-Palestine demonstrations on the Radboud University campus may henceforth only take place at a site designated by the Mayor, next to the Elinor Ostrom building, at location P7a.


GSH Writing Retreat

GSH Writing Retreat

The GSH Writing Retreat takes place between 10 and 12 June 2024 in Villa Vennendal in Nunspeet and is aimed at advanced PhD candidates who are in the final phase of writing their manuscript.

De letters CCEP in donderrood tegen een Radboudrode achtergrond

Decolonizing Kant’s Critique of Taste

I would like to address a specific critique - namely, of Kant's logic of aesthetic judgment - and use it to demonstrate how radical but also how challenging it is, to develop a decolonial perspective on the problematic heritage of Enlightenment.

Education Day Science 2024

Education Day Science 2024

Join us to discuss future-proof teaching.