My Discord account was hacked/stolen. Then I finally got it back through Discord Support : r/discordapp Skip to main content

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My Discord account was hacked/stolen. Then I finally got it back through Discord Support


Two and a half months, nearly three. That's how long it took for Discord Support to send me the magic reset button to fix my account after I lost it due to some scammers that got $800 smackers from me. Radio silence since submitting the ticket, periodically poking the Discord Support twitter for any updates if at all. I was stressed the entire time. I just bought my year's worth of Nitro, my PayPal was connected to it and I still run a small server for artists and friends and was rug-pulled by some malicious entity that were using it to pedal this scam with my 8 years worth of contacts I've built in there, professional and personal. But in the end, even when this happened right as Discord slashed 17% of their workforce since 2024 started and recently adding some significant user security upgrades. I was still able to get my account back, albeit, heavily damaged and a lot of clean up required to getting comfy with it again.

I am making this post for those who happen to fall into a similar position. Regardless of why, I want to let you know that if you are in a similar situation like I was where losing this account is not an option and having it returned is worth more than it's weight in gold, then let me tell you now that it will be okay, and I have the steps for you to follow before you do anything. Just breathe. You will get your account back. If you are rattled at all, PLEASE take a moment to calm down. Breathe, have some ice cream, pet your cat, whatever. Having that more clear head will make digesting the situation easier. Disclaimer, this is my single experience of losing and regaining my 8 year old account I've had since Discord started, so results may vary but from what I learned, this is about how it will usually go down.

Please note that these steps and this process works best as long as your Discord is valid. As we all know it is possible to make a discord account without all the complete details such as a phone number, 2FA and all that jazz. Also make sure you still have access to the same email that the discord once had. Discord records all changes on all accounts ever so this will be very important. Otherwise you you may be out of luck.

Firstly, make a ticket. Be calm, be concise, and provide as much evidence of the hack/theft as possible. If you still have contact with friends on Discord, ask them to take some screenshots of the now hacked account. BE SURE TO USE THE SAME EMAIL AS THE NOW HACKED DISCORD IN YOUR TICKET. Discord will not respond if the email doesn't correlate to their system to the alleged hacked account.

THE FIRST WAIT. After you submitted your ticket, you will receive at least one or two emails about your ticket from Discord's email bots. This is normal, you will receive one letting you know that the ticket was received and within the next week, another will arrive letting you know if it has been elevated or note to their department that handles the relevant affairs. If you do not receive any emails at all, you may have provided incorrect information and may need to create another ticket.

THE BIG WAIT. Discord, while their support is less than stellar, is because they really are humans that use real human eyes and brains to check your real human problem with their service. This will take time because god knows how many of these tickets they gotta sift through on the daily. Especially for Discord, they WILL take time. Maybe you will be lucky like my friend who got their account back within 48 hours, or maybe it will take well over 6 months. It just depends but it WILL happen. Discord WILL get to your ticket. Like any support ticket system, they won't toss them unless there is literally nothing they can do about it, i.e, mismatched email or invalid info in your ticket with no matches to their system.

If you can, it never hurts to make an alt in the time being so you can still participate in servers or still chat with friends. Make sure TO NOT use the same email your hacked account used as that will likely complicate and ruin your chances of getting your account back. if your hacked account had your phone number as well, do not include that either and simply leave that alone. This will effectively be a burner account so try to keep it as light as possible.

If you want, you can politely ask their Twitter Support account for any updates on your ticket. They will be limited to not expunge anything specific to account security, but you CAN ask about if your ticket is still open and is in queue. They will answer, just be patient with their replies. Just be nice, polite and concise like always. If they do not respond within a day. Give them another full 24 hours before shooting another message.

DO NOT ADD TO YOUR TICKET ONCE IT HAS BEEN SUBMITTED. Apparently, in that little line in the email chain once you get this far, that says "please provide any additional info here", do not. Apparently doing so will push your ticket to the back of the line and as alluded earlier, will not help anyone. So be sure you provide enough info from the initial ticket and just leave it UNLESS you receive any further emails in the chain to provide more info.

If you did everything right, you will eventually receive that godsend of an email with the magic link to reset your account to the last email and create a new password. It will be logged out of all sessions and will require you to log in with the new password and original email BUT you will then have your account back! It would be a great time to get that 2FA and security codes downloaded while you're here so in case this happens again (god forbid), you have a safety.

I have written this as there are very few, if any success stories about someone getting their stolen/hacked account back and endless amounts of stories of people complaining about how slow Discord support is and never following up if they actually got their account back. I want this to be a beacon for those who want to know that there is hope to getting you account back if it is so important to you. I get it, I was there and it absolutely sucks, especially of you literally work out of that account and means too much to lose. I genuinely hope this is useful for anyone who may be hurting over a lost account but again, please know that you CAN get it back and everything will be okay.

If you can, please share anything similar if you happen to, or had a success story to an account recovery. We need more positivity and patience when it comes to things like this and would like to start it here.

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My discord account is seven years old and recently got hacked. I got the account back within two weeks. This is the link I went to:

At first, I had emailed the wrong wing of discord support(general help and support), because of which I didn’t receive any response for a week. However, when I changed the subject to “Hacked account”, I got my account back within minutes! It seems like Discord’s “investigation” was automated and done by Nelly Bot.

If you’ve lost your discord account, don’t lose hope! I was told by so many people that chances of me getting my account back are very low. However, OP and I got back our accounts and you’ll be able to do so too!

I did it through this link and it’s been a seems to vary person to person. :(

Yeah. I think back when I got hacked, the hacker already sent messages with my account and discord limited the account too. That combined with my friends reporting it made it faster? Not sure lol

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Damn… honestly this is great information to know. I’m currently waiting almost 3 whole freaking months for discord to respond back to me/give me any updates on my account. I lost so much freaking money and this scammer tricked me into giving them my discord account & waste so much money on them.

I’ve been sending in weekly emails since I sent my ticket, asking for some reminders and some that were a little bit peeved off since the damn scammer gifted their stolen accounts with pfp effects and somehow was able to use my credit card, even though I had gotten a new one. I didn’t think that sending in weekly emails would get my ticket pushed back to the bottom 😭 But I guess now I have to make a twitter account just to politely ask about my ticket :,)

u/Leader_Creepy avatar

I am quite disappointed that a staff looked into my ticket and then the discord safety team just replied to me that they are unable to help me with my account. Even with the advices this thread offers, they just simply replied they are unable to help me. I guess I'll be trying another ticket with a different content

u/Leader_Creepy avatar

I don't really see how would the troubleshooting tips the bot provide help even...

u/Mega_Star0 avatar

The bot’s suggestions are a bit stank, yeah, but if they closed the ticket from the bot, THEN you can make a new ticket. Make sure to ask through their twitter about the status of the previous ticket to make sure it is or is not closed before opening another ticket. Redundant ticket’s will slow the process further or create a confusing email chain.

u/Leader_Creepy avatar

I don't even get a reply in Twitter.

u/Leader_Creepy avatar

Anyway, I just made another ticket. One at a time. Next attempt, if I get another bot reply, I'll try to match it to their working hours.

I really thought the process will be smooth going and slow when a human staff member replied and just going to be patient until the email comes.... Nope, a bot closed it. Regardless, I appreciate the reply on this comment

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wish i looked at this a moment before replying to the bot email lmaoo. i dont mind waiting but i dont know if i had anything like my card linked to my account, so now im scared to unlock my card🥲 glad to hear you were able to get it back. wish discord had a live support for these kinds of issues

Wait wait wait it took 2.5 months?! My account got disabled for litterally no reason. It said I was spamming, botting, blah blah blah but I was asleep at the time all this happened. I got banned for the same reason 3 years ago and they said sorry and unbanned me and you're saying its 2.5 months for them to reply well fuck me that's means my accounts gone... The fuck discord

Y’all are doing better than me. My 7 year old account got hacked. The hacker put multi factor authentication on it. Support told me that can’t remove the MFA for privacy and safety reasons. They told me the only option is for them to delete the account.

u/ManufacturerWeak7155 avatar

My account was hacked then banned. I didn't even get a reason as to why my account was banned. Support won't tell me either just generic responses. I just gave up even though I've had my account since 2015. I'm switching to Revolt and telling people to do the same.

u/Liquidator106 avatar


3 questions.

1.) Are you suggesting not to add comments even to the Clyde message that ends up auto marking the ticket as solved?

2.) I was hacked back on Feb 19th, 2024, and made an alt and did attach my phone number to it because discord is my main means of communication with everyone I know pretty much(I used a different email for the alt tho). But if discord keeps the info regarding old details to the account, then shouldn't it not be an issue that my phone number is attached to an alt rn?

3.) If the hacked changed the tag associated with the account, do you think putting the current associated tag would be better than the old tag in the ticket creation submission? I had to snipe the tag I had on the hacked account with an alt because discord was taking too long to deal with the situation. I've tried my old old tag(pre tag update), and my old new tag. Neither have changed the outcome. I'm currently trying with the current associated tag, but idk how much that'll change the situation . . .

u/Mega_Star0 avatar
  1. Yes, the tickets will apparently push it back so once you provide all your info, leave it.

  2. I would hope it’s not an issue but it’s something I left out of my alt just to make it easier when they do give you that big ol’ reset button.

  3. If the hackers change the tag, whatever, Discord records all those changes so it’s not a problem but it is imperative to give them the original tag the account had as of being hacked.

Since you took the tag from the previously hacked account, I believe that’s just gonna make it harder for them to reset it since they’re system will just say “oh wait, this account they claimed to be hacked is actually new and is not hacked at all” even tho the previous account that had it with the same name WAS hacked and is now sporting a new tag. That’s how the scammers get you and ruin your chances on getting the account back.

Like I said, you could be waiting for months on end. You just have to make sure you don’t reuse any previous credentials else your chances of getting that hacked account back are gonna suck.

u/Liquidator106 avatar

mm, that does make sense about how they might be flagging my tickets or marking them as solved because I did grab the new tag and it now exists on another account from the one it was originally on.

I have provided a lot of info tho, so I just gotta hope.

I wish they just asked for account user ID instead of tag however, since that is attached regardless. Although I've given it in the ticket messages, I hope they consider changing it to be an input for the ticket creation.

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I got hacked too, my email got compromised which allow the hacker to obtain my discord. The hacker didn't remove the phone bind to the discord but oddly I cannot recover account via phone alone. Tsk. If you use your number on another account, wouldn't that unassociated your old account? If they add 2FA on it, wouldn't you be in trouble because of the lack of phone as workaround for 2FA?

u/Liquidator106 avatar

in my case, they already removed my phone number and email at the same time so both were unassociated to anything, so it didn't matter. but yes it's possible it could add to your evidence to your case if it was still attached. I still have my 2FA authenticator creating codes, but those are useless now. But yes, typically your phone number can only be attached to one account.

They just reverted my email, it took only 3 days....

u/Liquidator106 avatar

q.q well, I'm happy they're willing to do stuff that fast for some people

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u/Liquidator106 avatar

Things I've submitted in my tickets(I'm on my 8th now cause they keep marking as solved):

  • Ticket made with the original email

  • SSs of transaction receipts between discord and my email, and between paypal and my email

  • SS of account creation email

  • Original phone number attached

  • SS of driver's license sitting against my computer screen, which has my discord profile burned into the screen . . . right next to the license --> proving DOB and identity because my email and paypal shared my name

  • SSs of me being logged in on pc and on mobile in the past

  • SSs of me inside user settings playing around with profile settings, which would showed the old tag

  • Info related to old connections on the account (Steam, Spotify, Blizzard, Twitch, Crunchyroll, etc)

  • Account User ID

  • Old tag before the tag update

  • New tag after the tag update

  • SS of the hacker texting my phone number asking to trade for my account

  • SS of hacker logging into my Crunchyroll from the same location that their phone number's area code matched

What I lack:

  • Email change email (the hacker session logged me and had access to the email for a little bit. I didn't know you could recover deleted emails within 30days, but didn't learn that until 6weeks after while waiting for my original ticket to be replied to.

  • Back-up codes (I'm sad that discord doesn't automatically download the back-up codes on your device the moment you activate 2FA. I thought I had them downloaded, I was wrong. . . I generated them but never saved them it seems ;-; )

Discord support is really trash, at least now i know for what ive been paying 50 bucks yearly. They closed every one of my tickets making me unanable to respond to them anymore

Well i guess i will buy cheap turkish nitro for new acc because they are not worth anything more than it

u/Liquidator106 avatar

it does suck that the support system isn't very helpful or that the team is understaffed ;-;

after a MONTH of silence my acc got disabled so probably even if they would recover it i would get banned in 5 months

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u/LowAdvertising7465 avatar

i was hacked almost a month ago and they haven't replied to me, i also think my acc was disabled from what my friends are sending me... what do i do to make discord respond FASTER AND GET MY F-ING ACC BACK

u/Mega_Star0 avatar

You cannot, that’s the stank part of all of this. If you did everything right and you have nothing out of place or redundantly in another alt account, then you simply need to wait. If it helps, you can politely asked their Twitter about the status of your ticket. Gives a little peace of mind.

u/LowAdvertising7465 avatar

I DMED them on Twitter many times over the past few days and they haven’t replied or even open my message and I’m getting more worried that they won’t get my acc back

u/Mega_Star0 avatar

Your first problem was that you kept pestering them. Just one concise message of “hello, my ticket is xxxxxxxx, may I please know if it’s still in the queue and open?” And leave it. The poor underpaid wage-slave is still human beyond their Twitter and doing one message and waiting a few days is what worked for me. Only once did I have to message again when I didn’t receive a reply in over a week. Patience is the key here.

u/LowAdvertising7465 avatar

thats bs considering they are a multimillion company and barely have support they need to fix that.

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My account got hacked a month ago, I’ve emailed discord and was told that there isn’t anything they can do.. so I’ve pretty much lost all hope

u/poliswhirld avatar

Hi there! Thank you for providing this information. Could you tell me, if I happened to make a new alt account and already used my phone number (the same one for the original account- even though I did use a different email for that new one as well), is there no hope? Or can I always go back and change it so that the support staff does not get confused in case they (by some miracle) decide to look further into this? My Discord was hacked, they pretty much said to the first ticket they couldn't help, so I'm on my second ticket now. Your patience with this gives me hope, but gosh this is so upsetting for me.

u/Chance_Surround_7914 avatar

I replied to it 4 times and as i lost 2 accounts i will on the second one wait