The Meaning Behind The Song: Us And Them by Pink Floyd - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Us And Them by Pink Floyd

Title: “Us and Them” by Pink Floyd: Decoding the Meaning Behind the Classic Song


Released in 1973 on the album “The Dark Side of the Moon”, “Us and Them” by Pink Floyd is an anthem that has become synonymous with the band’s legacy and the era of classic rock. With its powerful lyrics and haunting melodies, this iconic song has fascinated fans and critics alike for decades. But what does “Us and Them” really mean? In this article, we will explore the intricate themes and symbolism behind the song, from the sociopolitical commentary to the humanistic philosophy that underpins the band’s musical vision.

The Sociopolitical Message of “Us and Them”

One of the most striking elements of “Us and Them” is its critique of the social and political structures that divide human beings. The song’s opening line, “Us and them, and after all, we’re only ordinary men”, sets the tone for a reflection on the arbitrary nature of borders, nations, and ideologies. The lyrics describe how people are “just a little less than one another”, and how they often end up fighting over things that have no inherent value, such as money, power, and status. The chorus conveys a sense of despair and resignation, as if the divide between “us” and “them” is insurmountable and eternal.

The War and Peace Dichotomy

Another key theme of “Us and Them” is the contrast between war and peace, violence and empathy. The song references the “slaughterhouse” of war, and how it turns human beings into “heroes and cowards”, but also depicts a more peaceful scene, where people are “just two lost souls swimming in a fishbowl”. This duality reflects the band’s pacifist stance, as expressed in other songs such as “Another Brick in the Wall” and “Wish You Were Here”. Pink Floyd was known for promoting a message of love, unity, and compassion, and “Us and Them” is a poignant reminder of the need to overcome the destructive forces that tear us apart.

The Universal Appeal of “Us and Them”

Despite its specific historical context, “Us and Them” has a timeless quality that makes it relevant and relatable to listeners of all generations. The song captures the essence of the human condition, the eternal struggle between individual and collective identity, between self-interest and altruism, between fear and hope. As the band’s lead singer Roger Waters once said, “The song is about all of us in the world, really. It’s about how we’re divided from one another by the arbitrary boundaries that we create for ourselves. But in the end, we’re all the same.”

The Impact of “Us and Them” on Music History

Beyond its thematic depth, “Us and Them” is also a masterpiece of musical composition and arrangement. The song features a lush orchestration, with saxophones, keyboards, and backing vocals creating a rich tapestry of sound that perfectly complements the lyrics. The instrumental interlude, with its slow-building crescendo and soaring guitar solo, is a prime example of Pink Floyd’s ability to create transcendent musical moments. “Us and Them” has been covered by numerous artists, from Foo Fighters to Phish, and is often cited as a key influence on the development of progressive rock and other genres.

The Legacy of Pink Floyd

As one of the most iconic bands in music history, Pink Floyd has left a lasting mark on popular culture and the collective imagination. Their ability to blend social commentary, philosophical musings, and technical virtuosity has inspired countless musicians and fans over the years. “Us and Them” remains a testament to the band’s visionary artistry, and a testament to the power of music to unite people across time and space. As Waters put it, “Music is a powerful force, and when used in the right way, it can bring people together and change the world.”


In conclusion, “Us and Them” by Pink Floyd is a song that defies easy categorization or interpretation. Its complex themes and poetic lyrics have captivated audiences for decades, and continue to resonate with new generations of listeners. Whether seen as a meditation on war and peace, a critique of social and political divisions, or a celebration of human empathy and creativity, “Us and Them” stands as a testament to the power of music to move, inspire, and transform. In the words of the song, “Forward he cried from the rear, and the front rank died”. But “Us and Them” reminds us that there is another way, a way of unity, hope, and love.

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