Vital free upgrade for all Android phones coming that alerts users to scam calls

Android phone.
There's a vital upgrade coming to Android phones -Credit:Joan Cros/NurPhoto via Getty Images

A free upgrade has just dropped across the Android community and it is not one to be missed this time around.

Google has just confirmed its next round of updates for Android and one feature will alert users if they are receiving a spam phone call. This new feature is similar to those warnings that pop up when checking your email inbox and being sent something potentially malicious, reports the Mirror.

When those scam callers manage to secure your number and ring you, Google's Gemini AI will be able to monitor any conversation and provide live warnings if they believe you could be getting scammed.

For example, this function would alert you if a "bank representative" rings and asks you for personal information, to transfer funds or make a payment over the phone. These are all extremely uncommon requests from actual banks and that will alert the AI.

Once a scam may have been found, a warning will pop up on your screen to tell you and if you want to hang up - agree and you will end the call straight away.

For those who may be worried that Google is listening into your calls, the tech giant has said that all of the monitoring takes place on the device so your conversations stay private to you. The service - called Gemini Nano - is in the middle of being tested and could be rolled out to those who opt in later on this year.

Google scam alert.
Google scam alert -Credit:Google

Scam calls, emails and so on have been a massive issue for people for years, as a recent Government report noted that billions of pounds are lost each year to crooks online - so this new update could lower that number.

Other upgrades heading to Android in the future include improvements to their Circle to Search feature - which offers help to students that are solving equations and even more.

You will also be able to ask the Gemini feature to create an image via voice control and add it to your emails and texts. Google also said that it will continue to upgrade its Gemini feature to give users more varied suggestions related to what's on their screen.

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