Jack - Jack20240513
A webcomic focusing on sin of wrath, a green rabbit named Jack, and his adventures in the afterlife.


13th May 2024, 9:00 AM in Arc LI: No Deposit, No Return
<<First Latest>>

Author Notes:

DarkwingDude 23rd May 2024, 8:01 PM
Thanks very much to Philip Grom for doing the artwork for this arc! Check out more of his work here!


Anon 13th May 2024, 10:31 AM
And there it is...
Lightshade 13th May 2024, 5:43 PM
I was getting the feeling in the first couple pages these guys haven't done this too many times before and definitely feeling it again. Killing your hostages is honestly one of the WORST moves to make in a bank robbery for various reasons. One is that, as shown, there aren't a lot of people in a bank at any given time. This isn't like in Air Force One, where you can say "We're gonna kill a person every [X amount of time]" as a threat because you've got a hundred people and have the luxury of a lot of them to choose from. Thirty people? Twenty people or so? That number will get low fast. The other is that the situation from a police perspective changes because suddenly you're not just committing robbery and attempted kidnapping, you just committed a murder, so you've taken a situation that was already at a ten up to a twenty. And lastly these guys are being waaayyyy too chatty and flashy. They already had a guy inside, having him actually get up to the teller and start the process of robbing before the other two burst in for the intimidation factor would have been a smarter and more subtle idea. Bank robberies should be in and out in a few minutes, five to seven tops. Anymore than that and you risk the police showing up before you can get away.

Poor little lizard kid though, I hope he makes it out even if no one else does, but since this comic hasn't shied away from killing younger kids before who knows?
Guest 13th May 2024, 8:50 PM
No, the donkey woman seemed so nice. Honestly expected them to go after the fox security guard first if they were to kill someone as an example. Like the other comment said, hopefully the lizard kid makes it out ok….or makes it out at least.