Napoli lose Olivera to knee ligament injury - Football Italia

Mathias Olivera left the pitch in tears in Napoli’s win over Atalanta and tests today confirmed an injury to the ligaments of his left knee.

The 26-year-old Uruguayan left back caused concern in the Campania capital after coming off in the 39th minute of the 2-1 win over Atalanta on Saturday, visibly upset and pained as he was carried off the pitch.

Olivera has featured regularly for Napoli this season, seeing 956 minutes of action across 15 matches. His injury forced new coach Walter Mazzarri to adapt centre back Juan Jesus to the left side of the backline.

As announced by Napoli today, Olivera underwent a round of medical tests at Villa Stuart this morning which confirmed the presence of a grade two injury to the medial collateral ligament of his left knee.

The 26-year-old will now be sidelined for a number of weeks, and the injury to Mario Rui means Mazzarri will have to continue using Juan Jesus as the left back for the time being.

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