Minnesota Lt Governor Filled Out Her Bracket Based On Abortions Laws | OutKick

Minnesota Lt Governor Wants Everyone To Know She Filled Her Bracket Out Based On Which States Offer Abortions

One of my favorite things about March Madness is the phenomenon of how hardcore basketball fans will slave over their office pool brackets, combing through stats, only to lose to that one lady who doesn't know a thing about hoops and picked her bracket based on which mascots she liked best.

I didn't think there was a goofier way to fill out a bracket, but I was wrong. 

You can always fill one out for some political cache the way Minnesota Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan did.

Just a heads up folks: you may want to grab a jacket because there will be douche chills…

Flanagan who is — and this may shock you — a Democrat, shared her brackets for both the men's and women's tournaments.

"I filled out my brackets based on whether those schools are located in a state that protects access to abortion care," Flanagan wrote, surely waiting for progressives to come out of the woodwork to pat her on the back for her bravery. 

"By this measurement, it’s only fair that Minnesota didn’t make the tournament because they’d have been a favorite for the title."

No, they wouldn't have, Peg…

She said that if both states allowed abortions she went with the higher seed. This left her with UConn as the men's champions and the University of Southern California on the women's side.

"I look forward to the day when there’s universal abortion access and this method is obsolete. Let’s go," Flanagan wrote.

Well, it can't become obsolete if it was never effective or useful to begin with, but whatever helps you pander, Peg.

Can We Go One Moment Without Politicians Grandstanding?

Ugh… okay. God forbid we go one moment without trying to score some brownie points. It's just sad at this point.

It actually seems exhausting. Everyone's having a good time filling in their brackets, but then here comes Peggy Flanagan to throw a wet blanket on the fun.

Can't we have fun watching hoops? No; Peggy wants to bring everything back to abortion talk.

Does she do this for the Super Bowl too? Just picks teams based on the left-wing ideology of the state the team plays in?:

"Yo, Peg; who you taking?"

"San Francisco because California allows parents to lop off their kid's body parts in the name of gender identity."

"Jeez; just say Niners next time…"

She sounds like a delight, doesn't she?

Although, on the men's side of the equation, Flanagan did wind up with a decent pick in UConn to win the championship. 

I mean, she took a bizarre road to get there and probably muffed just about every other game with her Planned Parenthood approach to bracketology, but if she wins the office pool, congrats… I guess.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.